In addition to presenting a real danger to life, the coronavirus epidemic is also harming the economy because of the slowdown and even the shutdown of many activities. Among the most affected are the restaurateurs who have had to close their doors since March 14 at midnight by order of the Presidency of the Republic.
A blow and a necessity to help fight the spread of the virus. It is therefore not surprising that these professionals are now experiencing serious financial difficulties and the situation is likely to worsen, even after the deconfinement !
The president of the catering branch of the Union of Hospitality Trades and Industries (UMIH) announces that more than half of the establishments are in danger. Indeed, despite the possibility of delivering at home or practicing take-away sales, many establishments were unable to do so due to lack of resources and fear public reaction to the reopening.
How can we act to help restaurateurs after the coronavirus crisis ? In particular by using delivery and making local producers work: a way to continue working, while restoring the pride of place to French, regional, quality products. We limit CO2 emissions due to the delivery of food from foreign countries, and we are therefore making a gesture both for the planet and for our French economy!
Solutions to help restaurateurs
We can introduce some good practices in our daily life in order to contribute to the good recovery of restaurant activities after the coronavirus.
Buy takeaways
Although it is no longer possible for restaurants to open their rooms to customers, they have been allowed to offer take-out. We can therefore take advantage of our rare essential outings to stock up on takeaways in these establishments and thus make our contribution to the French economy. Although this prospect may raise fears of re-contamination, know that respecting barrier gestures is an effective way to protect yourself.
So, don't forget your masks and respect the safety distance while ordering. Moreover, these professionals are also required to respect instructions to limit contact with the customer to the strict minimum.
Have meals delivered to your home
The best solution to help boost restaurant business during the coronavirus is to have meals delivered to your home. By this gesture, you help not only the restaurants, but also delivery services such as Uber Eats for example, who are also affected by this crisis. Contact Uber Eats customer service by quickly and easily finding contact details from an online information site. All you have to do is have your meals delivered to your home!
Not only do you operate the local business (restaurateurs, producers who provide the raw materials, and the delivery service), but you also limit your carbon footprint. Indeed, your Uber Eats delivery person will deliver several people on his own, in an area sometimes close, rather than several people coming to the restaurant.
Finally, it is possible tocombine Covid constraints and eco-citizen gesture !
Buy gift vouchers or vouchers
You can also support your favorite restaurants that had to close shop because of the health crisis, by buying them gift vouchersx. Unlike home delivery or the purchase of take-out meals, this gesture consists of helping today and then being thanked when the establishment reopens.
To do this, you must go to a solidarity platform which lists a hundred restaurants across France and which offers gift cards and vouchers, in exchange for a reservation for a meal or personalized packs in these establishments. With this system, restaurants can then benefit from an immediate cash flow that they can use to continue operating or to prepare to reopen to the general public later. Note that some platforms allow you at the same time to help caregivers, since they donate a small part of the money obtained to hospitals.
The gift cards cost between 50 and 70 euros, while establishments across France can register for free on these platforms.
Why is it so important to help restaurateurs?
The restaurant sector is one of those most affected by the current health crisis. Stopping or slowing down their activities during and after confinement will have serious consequences not only for their profession, but also for other players in the local economy.
Catering represents a high employment rate
With their obligation to keep doors closed during confinement, restaurants find themselves with employees who are also on cessation of activity. And when we know that the sector guarantees more than a million jobs in France, it is now clear that by helping him to get up, we also contribute to the return to employment of its many employees.
Moreover, even if the partial unemployment scheme has been put in place to ensure the employability and return to work of employees, it only partially benefits the latter. Many restaurants still employed black or gray workers, not to mention that some waiters and cooks exercise their profession under the self-employed regime and therefore cannot benefit from partial activity.
It is therefore imperative to guarantee the return to employment of the latter by continuing to give work to restaurants.
To breathe new life into the local economy
Helping restaurants helps keep an entire local economy running. If having meals delivered makes it possible to give work to delivery people by ordering meals to be delivered to these establishments, other sectors of activity will be helped. Restaurants indeed support many other actors such as local producers, transporters, catering equipment suppliers, etc.
A hard return to normal
Deconfinement certainly announces the reopening of catering establishments, but the return to normal will not be so easy. Indeed, professionals in the field fear a much lower revenue than before the crisis because of attendance which will not be optimal. The decrease in public income, the still lingering fear of the coronavirus, the use of teleworking (which will limit outings for lunch), the absence of tourists ... are all factors that will inevitably impact the frequentation of restaurants. All the more reason for this fact, for continue to order online and have their meals delivered to their homes so that they can stay afloat in these difficult times.