Arriving between April and early May, the swallows made their return to Europe this year, but for how long? These small birds, weighing only 20 grams, are nevertheless important in terms of biodiversity. They are valuable allies in the fight against mosquitoes which are increasingly […]
Category: Physical Sciences, Chemistry and Biology
A bit of Physics, Chemistry and Biology
Diamonds are forever… and against a hydraulic press?
Will a 1.2 carat diamond of around 4000 euros withstand a hydraulic press weighing a few tons? Video response: Download Video as MP4
the sonoluminesence
Presentation, study and implementation of the phenomenon of Sonoluminescence 12 pages by F. Moulin. Extract from the document: Study of sonoluminescence Introduction Sonoluminescence is the conversion of "sound into light". It occurs when one or more bubbles, trapped inside a liquid by a sinusoidal sound field, are forced to oscillate during the phases […]
Study the phenomenon sonoluminescence
Presentation, study and implementation of the phenomenon of Sonoluminescence 12 pages by F. Moulin. Introduction Sonoluminescence is the conversion of "sound into light". It occurs when one or more bubbles, trapped inside a liquid by a sinusoidal acoustic field, are forced to oscillate during the phases of compression and depression of the acoustic wave. […]
Thesis on the wet combustion and performance by Rémi Guillet
Wet combustion and its performances 232 pages in .pdf Thesis presented in view of obtaining the title of Doctor of the University Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1 in Mechanical Science and Energy. By Rémi GUILLET. Keywords: wet combustion / combustion / humidity / hygrometry / environment / efficiency / energy / thermal process / nitrogen oxides […]
Fukushima nuclear disaster, the other Chernobyl?
No one can ignore the desperate nuclear situation at the Fukushima 1 Daiichi power plant anymore… We are facing a desperate situation despite the attempts to minimize the industrial players or the government but also, and this is less understandable or acceptable, some players French politicians… On, we are not “viscerally” anti-nuclear: we […]
Calculating the fuel efficiency of a car
What is the overall fuel efficiency of a car? by Michel Kieffer - .pdf of 21 pages on the energy balance of a thermal car. Find out more: - By the same author: the energy useful for moving a car - Energy balance from the well to the wheel of a thermal and electric car - Electric car, electricity […]
Download: energy and power useful for moving a car, calculations, analyzes and equations
Calculations of the energy useful for moving a car by Michel Kieffer - .pdf 36 pages on the assessment of the energy needs of a car account of its characteristics (mass, SCx, speed, acceleration…). Want to know more? The author of this document is also the initiator of this very big subject of forums on the car of […]
Thesis of the Mines de Paris: combustion of fuel oil and water
Contribution to the combustion of water emulsions in heavy fuel oil. Thesis from the Mines de Paris presented in March 2008 by D. Tarlet to obtain the degree of Doctor from the Ecole des Mines de Paris, Specialty "Energy". .pdf of 230 pages. Summary Heavy fuel oils, waste oils or animal fats constitute […]
The electric car does have a future?
The electric car, the car of the future? This document is over 30 years old but the questions remain almost unchanged… Find out more: – For or against the electric car? Advantages and disadvantages! – Scientific and technical debate on the car of the future – Forum on electric cars and transport
Density of water and temperature
Table of changes in the density of liquid water as a function of temperature between 0 ° and 101 ° C This table is useful for sizing a thermosyphon heating installation and other thermodynamic applications Learn more and ask your questions on the forum heating
PlasmHyRad combustion assisted Plasma and Hydrogen Radicals
PlasmHyRad project, combustion assisted by Hydrogen and Radicals. by JM Cornier, University of Orléans, GREMI - CNRS - MINISTRY OF RESEARCH. Electric plasma ionization project of combustion air and fuel to improve the efficiency and pollution control of internal combustion heat engines. The tests concern methane, the simplest of […]
The heliostat, solar concentrator by Perrier
Heliotechnical station by JL Perrier article written by JL Perrier for CEDRE in February 1981. The JL Perrier heliotechnical station (called Heliotrope) was created in 1971 and currently comprises three sectors of activity: the solar concentrator, the vehicle to hydrogen and the solar house. All the work required to carry out […]
moist air burning: explanations and performances
Steam pump and wet combustion: explanations and performances By Rémi Guillet. The water vapor pump Having initiated in the early 1970s research and development work on condensing heat generators (of combustion products), in order to limit the atmospheric condensation of the fumes from the new fuel that was, […]
hydraulic ram theory
Theory of hydraulic ram: principle, theory and operation of hydraulic Aries Download file (a newsletter subscription may be required): theory of the hydraulic ram
CO2 emissions per liter of fuel: petrol, diesel or LPG
What are the CO2 emissions depending on the fuel you use: gasoline, diesel (fuel oil) or LPG? In kg of CO2 per liter of fuel This page is the practical application and summary of the page on the combustion equations of alkanes, H2O and CO2 We invite the attentive reader to read this page to know […]
Heat pumps: is it really renewable energy? Advantages and disadvantages
Heat pumps and geothermal energy are currently all the rage, there is no doubt about it! But is it really “renewable” and “free” energy as claimed by techno-commercial documents? We asked ourselves the question openly about forums and the answer is clearly migrated. Read: are heat pumps a […]
Encounter with an old "water" engine, mystery solved!
Continuation and end of the case of the old water engine presented in this document. Instead of a "water engine", it was actually a water injection engine, thus joining the work on the Pantone engine. Water promotes (once again) combustion, but this engine cannot run without “conventional” fuel […]
Meeting with an old "water" engine
Meeting with a "water engine" by a member of the forum. The “mystery of this mysterious engine” was solved a few weeks later, thanks in particular to members of the forum. The Gaston water motor on the forums Explanations of how this engine works, mystery solved… Download the file (a newsletter subscription can […]
The global geoengineering
This article is the continuation of the article: Cooling the Earth to fight against global warming To learn more and discuss: cooling the earth against warming and climate change with global geoengineering: fiction or reality? Global geoengineering or climate manipulation on a planetary scale “The current climate policy seems […]
Cool Earth to fight against global warming?
Our planet Earth soon to be air-conditioned? by Joëlle Pénochet To find out more and discuss: cooling the earth against global warming and climate change with global geoengineering: fiction or reality? All the important studies published recently predict that climate change - announced more than thirty years ago by several official reports, personalities […]
ideal inclination of the solar panels
Find the ideal inclination of solar panels according to your region. Keywords: France, solar, thermal, inclination, photovoltaic, formula, self-construction, construction, tips, tricks, yield, optimize… The inclination of your solar panels will depend on their annual thermal production and therefore their financial profitability, it is therefore important not to neglect this aspect. Adjust the position […]
The molecular properties of water
Synthesis of molecular organization and cluster theory of the water molecule. Download the file (Newsletter subscription may be required): The molecular properties of water
The properties of water: isotopes and molecular structure.
The properties of water: isotopes and molecular structure. The properties of water 1: general The properties of water 2: physical and chemical properties Isotopic composition of water Water is a mixture of various combinations of isotopes of oxygen and hydrogen. others by the number of neutrons associated with the protons […]
Physical and chemical properties of water
The physical and chemical properties of water The properties of water: generalities and curiosity The properties of water: isotopes and molecular structure History Water was considered by the Ancients as one of the 4 fundamental elements: the world was composed of a mixture of these 4 essential principles in variable proportion. It was considered […]