Philosophy: Some quotes to ponder

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View elephant » 09/07/12, 18:59

Nicotic (to whom we extend a warm welcome) said:

If we believe in God, we are submissive, right?

I would say: everything is a question of manner: we are provided with free will!
Obey God: yes! He is nevertheless one of the most prestigious personality available at the moment.
Submit to certain manipulative dirty cons who brandish the Koran, Talmud, Bible etc. to be obeyed: a thousand times no!

You will notice besides that the Koran, even if it is not the top of the top does ... what .... 600 pages?
Commentaries on the Qur'an, the source of many misfortunes in this world, total 1 million pages, it seems.

NLP teaches us to say from certain statements “who is saying that?” Once you have the answer and you can determine the motives and interests of the declarer, you can make a choice and possibly fight against his arguments by putting it up to date. (And possibly free the little con who repeats the principle)

Now, the 10 basic principles: "you will not kill, you will not steal, etc ..." (in summary: you will not shit :D ) it's pretty cool and acceptable, right? :D
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View Nicotic » 09/07/12, 20:26

Yes, by the way, should I make a presentation or something like that as a new kid?

What I meant by that is that by accepting that an omniscient runs the world and does what he wants with it, and then saying that we must respect its principles.
This is what submit!
I am an atheist, yes it is true and I think that the world should evolve towards a free thought! I say it but I force no one to think that way because it would contradict me ...
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View Janic » 10/07/12, 10:03

What I meant by that is that by accepting that an omniscient runs the world and does what he wants with it, and then saying that we must respect its principles.
This is what submit!
Free will is only an illusion so that we believe we are in charge of our life and, worse, that of others. Already, physiologically, we are dependent on the laws of biology and it is hardly better psychologically. wisdom is rather to recognize these dependencies and accept them in order to draw from them the positive personal or collective aspects such as "you will not turras point, etc ..."
I am an atheist, yes it is true and I think that the world should evolve towards a free thought! I say it but I force no one to think that way because it would contradict me ...
Totally agree!
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View Obamot » 10/07/12, 10:07

Janic wrote:wisdom is rather to recognize these dependencies and accept them to draw from them the positive personal or collective aspects such as "you will not kill, etc ..."

Concretely in everyday life, how would you develop your “ etc In this everyone-for-itself world?
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View Macro » 10/07/12, 10:17

: Cheesy: it reminds me of the fabulous sesame that can open all doors: your freedom stops or begins that of your next ...
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View sen-no-sen » 10/07/12, 12:04

Janic wrote: Free will is only an illusion for us to believe that we are directing our lives and worse the lives of others.

Don't you believe in free will?

Already, physiologically, we are dependent on the laws of biology and it is hardly better psychologically. wisdom is rather to recognize these dependencies and to accept them in order to draw from them the positive personal or collective aspects such as "you will not turras point, etc ..."

The notion of free will is part of respecting the laws of physics etc ... provided that we choose our future well, even if as you say we have predispositions making us men machine, however we have the choice to become free (it is the foundation of many religions and philosophy).
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View Janic » 10/07/12, 13:23

Don't you believe in free will?
what are the limits of the supposed free will? For comparison, my free will on the road is to drive faster or slower; more or less to the left, each deviation having consequences which can be dramatic for oneself or for others. But humans need to believe in this freedom (opposition to fatalism) so as not to consider themselves as a simple machine. But this question is not ready to find a "universal" answer!
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View sen-no-sen » 10/07/12, 14:22

Janic wrote:
Don't you believe in free will?
what are the limits of the supposed free will?

That of physics and the resulting biology.
If we think of the possibilities that are open to us, well yes I think we have free will, that being nevertheless limited to the laws and principle mentioned above.
Have you already thought about the millions of possibilities offered by the future (s)?
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View Janic » 10/07/12, 14:42

Have you already thought about the millions of possibilities offered by the future (s)?
unless these possibilities are already predetermined, which no one apparently knows! In fact, does the living person build his future or does he only realize this one?
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View Obamot » 10/07/12, 16:02

Macro wrote:
Obamot wrote:
Janic wrote:wisdom is rather to recognize these dependencies and accept them to draw from them the positive personal or collective aspects such as "you will not kill, etc ..."

Concretely in everyday life, how would you develop your “ etc In this everyone-for-itself world?

: Cheesy: it reminds me of the fabulous sesame that can open all doors: your freedom stops or begins that of your next ...

I don't know about Janic.
There was no second degree in my post and I believe it sincere. :|
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