... 11-2020-10
No info on price and availability unfortunately ...
Christophe wrote:Uh, just a small remark: 170W / m² there is nothing exceptional ... Mine of 285 W is 1.64 m² or 174 W / m² ... and there are more than 300W for the same surface. .
Christophe wrote:The most interesting advantage of perovskite cells is in my opinion and if I read correctly (quickly), better "capture" of light ... apparently you don't need to be normal in the sun to get good performance.
It would therefore be interesting to know at what angle / irradiation (in W / m2) we obtain the 170 W / m² that you advertise ... if it is at 500 W / m² or with a 60 ° angle yes it is exceptional compared to the existing.
If it is at 1000 W / m² and with an angle of 20 ° or less it is not much ...
Silicon cells are already light, flexible and inexpensive ...
What makes them rigid and heavy is the surface treatment applied to them ...
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