Pantone report on TF1: the video » News and new » Pantone report on TF1: the video 17th November 200526th May 2016 Christophe Online posting of the video of the report of the JT of Tuesday evening on TF1 about a vehicle doped with water in the Pantone. It is a good report which nevertheless includes certain errors that we took advantage of to correct. Read the analysis and watch the video On the same subject :About Pantone Gillier kits soldInterview with Christophe Martz on water doping in enginesThe Kyoto Protocol: the complete and complete textWater engine: the facts and results on the water injection engineSolar thermal energy analyzes in FranceAbout Paul PantoneAdvantages and disadvantages of the Pantone engineFAQ pantone engineSEA: the solutions?What is the pantone engine?Read also: A million homes wood energy