Download: A century after E = mc2… » Downloads » Download: A century after E = mc2… July 3, 2004 Christophe A century after E = mc2, Electrodynamics O (3) inaugurates the Zero Point Era. By engineer Marc HERMANS, December 2001. Download file (a newsletter subscription may be required): A century after E = mc2… On the same subject :Download: O3 electrodynamicsEinstein: biography of an equationMy discovery of the Pantone motorDownload: Energy savings, change of era with Chantal JouannoDownload: When extreme skepticism leads to the valley of ignoranceThe stakes of a new development modelSustainable bétisierA life to change era, self-portrait of an "econologist" Rémi GuilletDownload: At FOG, analysis of the word Econology with Marc JolivetA window to warm up his houseRead also: Download: Pantone engine study at UTT