Search found 3787 results

by Other
11/01/15, 19:49
Forum: Company and Philosophy
Subject : Support for Charlie Hebdo and freedom of expression
answers: 106
views: 52547

Hello I am amazed to see that many volunteers who organized, in such a short time to set in motion large demonstrations well structured with sign and media ect .. A few months ago we structured a demonstration against the oil transport s ...
by Other
10/01/15, 04:33
Forum: Company and Philosophy
Subject : Charlie Hebdo: eleven dead! Press freedom in question!
answers: 289
views: 82406

Hello See the timeline: October 22, 2014: Flag of Canada Canada: Shooting in Ottawa targeting the War Memorial to end in the Parliament of Canada, 2 dead (including the shooter, the Islamist Michael Zehaf-Bibeau) and 3 wounded. I list examples of this "business ...
by Other
09/01/15, 03:18
Forum: The bistro: site life, leisure and relaxation, humor and conviviality and Classifieds
Subject : Attendance / participation on the rise again
answers: 20
views: 16958

Hello I am far from being a poll Taliban, on the contrary. : frown: Posted messages reflect activity that may be negligible compared to LUS messages. I consider that a large number of readers has more meaning than a flood of messages ...:? It is easy to ...
by Other
11/08/14, 04:57
Forum: Innovations, inventions, patents and ideas for sustainable development
Subject : 1er step into the unknown, Electric Motor Differential Analysis
answers: 84
views: 53694

Hello You just have to look at any DC motor with separate excitation to realize this. +1 It has been some time since I was on the forum we note that the basis of electric motors is not well understood .. motors run continuously as the excitat ...
by Other
26/07/14, 06:23
Forum: Science and Technology
Subject : The unique Antonov An-225 seen in real life!
answers: 23
views: 15328

Classes available every day from Nine AM to Twelve midday.

he has a month on our aerdrome


by Other
23/02/14, 22:05
Forum: Water injection in engines: montages and experiments
Subject : Mounting pantone 4x4 toyota turbo LJ73 2.4L
answers: 41
views: 60169

Hello Hello, Has anyone ever tried to mix the two planes, take air for the bubbler after the turbo and send the steam before the turbo, by dosing the flow? Yes this poses a problem the air line that you take from the turbo and that you send into the bubbler at low revs becomes in suction ...
by Other
08/01/14, 06:08
Forum: Heating, insulation, ventilation, VMC, cooling ...
Subject : Vegetable oil burner boiler ball
answers: 2031
views: 1169953

Hello it is exactly in this principle of the MAN burner that mine is designed, this principle has existed since the 1920s on burners for industrial ovens That is to say to return to the neck of the diffuser a small part of the hot gases at the start of combustion . I also have a smaller ...
by Other
08/01/14, 05:42
Forum: special motors, patents, fuel consumption reduction
Subject : How to save fuel? HHO Dry Cell
answers: 39
views: 43645

Hello 3 posts on January 26, 2010 2 posts on January 5, 2012 1 post on January 7, 2014 On the subject of hydrogen for fuel economy, it's interesting, but since 2010 I guess you put this system on a car? we would like to have something encrypted before installation, after inst ...
by Other
04/01/14, 05:38
Forum: Water injection in heat engines: information and explanations
Subject : Integrating a Gillier Pantone system in a vehicle
answers: 21
views: 44442

Hello copy paste on his blog Many of us have heard of the Pentonne engine, we believe in it or we do not believe it. When we returned from Spain in February 2011, we were camping in a small town. Suddenly, a car stopped in the parking lot, engine accelerated to full speed. I ...
by Other
16/12/13, 04:43
Forum: Heating, insulation, ventilation, VMC, cooling ...
Subject : Vegetable oil burner boiler ball
answers: 2031
views: 1169953

Hello I have the same ball since the 1980s, no problem with the slit clogging it takes an air filter and decanter at the outlet of the compressor the air must be clean. the burner is stopped by a solenoid valve the oil continues to flow for some time (it is not this oil ...

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