Sustainable purchasing and responsible consumption

Some tips to reduce the ecological impact of your purchases. Your wallet and the environment will win!

Keywords: guide, purchase, ecological, economic, econological, impact, environment, reduce, waste, bill, consumption, pollution

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  • Use biodegradable and / or reusable bags several times or other means of transport for your goods: shopping bags, crates ...

    Most hypermarkets now offer alternative and more practical alternatives to the traditional plastic bag.

  • Pay attention to conditioning, as follows:

    - Avoid small packages (see unit packages) and multiple packages (some products have 3 or 4 “layers” of packaging).
    Examples: certain brioches, individual dishes, certain fruits wrapped in cellophane, new “marketing” products in unit packs, etc.

    - Buy products in bulk or in larger quantities of packaging, even if it means repackaging them at home.

    - Take into account the nature of the “packaging”: prefer biodegradable packaging (paper, cardboard) or better recyclable (glass, metal, milk cartons…) rather than plastic packaging… If possible, prefer returnable packaging

    - Choose products with possible recharging. Still quite rare (some cleaning products) this idea nevertheless allows savings (financial and environmental: econological) interesting in terms of packaging.

  • Seasonality: encourage the purchase of seasonal fruits and vegetables, which require less treatment and transportation.
  • Regionality: encourage the purchase of local products.

    There is also less transport and ecological logistics costs. Examples: fresh and seasonal products of course, but also certain clothes. Do not forget that the “ugly” globalization is also created (and maintained) by us consumers wanting ever cheaper products ...

  • Read the label of your products, to find in particular:

    - Origin

    - Treatments carried out

    - beware of labels, there are a multitude of them and not all are equal. The NF-Environment mark or the European eco-label present a good compromise, for example. They point to products that are both more efficient and more environmentally friendly.

  • Privilege small neighborhood traders (those that still exist), local markets and if possible, direct sales from producers. Don't forget that using your vehicle for short urban journeys is catastrophic for your wallet and the environment.
  • Group your purchases: try to space your "big shopping" in hypermarkets to buy in larger quantities, even if it means returning more often to the greengrocer or the grocer near you

On the shelves

Read also:  Tips for a greener life,

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