The Fischer Tropsch process: synthetic fuel Keywords: fisher, tropsh, process, liquefaction, fuel, solid, liquid, coal, carbon, biomass, syncrude, syngas, synthesis, fuel, biofuel, agrofuels. The Fischer Tropsch process is a fairly complex liquefaction process for solid or gaseous fuel. In other words, it makes it possible to obtain a liquid fuel from a fuel […]
Category: Biofuels and Biofuels
Biofuels and agrofuels for transport or heating: diester (used for B7 or B10), crude vegetable oil (HVB), pure vegetable oil (HVP), super ethanol or bioethanol (used for E85), original agrofuels vegetable, Biomass to Liquid BtL (Fischer Tropsh), all alternative fuels of non-fossil origin ...
Biomass and biofuels intended for heating (wood heating, pellets, wood chips, etc.)
Biofuels and Biocombustibles Forum
Wood and pellet stoves: reduce your energy bill!
Does the cold make you shiver in your poorly heated house? Do you see your savings going up in smoke with your heating? It is high time to choose a better heating system and to choose a wood stove or a pellet stove. You will be won over by their performance and will appreciate […]
The pellet stove, the star of heating systems!
Imagine yourself near the stove to enjoy a gentle heat! Eh yes ! This is one of the reasons that the pellet stove was highly acclaimed. It has many undeniable assets which have, over time, conquered homes. We tell you all about this heating system which has revolutionized […]
Converting CO2 (+ water + electricity) into ethanol fuel by "nano-spike" catalysis!
Nano-Spike catalysis; discovery of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory made a bit… by chance! The process makes it possible to obtain ethanol from CO2, electricity and water in the presence of a specific nano-catalyst called Nano-Spike. The announced yield on electricity is 60 to 70% which is acceptable on condition that renewable electricity is used (the process […]
Hydraulic or thermal wood stoves
Hydraulic wood stoves: pellet stoves, log boilers or even heat stoves See other types of wood stoves They are based exactly on the same principle as pellet stoves but also have a water heat exchanger. They are therefore designed to be connected to a circuit […]
Pellet Stoves
Pellet or pellet stoves See other types of wood stoves Appeared for the general public in the early 2000s, pellet stoves quickly spread. Their look, power and performance are very varied. They cost, not fitted, between 1500 and 6000 € (hydraulic model) and weigh between […]
firewood stoves, charcoal or briquettes
Wood-burning stoves with logs or wood briquettes See other types of wood-burning stoves These are individual type heaters: fireplaces (open fires), inserts (closed fires), wood-burning stoves and mass stoves. They can burn logs but also briquettes of compressed wood. Read the article on […]
The compressed wood sticks
Compressed wood sticks (equivalent to large pellets not requiring a specific stove) This is a variant of pellets: these are pellets of larger dimensions. Generally their diameter is of the order of 10 cm (8 to 15 cm) and their length from 10 to 40 cm (very variable depending on the manufacturer). […]
Wood pellets
Pellets or wood pellets Called wood pellets or pellets depending on the region, they are made in "granulators" from sawdust (generally sawmill waste), it is the most efficient method of wood heating. fashion ”currently. For the anecdote, their origin is (despite what we think) already "old" […]
Forest heating pads
Forest chips for heating These are more or less large wood chips depending on the machine that crushed them: they are therefore pieces of chipped wood. Their length can vary from 1 to 6 cm, and their thickness and width generally do not exceed 2 to 3 cm. Their […]
Firewood logs
Firewood logs A traditional and ancestral means of heating, it is still the most widespread method of heating with wood in terms of volume. It is the one which is the cheapest but which also represents the most constraints for the user. It is generally sold in stere (stack of 1m by 1m by 1m […]
Composition of wood ash
Composition of wood ash Analysis of the ash reveals the existence of mineral or metallic substances taken from the soil by the plant. In the form of combinations, these substances appear only in small quantities. They are mainly: - sulfur, phosphorus, chlorine, silicon, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, […]
Download wheat biofuel boiler on TF1
Report presenting the development of biofuels, for example combustible wheat, intended for residential or industrial heating. Find out more: forum heating, biomass and biofuels Download file (a Newsletter subscription may be required): Biofuel Wheat Boiler on TF1
Drying of firewood according to air humidity
Drying wood: hygroscopic balance table for firewood or construction wood Burning quality, well-dried wood is a necessary condition for good combustion and good performance of your wood-burning appliance. Burnt wood should be as dry as possible. Below 20% […]
France Green Plastic: plastic bio agrimaterials
Creation of an Agromaterials Cluster for the Plastics Industry The Industries and Agro-Resources, Céréales Vallée and Plastipolis competitiveness clusters signed a partnership agreement at the Agriculture Fair (held in Paris in February and March 2010) for create France Green Plastics, “the Agro-Materials Cluster for Plastics”. This cluster has […]
Belgium: Flemish biofuels in public transport?
