Tesla Solar Kit

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Tesla Solar Kit

by fabio.gel » 05/01/16, 18:00

With a 10 € turnkey Kit, Tesla is revolutionizing domestic solar… in Australia

At the beginning of this year Tesla has just started with a fanfare on the marketing of domestic solar installations with storage. Tesla relies for this on three exclusive distributors who have already carried out several hundred thousand solar installations (without storage).

The basic installation consists of 5 kWp of modules
PV Trina Solar, from a SolarEdge brand inverter
and a 7 kWh battery (Tesla PowerWall).
The battery is for daily use.
During the period of sunshine, solar energy is used directly (self-consumption) and the surplus allows the battery to be charged to power the house during the evening.
The same battery then stores electricity from the grid, during “off-peak hours” at night, to cover the needs of the house in the morning before the sun is up.

But the real revolution lies in the price installed for the complete kit which is offered at a rate of 15 Australian dollars
(€ 10).
This price is obtained thanks to the continuous drop in module prices. In Europe, this annual drop of 8 to 10% of modules and cells does not exist because the European Commission has set a floor price for products imported from China, a price which hinders the competitiveness of solar electricity.
It should be noted that French manufacturers are unfavorable to this price control.

Even by scheduling a replacement of the batteries and the inverter after 10 years, we obtain an overall price of € 13 excluding any financial costs. For France with an average annual production of 500 kWh / kWp, the price of the electricity produced would be € 1000 / kWh (and even € 0,135 / kWh in the south of the country), i.e. lower than the “blue tariff” in force.

seen on: http://tecsol.blogs.com/mon_weblog/2016/01/tesla-r%C3%A9volutionne-le-solaire-domestique-en-australie.html
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Re: Tesla solar kit

by Gaston » 06/01/16, 09:32

fabio.gel wrote:The same battery then stores electricity from the grid, during “off-peak hours” at night, to cover the needs of the house in the morning before the sun is up.
In the case of Australia, I do not know, but in France, it is economically unprofitable (the price difference between off-peak and full hours is not enough to compensate for the wear of the batteries).
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Re: Tesla solar kit

by fabio.gel » 06/01/16, 13:01

Hi Gaston
Gaston wrote:it is economically unprofitable

It's true but we must admit that since there is no more tax credit the price of photovoltaics to sharply lower !!
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Re: Tesla solar kit

by Gaston » 07/01/16, 08:41

fabio.gel wrote:It's true but we must admit that since there is no more tax credit the price of photovoltaics to sharply lower !!
I was only talking about using the battery to store energy during off-peak hours and return it during peak hours.
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