Does modern thinking really lead us to progress

Warming and Climate Change: causes, consequences, analysis ... Debate on CO2 and other greenhouse gas.
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Registration: 20/09/07, 08:54

Does modern thinking really lead us to progress

by samuel7 » 20/09/07, 08:59

When the dominant and supposedly rational opinion continually pushes us to believe that we are heading straight for the best of all possible worlds, whatever our conduct or our present way of life, am I not then entitled to ask if it is really this new model of man put forward in the rich countries which leads us straight towards a better humanity, by caring very little about nature.

Especially when trade and money reign supreme, allowing all possible excesses in many areas. Difficult then to make listen to reason to a certain category of people so well bought and led astray by the system put in place. Moreover, how is it that those who have acquired a large baggage of modern methods and knowledge still cannot make the world more scrappy? Is it really always a question of knowing, of not having done enough, or in vain built or written like that?

Despite the disappearance of many species, even of men increasingly affected by climate disturbances, many people in rich countries prefer above all to hide their faces, by endlessly looking for good excuses to want to preserve a fashion. of life which moreover hardly respects man or nature any longer, even arguing that there is still no harm in living like that in the big rich countries!

Isn't that more what we should think about instead of continually wanting to entertain man's attention on such and such a subject that does not bother him too much?
Wouldn't it be all that has been put in place, with undoubtedly too much pretension to work for the good and the progress of man, which would have made this world perhaps more unbreakable than before and that in spite of the various warnings of the various cultural traditions of the past?

I also notice that the majority of the criticisms coming from the proponents of modernity are no longer addressed to the last Indians of the Americas, because they are unfortunately no longer alive or sufficiently numerous to answer them, criticisms often addressed indirectly through such and such topical issue against people who prove to be close to the sources of Western religious tradition. But did the American Indians or the Mayan people also know these predictions?

And when they were sorry to see the white man doing so much damage to nature, did they or did not have good reason to prophesy what they said about him? So you could answer me, yes, but they were savages, illuminated, backward, even men who were not as cultured and more rational than us, but then I could answer you and our scientists of today ' hui, do you also say of them that they are all enlightened by nature, very disreputable people to hear, don't you? Still don't you think that's a lot of people?

Moreover, have you never been surprised to meet more and more people in your professional circle or not, to ask more questions about the great crisis of the modern world? Come on, come on be honest five minutes no more, do not always be mocking and vainly more rationalist than these people, but recognize, that they can also have good reasons to take more into consideration the various prophecies of yesterday or the scientists of 'today in view of all that can be sad happening now.

And is it really this so-called human freedom (industrial, commercial and so on…) that has made people so "intelligent and modern?" »To hear some people who only have these kinds of words or pretensions in their mouths… Yes without a doubt! Yet I wonder if the great white man with the earth merchants these days is really working for the freedom of mankind, when he prefers to see more men behave like him.

When they prefer to live only to devote themselves more to their only human success in business, to the perpetual satisfaction of their only material desires, even at the risk of other men in neighboring countries being harder hit by additional plagues , even if strange climatic phenomena will prove to be more and more noted by a good number of worried scientists. And more we
let us seek to live more like this, and the more nature seems to revolt more and more against the many works of men, pesticides.

What about the freedom of mankind in all of this? Theirs exclusively. Because yours they have above all the means to silence it. Because you see you, they absolutely do not want to understand it without cataloging you with a good number of preconceived ideas, and fantasies of excessive progress. And your dissenting opinion, your own conception of human progress, theirs exclusively, most often based on a habitual dominant and little disturbing discourse, it is true that the various positivist and modern advertisements of today do not help them. men to open their eyes.

They even argue that it is no longer possible to envisage another way of living outside their endless vocabulary of freedom or trade in order to better devastate the earth. To better make your condition as a man more in line with what they expect and oblige of you.

For example that any "action" usually dictated by the very idea of ​​"market progress" is necessarily good for man, since he never risks turning his back on the essential, because always advancing towards construction without pitfalls and infinity of a better world, so many different cultures that they do not like to remember in their daily life. As if, moreover, modern man was always so well automatically enlightened by the only obsessive ideas of progress, of freedom, of excessive trade over the whole earth.

Another example that we must "preserve" as long as possible this same way of life, because otherwise men would start to feel bad, to see that all they produce in excess to better satisfy artificial and conditioned needs. growing, harms back to nature, and will sooner or later fall on them in one form or another. Since any excessive conduct of man towards novelty, towards material comfort alone does not systematically lead to progress, the expected well-being, but in the long term sometimes leads to many more additional ills.

