Search found 290 results

by bob_isat
01/08/08, 19:36
Forum: Biofuels, biofuels, biofuels, BtL, non-fossil alternative fuels ...
Subject : Renewable oil by Jean Laigret
answers: 176
views: 170990

Super interesting!

is a state agency going to take this info?

PS (in the description of the article, it should read "marsh gas" I think, and no, "husbands gas", our wives will have understood it ...)
by bob_isat
20/02/08, 23:10
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

Ah I'm glad to see that we are of the same opinion: we do some very interesting things in the laboratories. In particular in this one: where we put into practice the improvement of combustion brought by the charge injection ...
by bob_isat
19/02/08, 22:27
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

How sad, I thought this debate was going to be interesting. PS: do your teachers offer anything to explain the electrification of water vapor? For the link between electrisation of water vapor and reduction of consumption, I have already been told "patents are null and void" I im ...
by bob_isat
19/02/08, 21:56
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

Hi Capt Maloche,

The QED is not mentioned in the LEA Poitiers (the explanation for electrification) it seems to me.

On the other hand, I read a paper some time ago in a popular magazine that talked about ionizing the layer of air around an airplane to reduce the drag ...
by bob_isat
19/02/08, 21:36
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

Thanks for the links on arXiv. So if I follow you, S and V is Super and QED is very light. But do your teachers offer anything to explain the electrification of water vapor? For the link between electrisation of water vapor and reduction of consumption, I have already been told "the patents ...
by bob_isat
18/02/08, 19:46
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

I know you hated the SV article, but it turns out that I have never seen a post more reputable than SV and supporting your reviews. they mixed EGR and water doping, dodged the heart of my doc (link between electrsiation and reduction of consumption) and chose to quote onnouscachetout ...
by bob_isat
18/02/08, 19:35
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

The explanation by QED was mentioned in the original article, in a box. Traditionally, SV does not provide the addresses of documents which they believe readers are unlikely to be able to determine for themselves whether they are serious or not. They didn't even give the URL of ...
by bob_isat
12/02/08, 21:14
Forum: Media and news: TV shows, reports, books, news ...
Subject : Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life
answers: 63
views: 41100

Article on the right of reply in Pantone Science and Life

Hello everyone, So that this subject is understandable I represent myself, I am the author of "credible explanation to water doping" to see here: the article published in Science et vie in November 2007 (see our brief analysis about ...

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