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Central implosive electrolysis

published: 20/03/12, 00:28
View gildas
Following a research on the HHO, I came across this: ... ve-a-41670

Let's go back to our electrolysis plant. Imagine that almost all oxygen and hydrogen have reacted. This makes a vacuum close to emptiness. It is then enough to conceive this implosion engine which by functioning will allow to generate electricity by mechanical strength. It is besides the whole secret of this success that the invention of the "implosion engine"

He does not even talk about the energy of the electric arc that could be recovered during the implosion HHO ?????

ps: my message is not in the right place.

published: 20/03/12, 00:54
View chatelot16
stop the anerie

of course that hydrogen and oxygen ca make water almost vacuum compared to the volume of the original gas if the water was cold

but the combustion also makes a great quantity of energy and all the produced water will be in the form of steam at high temperature of volume much higher than the volume of initial gas!

you just have to experiment with a small volume ... it's a real explosion ca breaks everything

published: 20/03/12, 01:01
View gildas
so how do you explain this HHO implosion experiment?

published: 20/03/12, 01:20
View chatelot16
your youtube does not prove anything I can not guess what he's doing

on the other hand a piece of PVC pipe of 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm long full of hydrogen oxigen mixture with a stopper at each end, with a spark to alumer ca pete fort and stopper go far

these implosion history are false

published: 20/03/12, 02:42
View dedeleco
chatelot16 wrote:your youtube does not prove anything I can not guess what he's doing

on the other hand a piece of PVC pipe of 1 cm in diameter and 10 cm long full of hydrogen oxigen mixture with a stopper at each end, with a spark to alumer ca pete fort and stopper go far

these implosion history are false

The Saturn and Ariane rockets would never take off if it were true, pushed by the ejection of the very high-temperature reaction gases that are steam water by the reaction:

Gildas wrote:so how do you explain this HHO implosion experiment?

The explanation is simple physically, close to the conjurer's scam, using basic physics.

But, if the envelope of the mixture that burns or explodes resists the explosion by its high elasticity for a volume not too big and that the produced water vapor cools and condenses, then with 2 volumes of H2 and 1 of O2 is 3 volumes we get 2 volume of water vapor (if external pressure quite low) and a very small volume of liquid waterresulting in an apparent volume implosion from 3 to 1 greater than 100 ° C and 3 to 0,036 / 22,4 = 0,0016 to 20 ° C below 100 ° C, which gives rise to an implosion in a factor 1 / 1867, by formation of liquid water after reaction of the starting gases, but, after complete coolingand with a sufficiently flexible and extensible envelope to withstand the very strong transient expansion of gases carried at high temperature during the explosion.
The water in large quantity around the bottle by its inertia blocks the dilation and ensures a rather fast cooling, to condense in water vapor in the bottle which then flattens.

So the implosion is misleading, just the condensation of the formed water that replaces the original H2 and 02 gases with a volume 1867 times smallerafter complete cooling in a calorimeter sturdy enough to withstand the transient explosion.

Want to make an engine with this implosion, slow like cooling, comes back completely to waste the energy of the reaction, because the energy of slow contraction thermally is much weaker than that of chemical reaction.

The Saturn and Ariane rockets are not implosion.

22,4 is the volume of one mole of gas at 20 ° C and 36cm3 is the volume of two moles of liquid water, for those who have difficulty understanding these figures, see Lavoisier to 1780.

To put an end to these muddy videos.

published: 20/03/12, 03:15
View chatelot16
if we were doing a hydrogen-fueled explosion engine, the energy produced by the large volume of water vapor produced by the explosion is the main energy produced

but one could imagine then to make a big depression by cooling and condensation of the exhaust steam, it would produce an energy lower than the pressure of the explosion but not negligible, always ca in more

alas we never run a hydrogen engine and pure oxygen ... there is air that spoils the interest of this condensation

published: 20/03/12, 10:09
View gildas
dedeleco wrote:The Saturn and Ariane rockets would never take off if it were true, pushed by the ejection of the very high-temperature reaction gases that are steam water by the reaction:

AMHA, just slightly unbalance the mixture HHO to obtain the ejection of the reaction gases.
But I'm not sure 100% of HHO implosion this because of the mysteries of Brown's gas, especially since there are several kinds of water, my electrolysis experiment was realized with water of rain.I do not know if the gas I produced was mono or diatomic, my level of study does not exceed college.

But, if the envelope of the mixture that burns or explodes resists the explosion by its high elasticity for a volume not too big and that the produced water vapor cools and condenses, then with 2 volumes of H2 and 1 of O2 is 3 volumes we get 2 volume of water vapor (if external pressure quite low) and a very small volume of liquid waterresulting in an apparent volume implosion from 3 to 1 greater than 100 ° C and 3 to 0,036 / 22,4 = 0,0016 to 20 ° C below 100 ° C, which gives rise to an implosion in a factor 1 / 1867, by formation of liquid water after reaction of the starting gases, but, after complete coolingand with a sufficiently flexible and extensible envelope to withstand the very strong transient expansion of gases carried at high temperature during the explosion.

For making a patator as below,
I can say that a mixture of only 10-15% of oxygen and the rest in nitrogen and butane is very energetic! (in volume of gas produced) More than my mixture realized with 33% of O2 and 66% of H2 during my electrolysis experiment where there was only a click as an explosion with production of a bright blue electric arc along the entire length of the hose. ... 08-40.html

published: 21/03/12, 09:22
View gildas
... and an HHO experimenter who also claims that during HHO recombination there is electricity: (from 8'30) ... o-3-3_news

The implosive electrolysis plant would be an excellent alternative to nuclear power.

published: 21/03/12, 10:05
View Gaston
Gildas wrote: The implosive electrolysis plant would be an excellent alternative to nuclear power.
And it produces more energy than it consumes for electrolysis : Shock: :?:

published: 21/03/12, 11:23
View gildas
Yes, thanks to the mechanical movement of the implosion motor.

Well, it remains to be checked.Logically it should work should see what it could be recovered from the electric arc of the implosion.