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Free energy memory

published: 07/12/16, 16:48
by Janic
With a little delay, this dissertation is interesting because it can be, in an identical way, used for any other subject giving rise to "scientific" debate as on homeopathy for example and more particularly on the lie of scientific neutrality . ... Carite.htm
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................... ... ... 6
Free energy in the face of the functioning of the scientific world ......................... ...... 17
CHAPTER 1 - Free Energy in the Face of Classical Scientific Thinking .............................. 17
Section 1 - Understanding the Functioning of Science in Light of Epistemology and
of the philosophy of science .......................................................... ... ..19
Section 2 - Understanding Scientific Resistance to the Idea of ​​Free Energy: The Untouchable
building of classical scientific thought .......................................... .. ... 28
CHAPTER 2: Modern Science: A Science Voluntarily Oriented ............... ........... 37
1 Section - The Rejection of Revolutionary Science Inscribed at the Heart of Operation
of the scientific institution .................................................................. .37
Section 2 - The lie of scientific neutrality ....................................... .. ...... ..46
Free Energy, a concept rejected by the capitalist world ........................... ... ... 55
CHAPTER 1 - Energy at the heart of the capitalist production system ........................ 55
Section 1 - Fossil Capitalism: "Proper Materialization" of Capitalism ...... .. ... 55
Section 2 - The Capitalist Energy System: A Sclerotic System ......................... ... 61
CHAPTER 2: The unimaginable energy revolution within capitalism ............ .. ... 68
Section 1 - The influence of the energy industry in defining the future ............... 68
Section 2 - The Impossible Emergence of Free Energy Within Capitalism ............ ..78
CONCLUSION .......................................................................................... ..85

Re: Free energy memory

published: 07/12/16, 18:59
by izentrop
Hello Janic,
No need to write a thesis,the proof is preliminary to any action for scientists as well as for capitalists and this is what is sorely lacking with "free energy".

Re: Free energy memory

published: 07/12/16, 19:37
by Janic
Hello Janic,
No need to write a thesis,the evidence is preliminary to any action for scientists as for capitalists and this is what is sorely lacking with "free energy".
read this memoir first before any affirmation. Free energy is not a new concept and if we have to wait for evidence BEFORE to make assumptions the world would be different. : roll:

Re: Free energy memory

published: 08/12/16, 13:18
by Christophe
Not read but here is my opinion ...

I do not really see any problem with capital ... on the contrary.

Indeed; if a free energy invention worked *Either

a) it would be sold at an infinite price (capitalist logic) but infinity is impossible in economics in a finite system (even if some economists still believe it ...), so option b)

b) or it would be given to humanity free of charge and this would lead to an upheaval of a few years in the global energy system and its derivatives (In fine, this would give better access to energy and a better redistribution of wealth ... and c 'is precisely what humanity lacks "a little" at the moment ... and more and more ...) ... but that would also accelerate economic development ... and therefore the plunder of other earthly resources ( excluding energies) ...

Fortunately it's not yet developed!

* The most credible research is still that of Fleischmann and Pons currently ... even if it is far from unanimous scientific ...

Re: Free energy memory

published: 08/12/16, 14:03
by Ahmed
It is true that the analysis of RebeccaBoth the evolution of the scientific world and the determinisms of capitalism constitute a good synthesis on the subject, far removed from so many other superficial studies.
I think, however, as Christophethat if she has assimilated the previous mutations of capitalism and the reasons that led to them, she is making a mistake in her central hypothesis and that the faculties of mutation of capitalism are not exhausted (at least on a conceptual level). Because, if it is true that the fossil energy sector is one of the pillars of capitalistic valuation and a real energy transition would impact heavily parts of the system, it would be to reposition itself on a new basis. The argument of Rebecca according to which a "free" energy would necessarily be cheap, accessible to all and without possible locking is a leap of faith and if we refer to the usual experience, this shows us clearly that when an equipment constitutes a source of savings in the long term for the user, the sector which manufactures and sells it hastens to take, in addition to the ordinary costs, the part of the rent supposedly provided to the 'buyer ... D' on the other hand, regardless of this remark, one must be very optimistic (or naive?) to believe that a supposedly easily accessible energy would not be immediately corseted by a net of laws which would immediately reduce to nothing the promises of a possible abundance ... The one with the economic power is not the one who fills the pipes (there would be no one there), but the one who controls the tap.
Even admitting that no one can oppose free access and that the cost of energy tends towards zero, it would suffice for other scarcities to be created in other areas for the system to work properly and for possible possibilities of "universal prosperity" are reduced to nothing.
Finally, as also noted, Christopheit is quite obvious that a simple change of parameter in the current alienated psychic functioning would encourage accelerating the destruction of living conditions on earth.

On the substance of the problem, I would refrain from passing judgment as it would be biased by the examples of "free" energy devices which have been published on forums of this site (without counting those who hang out on YouTube) and which, all, are the purest trickery or the ignorance of their "inventors".

PS: the memory of Rebecca is well written and well corrected, which is no small feat! I noticed, during a quick reading, only a missing circumflex accent in the word "sure" ...

Re: Free energy memory

published: 08/12/16, 17:09
by moinsdewatt
free energy and free bullshit, even fight.

Re: Free energy memory

published: 08/12/16, 17:45
by Janic
Ahmed hello
Your analysis is fairly accurate, but the reason for quoting this memoir goes beyond its subject, as I mentioned. It suffices to replace this term of free energy by another which is opposed to school science by principle or by fear and which is the subject of this memoir.
On the substance of the problem, I would refrain from passing judgment as it would be biased by the examples of "free" energy devices which have been published on forums of this site (without counting those who hang out on YouTube) and which, all, are the purest trickery or the ignorance of their "inventors".
Certainly there is one side of attempts, close to the DIY, seeking to materialize this "energy" non-fossil. But there is little or no serious and sufficient funding to do so more "scientific" since denied a priori as our colleague Lessdewatt, below.

free energy and free bullshit, even fight.

Practitioner Specialist? : Evil:

Re: Free energy memory

published: 08/12/16, 18:02
by Ahmed
If this kind of problematic interests you (and it is the case!), I advise you the in-depth studies of Bertrand Méheust on mesmerism and the way science of the time first (XVIII) denied, then managed to integrate it in a form acceptable to it, although denatured, in the nineteenth century ...

Re: Free energy memory

published: 09/12/16, 08:11
by izentrop
I did a search with the word "sun" in the document :
Virtually every source of energy we know today comes directly or indirectly from the Sun. The only commonly used energy sources that do not come strictly from the Sun are the tidal forces that are generated by the combined effect of the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun.
The author did not realize that she was there free energy.
Second assertion:
At the beginning of the 20th century, engineers developed easy-to-use machines with a very low production cost, while being particularly solid. They allowed the sun to be used as a source of heat for many tasks such as cooking food, heating water, running 182 irrigation pumps. These technologies would have been particularly suitable for tropical countries.
However, coal and then oil lobbies did not hear things like that ...
Well, we do not analyze the real reasons and we jump straight to the plot box.

I would not go further in reading which, given the hosting site could only be oriented in this way :(

Re: Free energy memory

published: 09/12/16, 08:22
by Janic
The author did not realize that she was there free energy.
it's only a tiny part of anything that could be called free energy or not. We humans are full of pride and self-conceit in thinking that they have discovered science, (some of which are self-righteous as having the grail and using it as a quasi-religious mantra). than to touch it.
As far as inexhaustible energy is concerned, it is better that this source never be available to humanity when we see what it has managed to screw up with exhaustible energy. : Twisted: