Search found 14 results

by Thibounet
02/07/07, 10:08
Forum : Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : Achieve its temperature probes
answers: 13
views: 19405

Hi, no, it's a thermo couple, it's not a thermostat, the cable is a solid rigid cable: D furthermore, the thermocouple supplies an electromagnet coil (as explained on the Flytox link). in fact, apart from the temperature range, it changes whatever the K-type probe or ...
by Thibounet
01/07/07, 21:54
Forum : Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : Achieve its temperature probes
answers: 13
views: 19405

hi, I am wondering something, I used to recover a thermocouple from an old gas boiler, in fact, it was put into the flame and it fed a small electromagnet which actuated a valve. in fact I imagine that, when by accident the flame went out, the refro thermocouple ...
by Thibounet
03/03/07, 11:44
Forum : Water injection in heat engines: information and explanations
Subject : Boiler problem
answers: 14
views: 12267

we must not forget that, if we get there, the goal of a PMC fuel burner is to be able to burn a certain percentage of water which is financially potentially interesting.
by Thibounet
24/02/06, 19:36
Forum : The bistro: site life, leisure and relaxation, humor and conviviality and Classifieds
Subject : Fuel pump + woman = danger
answers: 30
views: 22723

Morale: ride the oil

Personally, I already had beautiful chestnut sucking a large amount of small grain of I do not know what (a trick used in construction), with the friction on the plastic pipe ...: /
by Thibounet
03/12/05, 13:35
Forum : Water injection in heat engines: information and explanations
Subject : Doping with water at 1300 ° C?
answers: 6
views: 6967

in our case the prob is that the candle heats up and we inject water on it, it creates a fairly significant thermal shock, if the injection is continuous then the thermal shock will only occur at the start of the injection.
on the other hand if the injection is intermittent the candle will suffer :x
by Thibounet
02/12/05, 19:03
Forum : Water injection in heat engines: information and explanations
Subject : Doping with water at 1300 ° C?
answers: 6
views: 6967

if the candle is actually 1300 ° (I would rather say 800 ° c Cherry red color)

I think it will happen the same phenomenon as when we spray water on a flame, it will evaporate instantly and there will be a mini combustion, finally I do not really understand the phenomenon.
by Thibounet
02/12/05, 18:57
Forum : Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : boiler
answers: 6
views: 5970

for the record, I resumed my design work. I am working on the automation of the burner via a programmer. There will also be a security system that will detect the flame with probably a photoelectric cell. and I will soon remake a prog ...
by Thibounet
29/11/05, 19:43
Forum : Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : boiler
answers: 6
views: 5970


but we must not forget zeplomb which already made him fall for trial :)
by Thibounet
28/11/05, 21:03
Forum : Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : boiler
answers: 6
views: 5970


It must have been good 1 year, if not two that I started to think about adapting a pmc on a burner and in all this time I have not yet done any concrete experimentation.

any time, I can help you, advise you.

I'm listening to you :)
by Thibounet
02/11/05, 11:03
Forum : Water injection in heat engines: information and explanations
Subject : Idea of ​​new type of bubbler
answers: 8
views: 7009

How does it work? : Rolleyes:

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