Fusion, unlimited energy, return of the 30 glorious without GHGs

Oil, gas, coal, nuclear (PWR, EPR, hot fusion, ITER), gas and coal thermal power plants, cogeneration, tri-generation. Peakoil, depletion, economics, technologies and geopolitical strategies. Prices, pollution, economic and social costs ...
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Re: Fusion, unlimited energy, return of the 30 glorious without GHG

by sen-no-sen » 06/01/22, 19:43

There is little doubt as to the control for industrial purposes of thermonuclear fusion in the coming decades (maybe even before 2050?).
However, the current energy landscape is still too largely dominated by fossil fuels, so even if this technology were implemented today, it would not impact the global energy model for a long time for reasons of cost. obvious.
The situation should change with peak oil (env2020) and gas (env2040-50), which should strongly "motivate" consortia to the implementation of a technology that can be exploited on an industrial scale. around 2070 ...
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Re: Fusion, unlimited energy, return of the 30 glorious without GHG

by Exnihiloest » 06/01/22, 20:45

sen-no-sen wrote:...
The situation should change with peak oil (env2020) and gas (env2040-50), which should strongly "motivate" consortia to the implementation of a technology that can be exploited on an industrial scale. around 2070 ...

We have all the reserves to keep quiet until then. The current system should not be collapsed right away, on the pretext that CO2 should be the beast to kill.
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Re: Fusion, unlimited energy, return of the 30 glorious without GHG

by Ahmed » 07/01/22, 09:22

The so-called "fight against CO2", far from contributing to the collapse of the capitalist system, as a superficial vision suggests, is on the contrary the pretext for a temporary postponement of its collapse. Certainly, the agents of capitalism will be for their pockets, but it will be for the benefit of the true subject of economic activity because of the self-increase of capital that will result: this destruction of physical wealth (normative obsolescence), so of post-modern potlach, aims to produce a rebound in economic activity.
It should be understood that the tensions (almost in the electrical sense of the term!) Which exist within society do not reflect, as they claim, a radical antagonism, but on the contrary an immanent complementarity which allows the system to regenerate dynamically each time that it has reached saturation.
So it was during the popular front in 1936, the "revolt" of May 68 and it is still the case with the current ecological movement which is the last chance of reestablishing capitalism, the exact opposite of hopes ( rather vague, moreover) of many of his proselytes ...
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