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New member: Kuranes :)

published: 16/04/15, 21:59
by Kuranes

I usually participate very little in forums, but here I am: a young man of 33 years living in Paris for three years with unfortunately rather limited income. I didn't grow up with the ecological and economic side in mind, but I am becoming one and I absolutely do not regret it. Not only for the pleasure of saving and using more healthily, but also a necessity that pushes me to transform my life into quasi-minimalism to make it more pleasant and surmountable. What made me discover this other way of life ...

I "work" more or less in computer science (yes, it's vast! But it's true!: P) and I'm interested in musical creation, programming, vector design ... at least for the moment.

At the moment, I'm thinking about reducing my electricity consumption (a computer that consumes more than I need most of the time, fortunately not television, but audio equipment ...) without reducing the use of these devices ... while there is little I ended my use of gas, gas stove, oven.

In this respect I do not see forum, in the category Food, dedicated to food in general? Just sub-forums specific.
Since about six months I am only to a complete diet in the form of powder (to mix in a shaker, with water). Much healthier than my previous diet, I do not recommend it to all due to allergens and a completely different vision of food that is absolutely necessary to adopt (and to accept the entourage) ... but even occasionally, it can help in many areas. And big savings.


published: 16/04/15, 23:20
by I Citro
Hello and welcome to the forum. :D

The "geek" side is widespread in our members, but I have the feeling that the majority of us are not part of the "hyper townspeople".

Similarly, if quite a lot of people are concerned about their diet, the few who are moving towards a pulverulent diet, synonymous with industrial, globalized, untraceable ...

More generally, the approach of "econologists" involves observation, reflection and understanding of the world. This forum allows you to exchange and learn faster by confronting ideas.

So I think you will trigger many comments with this announcement.
I would start with the question of vitamins, the best of which are apparently those found in fresh products ...

I have evolved a lot since the dozen years that I frequent this forumand it is not uncommon for me to be surprised by what I said before. : Mrgreen:

published: 17/04/15, 01:51
by Kuranes
Hello :) Thank you.

Of course - I want to point out just as a precaution - I do not open any debate "food organic vs. liquid / powder"- everyone uses what suits them and not being a connoisseur (or dietician) it would be a big risk, especially knowing that in general the reactions to this mode of food are quite ... colorful :) But if others are curious, curious, I will be happy to give a little more information.

Just consumer (yes, curious too, otherwise I would not have tried). Everything is extracted from plants, minerals, fruits (I admit that I did not go check;)) ... I have more dishes to do. Just wash the shakers after a few meals. It changes the life of every day, that's for sure.

In fact, I just discovered the Econology shop - yes yes, I just FINALLY see the text in orange: P I imagine that in general the members of the forum come from the shop. :)

I discovered the site and the forum looking for a power bar with individual switches, which then motivated me to reuse an energy meter / consumption of electricity that I had left out. So I will do some shopping! :)



published: 17/04/15, 09:42
by elephant
Welcome, Koranes.

And the pleasure in your food, b .... el? :D

And beware of this too: chewing and salivating are part of the natural process of digestion. As is the absorption of fibers. Watch out, you're headed for depression!

For electricity, or is your annual consumption, excluding heating?

published: 17/04/15, 11:00
by I Citro
Manipulate, transform products and make your own food is a source of satisfaction.

Biting, chewing, sucking, salivating are also sources of pleasure.
The pleasure taste is related to the taste (and smell) of food but also their texture, their temperature and of course their appearance (color, presentation ...).

All this is also related to our overall health because chewing, salivating, ... must take place in a sufficient period of time for the bolus to be of good quality (first chemical transformation resulting from the reaction of saliva with enough food masticated) and that the brain returns information of satiety.

The more processed foods are, the less the consumer knows what he eats. this also allows manufacturers to add in the number of products intended to weight and volume to increase the profit margin but without any gain (quite the contrary) for the consumer.
these products often appear under the name "thickeners".
Industrial food also needs to add a number of crutches so that the food "holds up" such as stabilizers, antioxidants, preservatives ...
A whole range of useless additives if you eat fresh products ...

My feeling about "eating powders" is that they are the preamble to the "bright future" pictured in the Green Sun movie

Re: New member :)

published: 17/04/15, 12:12
by Christophe
Welcome to this forum and thank you for your order (the shop does not turn too terrible at the moment ...). Your package will leave this afternoon!

