Download: Gecam, white diesel used in Bordeaux

Press kit on the experiment of Gecam, white diesel fuel with water additives in Bordeaux by Véolia Environnement

Heavily involved in the sustainable development policy of the Bordeaux Urban Community, Veolia Transport Bordeaux has adopted a new fuel process: the GECAM for less polluting emulsions.

With its rolling 254 bus to the city of natural gas, electric shuttles and its 6 44 its tramsets Veolia Transport Bordeaux and the Bordeaux Urban Community strengthen their environmental protection policy by providing, upon return 2007, 90 bus # GECAM O system.

This new energy will help upgrade some wheelchair bus at Diesel.

The GECAM O # is a water emulsified fuel and low sulfur content diesel fuel that can significantly reduce emissions buses
(PM, soot, nitrogen oxides and CO).

Suitable for all diesel engines, this environmental solution, exhibits no investment or overhead. She responds concretely to the TBC Network's concern for environmental protection.

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A first assessment will be done by the end of October to estimate the effects of the new fuel in the Bordeaux area.

- Elf's Aquazol
- the GECAM in France

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