The heat pumps have established themselves for several years as essential systems in new and old buildings in terms of heating. These devices thus enjoy strong popularity thanks to their economic advantages. Discover here the main advantages of heat pumps as well as the financial incentives that encourage their adoption among households.
What is a heat pump?
La pompe à chaleur is a thermodynamic heating device that has the specificity of transferring latent heat from one environment to another. Often used for the heating or air conditioning of buildings, the heat pump works by capturing heat calories contained in the air, water or ground and compressing them to increase their temperature.From a practical point of view, heat pumps are most often presented in several blocks with an external unit used to recover heat and interior units whose role is to diffuse it inside the accommodation.
Heat pumps are especially renowned for their energy efficiency, which allows households to save energy throughout the entire life of the device. Fortunately, the benefits of a heat pump go well beyond this aspect. With these ecological heating systems, households can also benefit from several financial aids in order to reduce their installation cost, regardless of the model to be installed.
When it comes to models, you should know that heat pumps come in three main categories, each with specific advantages. The main types of heat pumps that can be found on the market are:
- so-called aerothermal heat pumps;
- so-called geothermal heat pumps;
- and so-called aquathermal heat pumps.
Air source heat pumps work by capturing thethermal energy present in the outside air in order to heat or cool a home. The two main types of aerothermal heat pumps are the air-to-air heat pump and the air-to-water heat pump. Very efficient, so-called geothermal heat pumps draw the heat in underground zone through a network of buried sensors.
Ground-air heat pumps and ground-water heat pumps are two examples of geothermal heat pumps. As for aquathermal heat pumps, they capture heat directly from the groundwater.
What are the main savings benefits of a heat pump?
For most individuals looking for new options to optimize the heating of their homes, the appeal of heat pumps is primarily economic. By deciding to install such a device in their home, individuals can save money on purchases with substantial financial aid offered by the State and recognized players such as EDF. The aid offered as part of the financing of the purchase and installation of a heat pump comes in different forms. These are mainly financial subsidies and tax exemptions.
In addition to financial assistance that reduces the cost of installation, heat pumps offer other advantages. For example, these heating devices offer a better energy efficiency which is reflected in the reduction of heating bills.
According to several experts in the field, the savings on heating costs range from 30 to 70%. This saving is mainly explained by the use of free energy sources what are the calories of air, water and soil for the production of heat.
What are the main environmental benefits of heat pumps?
Heat pumps are also environmentally friendly heating equipment. Unlike other heating systems, heat pumps emit carbon dioxide in very low quantities and contribute to reducing the carbon footprint of the accommodation concerned.
Furthermore, the different components of a heat pump are recyclableThe components of this type of heating device are generally decontaminated before any reuse.
What grants are available to install a heat pump?
- of the MaPrimeRénov' financial system;
- energy saving certificates;
- the reduced VAT rate for certain heat pumps;
- of the zero-rate eco-loan (eco-PTZ);
- and aid from certain local and territorial authorities.
These grants and subsidies can cover up to 70% of the purchase cost and installation of a heat pump.
Tips for making the most of assistance with installing a heat pump
To claim the financial and tax assistance to finance the acquisition and installation of a heat pump, it is first of all advisable to prepare your file well. The individual who wishes to benefit from this aid must then ensure that meet the eligibility conditions provided for this purpose. The main conditions to be met in order to benefit from the financial and tax arrangements to finance a geothermal heat pump for example concern:
- the choice of an RGE professional to carry out the work;
- the model of heat pump to be installed in the accommodation;
- and the resources available to the household concerned by the installation project.
The individual must then ensure that they register for the grant programs before starting the installation work and that they keep the supporting documents. An effective tip to follow to limit the cost of the project as much as possible is to combine several aids. Energy certificates offered by suppliers such as EDF are for example cumulative with MaPrimeRénov' and the eco-PTZ.