Main results of Pantone engine

How does the process and what are the main results?

The Principe of fonctionment

The operating principle is simple: the heat usually lost from the exhaust gases comes to “pre-treat” the intake gases in order to break the hydrocarbon molecules into smaller molecules. This therefore results in better combustion in the engine and therefore very high pollution control. Indeed; the lighter the fuel, the easier it is to burn and therefore the better its pollution control. Up to more than 90% on unburnt particles for example.

Here is the summary of my graduation project:

The P.Pantone process is a process for reforming hydrocarbon vapors and water before injection into the combustion chamber. This process recovers in an exchanger, the heat of the exhaust gases, entirely lost in a conventional engine, in order to treat the intake gases circulating in an annular space.
The main advantage of this process is a strong depollution, in fact the reaction breaks the molecules of hydrocarbons into smaller molecules to obtain a more volatile gas, the combustion of which is easier and therefore cleaner. The aim of this project is to carry out a first characterization of the process by designing a test bench which will allow the performance of the system to be quantified. The theoretical part defines the bases for explaining the conversion phenomenon occurring in the reactor with the help of experimental findings or by an entirely theoretical method.
According to the promising results observed in depollution and its relatively easy adaptation to any system burning hydrocarbons, we hope that a complementary study will continue the understanding of the process to improve it with a view to industrialization. This would greatly participate in the depollution of fossil fuels, in this sense it would remove their main drawback: polluting combustion.

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mounting results 100% pantone

The main result is therefore the depollution of the exhaust gases. The major innovation of the system is the fact of acting "before" combustion, while the current choices of manufacturers are placed exclusively during and after combustion. “During”, ie by more and more control (by advanced electronization) of fuel injection, of the shape of the combustion chambers… “After”, ie by gas depollution exhaust via catalytic converters and other devices aimed at "purifying" the polluted gases, these devices generally require complex materials and processes. So, instead of cleaning up downstream engines, wouldn't it be smarter to act upstream in order to not create this pollution ? The process that I studied is such a solution acting upstream and thus preventing, at least in part, the creation of this pollution.

Water doping: Gillier-Pantone or GP engine

There is a variant with the 100% pantone assembly: it is the Gillier Pantone assembly which consists of not passing only water in the reactor and mixing the flow leaving the reactor with the engine intake air. It is therefore a water doping. This process was tested for the first time in 1 by a farmer from central France: Mr Gillier, hence the name “Gillier-Pantone” or GP engine. This assembly is particularly effective on Diesel engines which show a systematic reduction in consumption of at least 2001% in current use. Black smoke is also significantly reduced (20% measured on a friend's ZX-TD) and the engines "chatter" less, which is characteristic of better combustion.
Some farmers have mounted this principle on their (s) tractor (s) and found the consumption reductions of up to 60%. An average between 30 and 40% is commonly accepted. These results should nevertheless be treated with caution: to my knowledge, no passage on the power test bench could scientifically confirm this reduction in consumption.

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However, there are more and more modified tractors and industrial machines, and there is nothing more pragmatic than a farmer or a business manager ...

Here is the experience of a engine doped with water by a Town Hall.


Would it not be for government institutions to take a serious interest in this technology in order to preserve the environment and resources?

Our media and politicians bludgeon us with catastrophisms, peaks in pollution and the greenhouse effect ... and against peaks in pollution, the politicians offer “patch” solutions (1 car-free day per year, alternating traffic, taxes in centers urban ...) without ever tackling, or almost, the real source of the problem: polluting fossil combustion.

However, as seen above, the process of doping with water, developed on an industrial scale, would undoubtedly make it possible to greatly reduce local pollution in urban centers.

More generally, we talk a lot about the greenhouse effect, the books dealing with the subject are innumerable… But how many are involved in trying to really solve the problem? How many propose and apply real solutions aimed at to reduce the consumption of fossil energy, sources of the greenhouse effect? For example, the notable efforts of the manufacturer to make more fuel-efficient engines are erased by an ever more energy-consuming mass and vehicle equipment! This is not to mention the "very rapid" increase in the world automobile fleet ... However, the mounting of water doping could perhaps aim to reduce this fossil consumption, or at least to use oil more rationally.

Read also:  Need help with a Pantone engine?

Finally, we believe that the inertia of our society, including financial pillars are based on fossil fuels lightly taxed by states around the world, is immense! We saw it in 2004: a drop in fuel consumption of 1% leads to a net loss for the French State of 1 billion euros… the blocking of econological innovations comes perhaps from… quite simply.

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