"We are at war": Emmanuel Macron announces containment

How to stay healthy and prevent risks and consequences on your health and public health. occupational disease, industrial risks (asbestos, air pollution, electromagnetic waves ...), company risk (workplace stress, overuse of drugs ...) and individual (tobacco, alcohol ...).
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Re: "We are at war": Emmanuel Macron announces containment

View Christophe » 14/09/21, 10:43

Wait but (fuck) shit you like it eh!

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Re: "We are at war": Emmanuel Macron announces containment

View ABC2019 » 14/09/21, 10:49

Christophe wrote:Wait but (fuck) shit you like it eh!

because spending his time insulting everyone in 90% of his messages, what do you call that?
you will notice that i basically stopped answering the JOGGERs, but that didn't change their attitude at all.
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To pass for an idiot in the eyes of a fool is a gourmet pleasure. (Georges COURTELINE)

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posts: 79862
Registration: 10/02/03, 14:06
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Re: "We are at war": Emmanuel Macron announces containment

View Christophe » 14/09/21, 10:51

Some insults are justified ... it is even doing a service to screw the nose in their shit to some (but some never understand I think ...)!

I lock here on these beautiful words! Huh ABC! : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:

We are talking more about the pass than the spring 2020 containment which was at the origin of this subject, which is very outdated so ...

We continue here: health-pollution-prevention / application-of-the-sanitary-pass-how-effective-the-macronic-government-recedes-t16935.html
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