Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 12/12/23, 15:35

Ahmed wrote:It explains everything! : Mrgreen:

Is it verified? : Oops:
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Christophe » 12/12/23, 16:39

How do the details on Mamita's snacks for the Macro family relate to the subject? : Shock:
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 12/12/23, 17:07

Christophe wrote:How do the details on Mamita's snacks for the Macro family relate to the subject? : Shock:

The snack prepared in advance is ecological because we only use gas or electricity once for several meals instead of once for each meal. : Mrgreen:
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Christophe » 12/12/23, 17:18

And also because we have a slave at home! : Mrgreen:

If Macro had to pay the MO + social charges it would pay more for its snacks than at Mac dob...
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 12/12/23, 17:28

This is valid for everyone who cooks and there are still some. Without being slaves. As for the carbon footprint of the disgusting hamburger poisoner, I won't tell you!

McDonald's pollutes more than the whole of Norway

With 39 restaurants in 000 countries, McDonald's serves more beef than any other restaurant chain on the planet. For a decade, the American fast-food giant has prided itself on having implemented a range of measures to reduce its carbon footprint. She even said that eating one of her burgers meant “joining a movement towards a more sustainable future.” The reality seems quite different: by emitting more than 119 million tonnes of carbon per year, McDonald's produces more emissions than the whole of Norway, reports Bloomberg Green. A figure that continues to increase. ... ge-entiere
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Christophe » 12/12/23, 18:18

So what? To feed how many people? Certainly more than there are inhabitants in Norway!

And Coca Cola certainly pollutes as much as Algeria...

But OSEF because ultimately all this is profitable by drastically shortening the lifespan of their customers! : Lol: : Lol: : Lol: : Lol:

What ? I'm horrible ? No, it’s the system that is!
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 12/12/23, 18:23

Ah well yes OSEF, then everything is for the best in the best of all possible worlds and above all let's not change anything.
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Christophe » 12/12/23, 18:29

Yes OSEF of the carbon footprints of McDonald's and Coca Cola because ultimately their junk food is ecologically profitable by prematurely committing suicide for their consumers!

Hey, they should be rewarded by Greenpeace for that! : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:

I'm horrible huh! : roll:
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Macro » 12/12/23, 18:30

Do you consider maccrado to be food? I stay with my tuperwarre filled by my slave... I don't know what you can get for 3 euros at maccrado... At Mamita's today there was a little taboulet of turkey suniles cooked in white wine shallot with potato puree and a small fruit salad...
IMG_01051.jpg (362.48 KB) Viewed times 1189
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Re: Deconsumption: poverty, the best ecological policy?

View Christophe » 12/12/23, 18:31

It's not in season!!!

Macro Polluter!!! At the stake ! And Mamita with it!! : Mrgreen: : Lol:

ps: macdob I didn't talk about the quality of the food, just the price!
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