As if the advent of a better world, of a greater growth of only material wealth, had to necessarily go through a greater devastation of nature, by a greater genocide of all living species, because of this illusory model of man that we always prefer to put forward and not behind in rich societies.

These various examples clearly show to what extent these people do not suspect that their reasoning is distorted on the viability of their world, that no present rational argument or not will of course succeed in making them listen to reason as long as they do not. still will not have seen more men lose their lives or lament because of them, because of often wanting to be vainly and proudly the first in all things.

All the more so since this modern opinion which falsely cares about the climate in one form or another, is more concerned at the same time with preserving Ad vitam eternam its same truncated way of life. What a contradiction! Always so eager to preserve an excessively materialistic and illusory way of life with men. She influences politicians a lot - always interested in being "with the most down to earth", in getting elected, in prolonging this, in luxury and opulence to serve either society or the man who lives badly.

It is true that the usual dominant discourse these days is not always inspired by the sole concern to live in a different way in society, but a statement which has for sole purpose to convey the same thing to others. of people a positivist and little disturbing speech, which is indeed very reassuring ...

To hear them, nobody should also speak out against this dominant thought, illusorously comforting because not really resting on sound bases, and which always consists in giving good economic excuses or not to the vain action of the modern man of 'today.

And which is to say do not touch our illusory Western way of life, otherwise our ears would be damaged! Because it would be unreasonable to hear for these new enlightened prophets of modernity, even insinuating from the perspective of history, that a better model of man should always make a great deal of money and the only material comfort in his existence. . What human progress indeed in their vocabulary!

Against those who take themselves for new angels trying desperately and to the end in their futile materialist conduct to take the place of St Michael and his Angels: touch the illusory "rational and material progress" of man in the story !

As if the evolution of modern man, had to necessarily go through a greater contempt of the one who still cares to appreciate nature, and the memory of the traditions of yesterday, to go through the cultural and historical construction of a largest tower of Babel with the same truncated heads put forward, even often obsessed and manipulated by the works of men.

I think that modern man is also an illuminated of money who ignores himself, when he often begins to think and make his fellow men believe that all is well, that there really is no reason rational to worry. Constantly wanting to make the man who watches all these beautiful advertisements with him believe that the more they continue to support growth by buying this or that to feel secure, the more he will always be able to have at home this same comfort of life ? Yes, but at what cost and until when?

Concretely this translates into: calls for a greater flight and follow-up "forward" in positivism,
the advertiser, with of course sometimes moments of doubt but without too much gravity for the comfort of life of our precious elites. Leading them to believe that only the whole merchant, and progress will be able to endlessly respond to the same gregarious instincts of men faced with the increasingly violent disruption of the climate. What a great illusion of modern man!

Leading them to think (in the name of the principle of progress, which is in fact another principle of precaution in disguise), that any further experimentation on living things will never turn against human health, yes but until when?

Leading them to think that they will always be able to redo creation with their hands as they see fit after having distorted and ransacked it. To hear them yes to all advertising, to all merchants, to living everywhere in this way, not even being able to bear to hear a voice other than theirs, calls for another way of life, less proud and more respectful of the nature as of the other in society. And they claim to be better than the men of old!

Both old and new claims of modern man who does not care to heed the various warnings of yesterday! No, there will always be oil, so let's have fun! No, there will always be water, so let's have fun wasting it! No, there will always be air so let's have fun polluting it more! Yes, there will always be fish, so let's have fun polluting oceans and rivers more! ("Growth, growth, growth always, say modern gogos, yesterday as today or after tomorrow). And if it was rather them the
positivists prophets of doom without even realizing it.

Like a new dogma, conveyed by a whole ambient way of life which only pushes men to feel good and happy as long as they buy more things, in the large modern megalopolises more and more indebted and agitated, by the fear of losing one's place, according to which "all commerce, all merchants, all purchases, all advertising never do so much harm to man in return".

We then wonder why they constantly seek to want to preserve as long as possible this illusory Western way of life in the eyes of many peoples of the earth, they no longer respect nature or the very dignity of man. in its many commercial or merchant excesses.

With identical references in most of the rich countries, indeed what "progress" of man in the rich countries to have thus pushed and conditioned all the men on earth to live like them. What would the world be like if men no longer viscerally sought to live like this. And a visceral mistrust of all those who do not speak the same language as them.

Yes, to hear them everything changes, the climate, like forest fires, the balance between species. There is therefore no harm in letting oneself be more invaded by a new species of men who only seek to live, to consume, to get into debt and to get busy until even lose health, common sense, even your Soul and balance in large modern megalopolises.

