Central implosive electrolysis
published: 20/03/12, 00:28
Following a research on the HHO, I came across this:
http://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/techn ... ve-a-41670
He does not even talk about the energy of the electric arc that could be recovered during the implosion HHO ?????
ps: my message is not in the right place.
http://www.agoravox.fr/actualites/techn ... ve-a-41670
Let's go back to our electrolysis plant. Imagine that almost all oxygen and hydrogen have reacted. This makes a vacuum close to emptiness. It is then enough to conceive this implosion engine which by functioning will allow to generate electricity by mechanical strength. It is besides the whole secret of this success that the invention of the "implosion engine"
He does not even talk about the energy of the electric arc that could be recovered during the implosion HHO ?????
ps: my message is not in the right place.