Pico Hydroelectricity: presentation of a pico hydropower plant at private homes in France
Summary: Since 1985 Mme and Mr X have lived in an isolated house located below a mountain side in the Alpes de Haute Provence (04).
When they moved in in 1985, Mrs and Mr X made a request for connection to the electricity network from EDF but the connection cost being prohibitive, they preferred to produce electricity on site from the energy that can be obtained. provide the torrent that crosses their land.
Mr X knew the technology and he wanted to be independent in energy level. Mr and Mrs X have therefore chosen to install a small hydroelectric plant (at their expense because the subsidies did not exist), that would provide free electricity after the repayment of the facility.
I would like more precise information to implement the installation of a pico hydroelectric power station. Thank you
Hello Annie, you can watch on the forum : https://www.econologie.com/forums/search.php?keywords=pico+hydraulique&terms=all&author=&sc=1&sf=all&sr=posts&sk=t&sd=d&st=0&ch=300&t=0&submit=Rechercher