Yes, modern man is a new species like any other, but who will unfortunately never accept in his indecipherable modern reason to leave room for a better word than his. Even at the risk that the climate will deteriorate further with it. So if you had to speak as rational as these people, then you should therefore be as positivist and naive as them. It would even be necessary to consider several other things, to quote them:

First thing, it is necessary to know - that it is not at all the pride of the modern world which makes the men so indecipherable with the change, with the works of their hands.

Second thing, we need to involve people more in thinking positively. It is quite obvious that a too disturbing speech, even a weather becoming less and less lenient to the vain material success of the man, could avoid us the worst, that of incessantly pushing the men to think longer, than alone. the progress of man always comes from him whereas it can come from imponderables.

And it is of course not the many warnings of the prophets of yesterday or of the scientists of today that will lead men to be more apt for a radical change of mentalities in societies. Because if God exists, they profess in their new faith in modernity, they still do not understand why he would have taken care to place in history religious or scientific sentinels so that they will see in advance what others will not see, whether in matters of climate or human behavior, which is why they will not always be listened to when they announce certain even more disturbing events to come.

Third thing, the analysis must necessarily be global, but above all "discussed" by leading intellectuals or even classified among the most positivists on earth, that is to say by people who will show themselves. less affected than others by the first climate disturbances, that is to say the land merchants because otherwise this analysis would pass as a suspicious and not very objective thought on the events in progress, or even coming from people a little too much subjected to the pain of an increasingly glaring opinion, various lobbies of the environment, religion, natural sciences and even the survival of species.

Fourth thing, information should also be fully relativist and positivist, that is to say less imprinted with prejudices on modernity and materialism, therefore necessarily more rational to judge for renowned intellectuals, which mainstream media are generally not yet able to deliver freely.

After all this we could of course debate in all rational objectivity to defend rather this or that material or emotional position by preference or by attachment, in all good intellectual faith of course, this is above all the progress of democracy, of reason, of the positivist thought of the greatest number and nothing else ...

That is to say, the exact position of a modern man, who would rather seek to move forward, continually seeking to reassure himself by saying the same thing, to others as to himself, that everything is going for the best in the best of all possible worlds, in his positivism and that by preferring to see only beautiful advertisements not very disturbing, so much on if the climate or the reality do not risk too much to disturb him at his place. Because as long as it affects others, then there is no harm in living and thinking longer like this!

One wonders moreover why men end up referring to works that are more and more different and not always positivist today? Whose fault is it ? I say it and repeat it there is really no rational reason to refer to this kind of book to better understand and understand the why of the events in progress, I would say even watch longer shows or the players of pipos on television.

Because today, the opinion is not yet done, there are still courageous men, and who doubt more and more of the things which one constantly proposes to have in order to feel safe. What if those who care more about the climate, about our present illusory way of life, weren't just a bunch of irrational people, green or religious mystical scientists, and if I instead tried to understand them instead of searching in vain? in cataloging them the better to give way to my vain ambient positivism, would I not make myself more capable of better understanding the motive which animates them on the bottom?

So I wonder about the so-called progress of our civilization, and I wonder if we have really made good progress on all fronts, that of having voluntarily or involuntarily neglected or forgotten something important, in our project of often wanting to emancipate ourselves from everything and anyone, from tradition as well as from the wise men of yesteryear, to always want to move man forward with constraint and obligation, in the sole blackmail to progress, to the freedom of all commerce on the Earth.

But if only this kind of behavior could help to put forward a better model of man in rich societies, alas it is not even the case anymore, what a great mistake of modern man, of white man, and then now from the yellow man.

But here it is at this moment, it will no longer be necessary to be another illuminated by progress to realize it, it will be enough simply to open your eyes. Hoping, however, that history does not always give reason to this false model of man put forward nowadays.

So I remind them of the following:
Why is it predicted in the various Native American, Mayan, religious prophecies that when we see these signs, it will be necessary ............
ahead of other upcoming events?

Because over time a multitude of men will have become more and more unbreakable with their only material progress put in place, because of the many works that they will have been able to do with their hands.
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Registration: 11/07/07, 19:51

by gilgamesh » 22/09/07, 00:46

This is your article. Did you write it? I really liked the aspect of blind positivism. It is very long and a very literary language and I had to print it out to read it. There is just one point that I want to consider: We are all part of this humanity that has done all these things and we are all considered or guilty to some extent and in this sense it is also ourselves who will have to change a lot of things. things in us and around us. The main responsible for this situation is our fear which makes us very vulnerable because it is often unconscious and irrational. It is a very important goal to lose fear because it is an important key to become freer towards this whole problem.
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there is no absolute truth in the realm of phenomena


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