Shale gas extraction, environmental and health risks

Review Panel on the Shale Gas Industry. Inquiry and public hearing report Quebec report by the BAPE (Bureau of public hearings on the environment) of 144 pages on the exploration and exploitation of shale gas and the potential environmental, health and social problems of its exploitation . Introduction Shale gas exploration and exploitation projects […]

Cool Earth to fight against global warming?

Our planet Earth soon to be air-conditioned? by Joëlle Pénochet To find out more and discuss: cooling the earth against global warming and climate change with global geoengineering: fiction or reality? All the important studies published recently predict that climate change - announced more than thirty years ago by several official reports, personalities […]

Economic growth without environmental pollution?

Can we let the developing countries pollute as much as we, the rich countries, polluted? Before being partially engulfed by the deluge of rain that flooded 75% of the Indonesian capital in early February, Jakarta had already had its share of bad news. One of them, which concerns air pollution, would almost make flooding enviable: according to […]

Global energy consumption

What is the global consumption of primary energy, its evolution since the beginning of the industrial era and the different sources of energy used by humanity? The answers to these 3 questions are in the graph below (click on the image to enlarge): Evolution of “commercial” energy consumption in millions of tonnes of oil equivalent. Sources: Schilling & […]

Download: Medium and long-term hydrocarbon price development prospects

Information report made on behalf of the Senate delegation for planning on the prospects for the evolution of the price of hydrocarbons in the medium and long term. By MM. Joseph KERGUERIS and Claude SAUNIER, Senators. Introduction Meeting on June 22, under the chairmanship of Mr. Joël BOURDIN, President, the Parliamentary Delegation for the planning of […]

Sustainable Development Week

Sustainable development week A way to encourage citizens, communities and businesses to change their habits to protect the planet and the climate. The concept, which emerged from the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992, seems better known to the general public: it is about combining economic growth, social progress and preservation of the environment. " In 2002, […]

The privatization of water

Keywords: water, blue gold, management, multinational, globalization, privatized, geostrategy, geopolitics. According to Riccardo Petrella “the current logic of relations between States and Multinationals reduce the former to a vast system of legal, bureaucratic and financial engineering placed at the service of the commercial performance of the company. The state is no longer the political expression of interest […]

China: Chinese eco-cities

First eco-cities in China Confronted with the problems caused by the consequences of their strong growth, pollution and strong increase in energy demand, the Chinese authorities seem to have been seduced by their visit, in February 2005, to the Bedzed eco-village. The joint Shanghai Industrial Investment Corporation (SIIC) has signed a contract worth several billion […]