French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 04/07/24, 00:01

Remundo wrote:Once again, you have not answered my questions, nor your little delusions that I am wrong about the simple past tense and the subjunctive "with all my might"...

Because here too, no one gives a damn about your failed style exercises, or my detailed "s". It's you who scrupulously notes all these anecdotes when you have nothing to say (i.e. 99% of the time you spend proselytizing for politically disabled people or for dictators, when it's not to hit Macron or "foreigners" like an obsessive....). YOU (aka: We think for ourselves), you have scared away all those who overshadowed your sickly Manichaeism, continue with three or four, you are worthy of each other.

When your ancestors collected acorns in the forest, ours built palaces. <<< It's not "not false", it couldn't be more true.
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View Obamot » 04/07/24, 00:55

Is the techno-fascist going as you wish? Because at one point Todd describes you very well! well... (go look but sleep)

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:Old but illustrative photo (taken everywhere), but info NOT FAKE, therefore NOT MANIPULATION, therefore NOT TRASH
The "marsupulation" dares everything Image nasty animal.

While we're at the archive footage and Russia...

When Hilary Clinton offered a small gift to seal a “new beginning” between American-Russian relations – with a translation error that spoke volumes – while Soros and Biden were already preparing the Maidan coup, Yanukovych had barely been elected. ..

You would beat an ostrich soundly: wooden cross, iron cross, go rot in the hell of your bad faith.

Screenshot_20240704_061310_edit_269664468912286.jpg (185.25 KiB) Viewed 434 times
With it, democracy is advancing by leaps and bounds (what would the media say if Putin made the same type of scabrous remarks...)?
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 04/07/24, 01:52

What does this have to do with this information?
Otherwise, I too can mess around:
Friendly relations date back to the end of the 2006th century, with commercial and political agreements, but it was in reality Vladimir Putin's Russia which provided the basis for Russian-Monegasque cooperation in XNUMX.

Today, the Principality has more than 800 Russian residents and tourists from the country of the tsars remain important for the local economy. Russia has also settled on the Rock, with a consulate.

Blablablablablablabla..... : roll:
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View Christophe » 04/07/24, 10:48

sicetaitsimple wrote:
Christophe wrote:
Was the photo taken this week? ...

Yes, the photo which accompanies the tweet from the Russian ministry dates from the evening of the 1st round.
You can pack up the rest of your junk....

Yes're right...I'm talking about the intro photo:

the visit of Marine Le Pen to Vladimir Putin in 2017 or the numerous scandals targeting the RN for its links with Moscow, the far-right party has always sought to minimize its links with Russia.
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View gegyx » 04/07/24, 11:15

Disagreement announced between Ruffin and Mélenchon.
If he is elected on Sunday he will not sit with LFI.

He assures the man! ... HLHMK6ERY/

Readily presented as a potential successor to Jean-Luc Mélenchon even if he has always been a free electron within the LFI movement, he had recorded his break with the rebellious leader during the "purge" of the "frondeurs" who did not not been reinvested despite their historical membership in the movement.

“There are a lot of good people, there is no doubt, among the Insoumis,” he explained, but “there is a way to do something else with communist friends, ecologists, Generations and so on. right now". Without moving forward on the creation of a new movement on the left, François Ruffin hoped in the new Assembly to create “links” between “the different forces of the left”.

“Gloubi boulga”
On the other hand, he ruled out any participation in a grand coalition ranging from the communists to the LR deputies. “I will not participate in a government which would be a heterogeneous and improvised coalition”, a “gloubi boulga” under “the appointments of Emmanuel Macron”he warned. “Politicians arouse disgust, we see it, if we engage in schemes, maneuvers, it will be even worse,” he warned.

“Whoever the leaders are, tomorrow”, the leader of the micro-party Picardy Standing called for “doing the opposite of what Emmanuel Macron has done for two years”, that is to say “govern without brutality, taking into account different opinions” and “with a form of tenderness and with a lot of dialogue”.
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View Christophe » 04/07/24, 11:29

Logic: Ruffin is the only one on the left who still connects his neurons and doesn't constantly talk shit...

Obviously when you're smart like him, being surrounded by assholes wears you out...

Otherwise I was wondering, making unnatural alliances of political parties to create false impressions of a majority or fictitious results in the polls...Is that constitutional?
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View Remundo » 04/07/24, 12:36

I think so,

the alliance of carp and rabbits in Parliament (or what remains of it...), beforehand, is not prohibited in the Constitution.

In addition Fabius from CONCON will be very kind; that's the bulwark against haiiiinnneeuuu.... and the systemic maintenance of his boss Macronescu.
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View gegyx » 04/07/24, 14:29

Observe the character carefully.

A brainless “Tom Cruise”, satisfied with himself.

** ... 053477.php

Does he walk around with his anal stimulator?

< >
These mixtures are artifacts shaped, transformed, for a long time with the aim of being subservient to a deep state. Unfortunately their creatures Frankenstine and Dolly have finally gone off the rails, and are freewheeling.
Now you have to unplug them, to replace them with new ones, currently being manufactured.
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View Christophe » 04/07/24, 14:59

Remundo wrote:In addition Fabius from CONCON will be very kind; that's the bulwark against haiiiinnneeuuu.... and the systemic maintenance of his boss Macronescu.

Do you mean that the constitution is variable in reading? : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:

Moretti would be there to replace Lolo...

A model of human dignity this Moretti...
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Re: French politics: what future for Macron (and France) and why?

View gegyx » 04/07/24, 15:10

Departure of Fabius from the constitutional council => March 2025
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