Problem of access to the site with FREE / Proxad?
published: 09/07/06, 15:45
For some time now, visitors have told me about their difficulties in accessing the site /forum.
Apparently this would come from a connection fault between the server that hosts and the Free provider (maybe others ???) in certain geographic areas ...
To my knowledge, it is impossible for me to test this connectivity remotely (if someone knows a method I am a taker) so I just wanted to ask 2 questions:
1) If you are at Free, do you have difficulties accessing the site /forum ? ( the question is a little silly because if indeed the subscribers do not manage to connect ....)
2) If you are not at Free, would you have any difficulties? If yes, who are you with?
Thank you for your help.
Apparently this would come from a connection fault between the server that hosts and the Free provider (maybe others ???) in certain geographic areas ...
To my knowledge, it is impossible for me to test this connectivity remotely (if someone knows a method I am a taker) so I just wanted to ask 2 questions:
1) If you are at Free, do you have difficulties accessing the site /forum ? ( the question is a little silly because if indeed the subscribers do not manage to connect ....)
2) If you are not at Free, would you have any difficulties? If yes, who are you with?
Thank you for your help.