Search found 490 results

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06/07/15, 20:19
Forum: New transport: innovations, engines, pollution, technologies, policies, organization ...
Subject : Uber, green transportation taxi why are so bad?
answers: 77
views: 38838

Info to be checked source: http://ob CEO of Taxi G7, treasurer of the witness club, treasurer of François Hollande 2012. Club Témoin - "Besides Holland, Lamy and Lagayette, there are ...
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19/01/14, 13:12
Forum: Solar thermal: solar collectors CESI, heating, hot water, stoves and solar cookers
Subject : Rawlemon thermal concentrator sphere
answers: 1
views: 9274

Rawlemon thermal concentrator sphere

Hello everyone, have you seen this hub? My remarks: Too bad to use it for photovoltaic and not thermal. The sphere does not move, the moving elements move on the focal point. The size seems important to me. What do you think?
View toto65
13/09/13, 18:14
Forum: 3D printers and 3D print: machines and technologies, hardware, software, use and optimization
Subject : Printer 3D K8200: Installation, configuration, calibration ...
answers: 23
views: 44259

Hello everybody
for finishing use acetone with a brush or steam.
What definition did you use to make the fan cone?
How did you check the flatness of the hotplate?
View toto65
31/07/12, 17:11
Forum: electric transport: cars, bicycles, public transport, planes ...
Subject : Electric car: physical limits and overall balance
answers: 375
views: 189511

Battery change after how many km?

After 200 000km or 10 years

Ok Philippe, well done, I'll correct.
View toto65
30/07/12, 07:50
Forum: electric transport: cars, bicycles, public transport, planes ...
Subject : Electric car: physical limits and overall balance
answers: 375
views: 189511

the table is constructed like this: vehicle purchase cost + insurance + maintenance + (energy consumption x energy cost x number of km) in summary for the first year of use: smart € 12 skoda 619,66 14 € polo 655,64 15 € zoé 261,46 17 € C-ZERO 532,00 18 € CLIO III 579,56P dC ...
View toto65
27/07/12, 18:13
Forum: electric transport: cars, bicycles, public transport, planes ...
Subject : Electric car: physical limits and overall balance
answers: 375
views: 189511

Hello everyone, I made a comparative table between electric car and fossil fuel car. The point of view is the cheapest. The recent bonus of 2000 € did not include. page 4 last column is the annual cost What is your opinion on the cost of maintenance, insurance, ...
View toto65
14/10/11, 21:39
Forum: Your technical assemblies, DIY, innovations and self-construction: making an object or an installation
Subject : Build a gas producer
answers: 26
views: 77841

chatelot16 you had for project to build a gazogene.
Did you do something?
someone knows experience feedback on this type of hack?
See you
View toto65
27/09/11, 13:04
Forum: Company and Philosophy
Subject : The mysterious springs of the RE rebound effect
answers: 72
views: 30068

Hello everybody

Could you put us online the magazine 4 Energy 19.

All magazinse can be viewed on the link given by sspid14, except the one related to the subject of the rebound effect

For obamot, I think you should continue your conversation in private message with Macro.
View toto65
02/02/11, 17:53
Forum: Heating, insulation, ventilation, VMC, cooling ...
Subject : Improved Oil Burner-reduction NOx and CO-Blue Flame
answers: 624
views: 643907

I agree. I wanted to try the experiment, and get a blue flame. There are too many settings for a novice. If I had gotten a blue flame start I would have bought the combustion analyzer to fine tune the settings. For now I will review the 42 pages if something has escaped me. D ...
View toto65
01/02/11, 14:56
Forum: Heating, insulation, ventilation, VMC, cooling ...
Subject : Improved Oil Burner-reduction NOx and CO-Blue Flame
answers: 624
views: 643907 Voilà, j'ai testé le bruleur et ça marche pas du tout. dès que je mets l'arrivée d'air à 2-3 il y a de la fumée de fuel non brulé. Mon gicleur est un 60°W, 2,5kg/h. la pression est de 12 bars Les dimensions du tube sont de diam.115 ...

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