Biodiesel technology receives Finnish innovation award

Neste Oil's NExBTL technology, which enables the production of biodiesel from vegetable oil and animal fats, received a Finnish innovation prize of 20.000 euros from the federation of chemical industries.

The production plant will open during the summer of 2007 and will be located on the site of the Neste Oil refinery in Porvoo.

This technology is currently unique and contributes to the objectives set by the European Union, ie 5,75% of biofuels by 2010. The fuel obtained by this process can be used as is for vehicles or mixed with it. normal diesel. When mixed, biodiesel contributes to the reduction of NOx emissions from vehicle exhausts. Neste oil is currently negotiating the construction of plants based on this technology in Austria and France.

For more information, contact:
- Site of the Finnish chemical industry:
- Neste Oil Finland website:
For more information:
- Contact at Neste Oil: Jyrki Ignatius - Tel: +358 50 458 7034
- Contact at Riitta Juvonen - Tel: +358 9 1728 4318 or +358 40 515 7107 -
Sources: Neste Oil website:
Editor: Marie Aronson, scientific attaché

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