VITO studies the environmental impact of biofuels for public transport and service vehicles in Flanders At the request of the Department of Environment, Nature and Energy of the Flemish authorities, VITO (Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek ) analyzed the consumption and emission of three types of service cars using […]
Eubionet 3, European network for the development of energy biomass
The European “biomass-energy” network continues via EUBIONET III After two first productive strands (2002-2008), the European “biomass-energy” network continues through the EUBIONET III project. Funded mainly by the European Union, within the framework of the EIA program (“Intelligent Energy - Europe”), the project began in September 2008, for a period of 3 years. […]
Roasting boosts energy from biofuels
Biofuels produced by roasting Roasting, the process used to roast coffee beans, could increase the energy content of Britain's main energy crops by up to 20%. Indeed, scientists from the Faculty of Engineering Sciences at the University of Leeds looked at the behavior during combustion, after […]
Fuel Biocatalytic of CO2 by Carbon Sciences
CO2 soon to be recycled into fuel thanks to a biocatalyst? Carbon dioxide, long identified as the main culprit in global warming, could gain a new virtue if a small American company succeeds in turning it into gasoline. At first glance, the company seems as crazy as that of […]
The standard NF D35-376 power of a wood stove
How is the power of a wood stove defined according to standard NF D35-376? For any suggestions or remarks: definitions of the power and efficiency of a wood stove The reader will carefully read the introduction to this “wood heating” dossier: why choose firewood, for any questions about heating at [ …]
Fischer Tropsch pilot in France
A Fischer-Tropsch pilot to produce 2nd generation biofuel This BtL pilot unit will be installed on the Bure-Saudron site, located on a territory located at the border of the departments of Haute-Marne and Meuse. “Biomass to Liquid”, the first of its kind in France. This will make it possible to experiment with a sector […]
ISO 13065 standard for bioenergy
An ISO standard for bioenergy sustainability criteria In response to the growing international interest in bioenergy, and faced with the lack of globally harmonized sustainability criteria, the ISO standardization organization has decided to develop a standard international conference on sustainability aspects related to bioenergy. The development work will be done at […]
Types of wood stoves and other wood-burning appliances
What types of wood stoves are available on the market for what type of fuel wood? The reader will carefully read the introduction to this “wood heating” dossier: why choose to heat with wood, and for any questions on wood heating, refer to our forum heating and insulation. […]
How to choose the wood heater?
How to choose a wood-burning appliance? What are the main criteria for selecting a wood-burning appliance? The reader will carefully read the introduction to this “wood heating” dossier: why choose firewood, for any questions on wood heating, see our forum heating and […]
Brachypodium and bio fuels
A small herb called Brachypodium would be of great help in research on biofuels Brachypodium disachyon, a small purple herb from temperate regions is advancing bioenergy research. John Vogel and Yong Gu, two researchers from the Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of the Albania Research Laboratory in California, will accelerate the […]