Kuranes wrote:In this respect I do not see forum, in the category Food, dedicated to food in general? Just sub-forums specific.
Since about six months I am only to a complete diet in the form of powder (to mix in a shaker, with water). Much healthier than my previous diet, I do not recommend it to all due to allergens and a completely different vision of food that is absolutely necessary to adopt (and to accept the entourage) ... but even occasionally, it can help in many areas. And big savings.

There is this sub forum which is dedicated to "green" food: ... -vf51.html

If not another one on agriculture: ... -vf37.html (therefore rather "production" oriented)

As well as various sub forum more specific to the preparation and preservation of food in the section "Food: choosing, preparing and storing food"

But uh ... what exactly are your powdered products? Kind of astronaut dishes ??

published: 17/04/15, 12:15
by Christophe
elephant wrote:For electricity, or is your annual consumption, excluding heating?

Uh, I do not quite understand the relationship with the debate?

Citro wrote:So I think you will trigger many comments with this announcement.
I would start with the question of vitamins, the best of which are apparently those found in fresh products ...

Yes, and I think that a subject dedicated to powder feeding would be welcome as soon as we know a little more ... : Idea:

published: 17/04/15, 13:00
by I Citro
The question is debating. : Arrowl:

The arguments of the promoters are there.
What challenge? Try their food powder for five days ... and if the tester does not feel better physically after five days, the company will pay!

Which product ? If I understand correctly, it is a mixture of super herbal foods. Rich in antioxidants, probiotics, etc ...... this blend would reduce inflammation and acid build up ...

For what effect? Well, you bring maximum energy and fight the disease by boosting your immune system.
I consider that the last paragraph is a tissue of lies, the probiotics (such as the bifidus that Danone gave us at all costs) are disasters on this point and destroying the biological diversity of our intestinal flora to replace it with a "normative flora" ".

Just as the agricultural industry has spent most of the last century misrepresenting that the earth was a lifeless substratum, the medical world just seems to discover that our digestive tract is a very complex biotope lined with nerve cells comparable to our neurons. : Shock:

published: 17/04/15, 13:21
by Kuranes
Hello :)

elephant wrote:And the pleasure in your food, b .... el? :D

Before this diet, I had no taste in cooking or eating. Probably the pleasure of consuming a milkshake at every meal, of solving every meal that was previously a real problem, and of eating me healthier (compared to my previous diet which was very far from what we can call meals ).

And beware of this too: chewing and salivating are part of the natural process of digestion. As is the absorption of fibers.

I always chew, chewing gum, bread ... nothing prevents me from eating "traditional" food ... I don't try to replace and forget other foods, just to give back my life more pleasant to live without putting myself in danger, and all while saving (and vegetarian!).

At the same time, I have better control over my weight, the calories I accumulate, and I feel better. I remember that I'm not trying to become a supermutant astronaut, and I'm not critical of the food and the traditional cuisine that I still find so interesting - just unattainable for me!

For electricity, or is your annual consumption, excluding heating?

No idea! : Mrgreen: Finally, I have not yet studied changes in my electricity consumption. I can surely reduce it, and I get soft on it. My apartment had original halogen lamps in every room, the kitchen has three that I can not turn off individually, the bathroom two ...

My feeling with regard to "eating powders" is that they are the preamble to the "radiant future" shown in the film Soleil Vert
The idea starts from there, finally from the book Make room, make room where there is talk of a food substitute: Soylenthowever, I use alternatives. Soylent Green (Green Sun in ze french) is just here to please skeptics and give them the opportunity to show the unhealthy side :P

Thank you Christophe for the links! And yes, these are the kind of "astronaut dishes". I haven't tested them all, and I don't intend to, but I have had feedback saying some are awful. There are a dozen or so startups that have been created in Europe, but above all independent people who directly source ingredients from distributors and share, improve, modify their recipes ... but for that you obviously have to be at least interested by all this little world.

published: 17/04/15, 13:41
by Christophe
Kuranes wrote:I absolutely do not criticize the food and the traditional cuisine that I always find so interesting - just unattainable for me!

How can this be unattainable? The powders are so cheap or you are so greedy? (humor huh)

Tell us more about the exact products you consume (in a new subject with a dedicated title if possible) :)

Did you test the insect powder? ... 12724.html : Cheesy: