Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 04/10/23, 07:53

childish things like Mengele, of sad reputation, surrounded by collaborators chosen for their very high scientific level of the time and who had fun carrying out monstrous experiments on nice consenting human guinea pigs (not on themselves) of course; to advance science! : Evil: A nice bunch of weirdos like now! : Cry:
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 05/10/23, 08:15

How and why vaccinomania is not and cannot be a science, but a simple belief.
We have all heard the political and medical authorities talk about a “war” against the invader, against covid, but generally against all viruses, bacteria and other little creatures.
Since Jenner where variolation already existed and where it was a matter of infecting non-sick individuals with smallpox pus, and which Jenner replaced with cow pus to cause a disease which was itself supposed to be attenuated, (like cowherds ) or without effect, and followed by Pasteur with his supposed anti-rabbit vaccines which neither worked better, on the contrary, and therefore why?
The allusion to a war deserves attention.
For those who have been in the army, training for future combat is done with simulation exercises on hypothetical adversaries (roommates) and shooting exercises are done on paper targets which, obviously, do not return fire. not, neither one nor the other.
Vaccines are the same thing but worse. Indeed, to face real imprisoned adversaries, they will be attenuated, that is to say voluntarily disabled so as not to put up much resistance, or no longer attenuated but made inactive, all by various poisons and connections. Same thing, it's as if training on "inactive" corpses or disabled people would then make it possible to face potential nasty adversaries.
So we rely on cellular memory to memorize HEREare the bad guys in order to be able to give them the shit in the event of a real conflict. Except that cellular memory only remembers the disabled and the inactive, therefore without dangers or potential risks.
Except again that on the other hand it is not these attenuated and inactive people that the body will encounter, but real soldiers in top shape, fully armed and trained to give the vaccinated and the unvaccinated alike a run for their money.
What's scientific about all this?

By taking people for idiots, they end up really becoming idiots following their skull stuffing grafted onto the visceral fear of illness and death! : Evil:
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 11/10/23, 12:39

Big question: how is vaccinomania not and never has been a science?
No offense to conservatives, to understand a phenomenon as a whole, we must go back to its source and then see how it developed.
For thousands of years, plagues have befallen human and animal societies, without us really knowing why, and these societies lived in permanent anxiety of the moment when the next one would fall on their noses.
Religions cannot prevent these, except by invoking the anger of the god(s), and their mercies, individuals therefore had to accept, reluctantly, the divine wrath; or to find a solution on their own with the help of more or less well-intentioned gurus.

Without repeating the whole story of Jenner, he uses cow vaccinia to “immunize, (then the virus itself)” A child against smallpox (as Pasteur will do a few years later) and, APPARENTLY that walk.
Here appears a major difference between the contamination and immunization of cowherds by contact only, and the injection of pus directly into the body of an individual, by Jenner, thus removing the first immune barrier of the skin as for cowherds. First fatal error for the future!
We can easily notice that there is no question, at this time, of placebo, double blinding, peer confirmation, randomization, nor of 4 successive phases to obtain MA, as currently, etc. other approach being considered quackery these days!
Clearly, both Jenner and Pasteur would be charlatans as a result and this is important, fundamental even, because it is on these two “charlatanisms” that the vaccine myth and its vaccination mania will develop.
I remain amazed that minds, which may otherwise be brilliant, can fall into the trap of single thinking (including me from childhood). Unfortunately Nazism showed how easily this could be done by eliminating all opponents of it.
Some examples of this unique non-thinking about vaxxes since their origin.
Thus the royal government of Holland declared, a few years ago, after the UN: “ even supposing that vaccination was a preservative against smallpox, the government would not have the power to prescribe it, because the government must not dispose of the body of citizens even if he is convinced that this measure is favorable » » following the UN declaration of human rights
December 10, 1948 art 3: “ every individual has the right to life, liberty and security of person » which we will find in the Nuremberg code and later that of Oviedo finally signed by President Sarkozy., then by French law. So how did this compulsory or incentive vaccination begin and its deleterious effects.
In 1949 the Parisien Libéré asked its readers their opinion on vaccinations and 85% of them declared themselves to be formally opposed to any compulsory vaccination.
Likewise, in parliament, on December 18, 1938, Philippe Henriot and Plard denounced the harm of diphtheria vaccination where they received UNANIMOUS approval from their colleagues, WITHOUT DISTINCTION OF PARTY or opposition.
And yet the public, convinced by health authorities, believes that diseases can be defeated by vaccines, but this public does not have access to the reality on the ground. Indeed, epidemics are cyclical and appear and disappear without us knowing at the time, why? Thus, without vaccines the plague diminishes, then disappears in our regions, the “Spanish” flu which caused millions of deaths appears, then disappears after 2 years without vaccines either. Smallpox, more persistent since it was found in Egypt at the time of Pharaoh, reached us and recently disappeared independently of vaccination campaigns. (WHO report)
The characteristic example concerning this smallpox was that of the epidemic in the Philippines where 95% of the population had been vaccinated there were 64.434 deaths, despite this.
Elsewhere in Manila, which was heavily vaccinated, 65,4% of smallpox patients died compared to 11.4% in Mindanao who refused these vaccines for religious reasons. Thus the famous English naturalist Wallace, close to Darwin, observed in his work that: “ vaccination is an illusion and its legal obligation a crime » However, after the obligation of 1853, Wallace noted that the sole effect of the obligation increased the number of deaths from 12.244 to 44.840. An observation which will be repeated with each compulsory or strongly recommended vaccination.
Pasteur is no exception with his vaccine at variable speed depending on his moods. So if this “disease” is impressive (like tetanus) a very small minority of people bitten by a truly rabid dog are exposed to contracting it. Only 5 to 15%, according to the authors, are likely to become rabid themselves after these “infectious” bites. Thus the story of the little 9-year-old shepherd Joseph Meister served as a unique model to validate the discovery and therapy of rabies. But we forget, we skip, that this child had been bitten by Max Vone's dog, himself bitten the same day as were five other people, none of whom showed signs of rabies, any more than the young shepherd. Besides. Now what was the number of victims in France in 1885, just before the vaccine, i.e. 19 deaths for 36 million inhabitants.
The following year, 1886, with vaccines, this gave 33 treated deaths compared to 17 untreated.
In 1887; 71 vaccinated deaths including 40 foreigners and 31 French. Which made Professor Peter, who followed the Pasteurian revolution, say before the Academy of Medicine that “ Monsieur Pasteur does not cure rabies, he gives it »
To make matters worse, the victims died from paralytic rabbit rabies and not from the rabies of carnivorous animals like dogs, thus showing that it was indeed the vaccine taken from rabbits which was the cause.
Other cases like that of Rascol and his traveling companion where he was bitten by a dog but with only his clothes torn and his companion, forced by the administration to be vaccinated, died of rabies...rabbit paralysis.
And it's the same thing every time, if it's not the vaccine alone that kills, it's also its adjuvants
Like Ramon's toxoid, its inventor for diphtheria, consisting of a mixture of toxin and… FORMAL! The toxicity of which we now recognize. Thus in Paris the number of deaths in 1939 was 27 before the vaccine, rising to 149 in 1945 when this vaccine was imposed.
In Switzerland, in the canton of Geneva where the vaccine became compulsory, the number of cases doubled from 1941 to 1943.
Or in Germany where the number of cases increased from 40.000 to 250.000, despite the vaccine or because of it. Etc…
Same thing for typhoid which caused many victims in 1914-1918 due to lack of hygiene and drinking water (like cholera) and disappearing with a healthy lifestyle

To be continued!
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Ahmed » 11/10/23, 20:02

It is true that Pasteurizer et Jenner were handymen in their time, just like cugnot and his ridiculous steam cart. We can therefore easily conclude that no vaccine has ever been effective, just as the creation of cars worthy of the name can only be a pure product of the imagination!
For those who object to the presence of industrial objects designated under the name of "automobiles", they should know that it is only a question of apparent phenomena and completely illusory, and which therefore in no way call into question the previous assertion, if we take good care to inquire.
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 12/10/23, 07:54

11/10/23, 20:02
It is true that Pasteur and Jenner were handymen in their time, just like Cugnot and his ridiculous steam cart. We can therefore easily conclude that no vaccine has ever been effective, just as the creation of cars worthy of the name can only be a pure product of the imagination!
Oh, the smart little one like ABCile and Izmentrop.
The key is to define the meaning of effective! Effective in relation to what and to whom? Effective for industry? Without a doubt ! Effective for populations? It is much more subjective due to its superstition side inherited from a long religious culture. Scientifically effective? So there it is the Bérézina.
Indeed, the tinkering of Pasteur and Jenner, like those who followed, could have resulted in a miracle of science, thus showing its intellectual superiority over religious beliefs. But more than a century has passed on this beautiful idea and the evidence for their claims to avoid epidemics has been proven false, supporting evidence in the official statistics of the countries establishing these. And some non-limiting examples of which have been indicated above and even more in the subject of vaccination, which few or none want to consult...the famous superstition!
Hence this comparison with traditional religions which sell hope in a better future world, in a hypothetical beyond, by replacing it with another world which sells also a hope, closer, that science will eradicate the nasty viruses, microbes and bacteria of all kinds that cause harm to kind humans who have done nothing to deserve this.
For those who object to the presence of industrial objects designated under the name of "automobiles", let them know that these are only apparent and completely illusory phenomena, and which therefore in no way call into question the the previous statement, if we take care to find out.
More from ABCile and Izmenteur associated. The key is not just to obtain information (from what sources?) but to VERIFY, according to official statistical documents, available to all, whether this or that belief is in fact credible or not on a scientific level…. like evolutionism.
In a pseudo-scientific world that relies on proof: where are they hidden?

PS; the comparison with automobiles is interesting in the sense that everyone can see them, touch them, drive them even with its own disadvantages. Vaccines no! The nice human users of these ignore the effects induced by injections of these and what develops, above, the biology teacher who only describes what is explained in any medical biology textbook.
Indeed, it is not so much the fact that an industrial product is made available to future consumers, as the obligation imposed on them to buy and consume them under penalty of severe sanctions up to imprisonment, and, worst of all, on babies and young children unable to refuse them. like at the time of medical Nazism Totalitarianism do you think or not?
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Ahmed » 12/10/23, 10:05

Inadvertently, I admit, I wrote information instead of checking! Mea culpa! : Oops: : Oops: : Oops:
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 12/10/23, 10:09

12/10/23, 10:05

Inadvertently, I admit, I wrote information instead of checking! Mea culpa! : Oops: : Oops: : Oops:
on the contrary, you must first obtain information (but from what sources?) BEFORE checking! : Cheesy:
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 12/10/23, 16:56

Some additional elements for reflection (continued)
For example BCG, which was compulsory for a long time and which has disappeared from the obligatory list because of its excessive side effects:
« Watson, delegate of the Canadian government, noted that out of 134 guinea pigs, 93 did not have an accident; 30 had mild tuberculosis, 12 had generalized tuberculosis » or 31% of guinea pigs.
"Calmette, himself, had inoculated tuberculosis into 36 guinea pigs including 6 unvaccinated guinea pigs, the latter died between the 70th and 110th day, but the 30 all also died between the 7th and 207th day and at autopsy none of them were free from tuberculosis, including 2 with generalized tuberculosis. Annals of the Pasteur Institute of 1924.
In 1948, Professor Moussu of the Alfort school recognized that vaccinated guinea pigs develop invasive tuberculosis LIKE unvaccinated guinea pigs.
Watson, again: 200 cows and cattle vaccinated by Watson ALL had a tuberculosis infection EXACTLY COMPARABLE to that of unvaccinated cattle.
and the same phenomenon has always occurred regardless of the “vaccines” invented over time until the present day, including the latest mRNA.
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 14/10/23, 13:16

SCIENCE and VACCINES by DR MICHEL DE LORGERIL: Epidemiology and Methodology of Medical Sciences
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Vaccinomania and science: incompatible

View Janic » 18/11/23, 13:10

interesting experience of this economics interested in statistics on this "covid".

what is remarkable is to be able to question social conditioning based on supposedly scientific but in reality dogmatic beliefs.
and who, too, advises check, check, check again.
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré

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