Thrive movement: the torus secret of free energy?

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Thrive movement: the torus secret of free energy?

by netshaman » 28/12/14, 01:41

Here is an interesting video to see!
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by Ahmed » 28/12/14, 12:33

A spoonful of Zeitgeist, a ladle of "world conspiracy", ETs and other superunitary fariboles ... all wrapped up in a very elaborate and lengthy video ...
What if it was the "Thrive Movement", the conspirators? : Cheesy:
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by Remundo » 28/12/14, 12:40

The art of intelligently mixing truths and lies ...
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by Ahmed » 28/12/14, 12:51

Bah! It is a very widespread art ...
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by sen-no-sen » 28/12/14, 13:01

This video had already been mentioned on the site, it is once again a story of sururinary energy ...

For info the tokamaks such as torus supra, JET, or soon ITERto are toroidal reactors, in the shape of donuts therefore, which consumes much more than they produce, and those despite the injection of some "additives" such as tritium or deuterium ...

In the same genre there was the car which advances thanks to the energy of a pyramid ... : Lol:
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by Obamot » 29/12/14, 00:07

And be careful with the closed tubular torus, looped in donut : Cheesy: because the torus kills!
(couldn't resist) Image
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by Remundo » 29/12/14, 11:14

it becomes torture. : Mrgreen: But the Torus loves it!
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by Ahmed » 29/12/14, 11:52

Torus and adore? Be careful! A black eye is watching you! :P
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by netshaman » 29/12/14, 13:23

z 'are too funny guys!
Ralala, don't say stuff like that a torus and through lol!
: Mrgreen:
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by netshaman » 29/12/14, 13:25

Remundo wrote:The art of intelligently mixing truths and lies ...

Where are the truths, what are the lies?
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