Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View sicetaitsimple » 06/06/24, 21:37

sicetaitsimple wrote:
reinoso wrote:it's actually a lie, there is no defamation in barnérias' film

the only mistake made was to have accused latombe of having received 220k euros instead of 200k euros...
hence the 500 euros suspended sentence in principle

Where is it written? Do you have a source for the deliberation of the judgment?

Robob, Reinoso the “reinformant” or Janic in response?
It doesn't come quickly in any case....
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Janic » 07/06/24, 08:21

reinoso wrote:
go see this film then we'll talk about it again Guinea Pig Kids.jpg
What does this have to do with covid?
The methods used which are similar since it is "for the good" of the individuals concerned. Forgotten those never again who follow all the horrors of which humans are guilty and particularly in "medicine" like Mengélé and his successors of all time. Hell is, they say, paved with good intentions, just watch this film or the Nuremberg trials again. Same causes, same effects! : Evil: : Cry:
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 07/06/24, 13:11

We could have talked about the addition of fluoride to the water of certain cities, of LSD distributed "without their own knowledge" (Pont Saint Esprit, for example), of syphilis guinea pigs, of trepanation, of electroshocks, etc, etc... examples in which Fauci had nothing to do (but where some of those responsible are "people like him"). You can also mix tea towels and napkins since “it’s fabric”. : roll:
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View izentrop » 21/06/24, 20:03

Di vizio in trouble : Mrgreen: : Mrgreen:
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Obamot » 22/06/24, 03:21

More bla-bla-bla, not randomized or double-blind since Me Di Vizio appealed, as he said on his “discord” on the other hand, to say that he “part of the complosphere” Yes, it is defamation, and so you are spreading this defamation.
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Janic » 25/06/24, 10:46

to say that he “is part of the complosphere” yes, that is defamation, and so you are peddling this defamation.
can we expect anything else from mister truncheon who in a court of law would be condemned for his various outrages against real independent scientists.
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"We make science with facts, like making a house with stones: but an accumulation of facts is no more a science than a pile of stones is a house" Henri Poincaré
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Obamot » 25/06/24, 11:36

Janic wrote:
to say that he “is part of the complosphere” yes, that is defamation, and so you are peddling this defamation.
can we expect anything else from mister truncheon who in a court of law would be condemned for his various outrages against real independent scientists.

Yes, at 11:00 we can hear from this masked crow (who would report the words of the lawyers of the uncle of the brother of the aunt of the daughter who allegedly cheated in her studies or something...what she would deny it, and bla-bla-bla etc.)
— “Here are the names of Professor Didier Raoult’s two lawyers, and Me Di Vizio is not one of them…”

It should be remembered that in the application of current legal doctrines, the courts regularly send the parties back-to-back (and more and more) so that they can sort themselves out, no longer having time for these trifles. . So it stinks of “dismissal” after appeal… And honestly does everyone care? When will the IHU concierge be heard to testify? “that she would never have seen Fabrice there in the professor’s offices” nah but honestly...? : Idea: : Shock: : roll:

It's certain that it's flying very low, I'm sure that such “scientific” considerations obtained in double-blind fashion, must better enable us to know where to put our foot in this absurd narrative of the fake-checkers, who must no longer know where post their dung to cover their tracks.

Well that's where they are, getting lost in gossip, that's all they have left, zététicians like Izentrop, who don't respond to comments (except when it suits them...) and publish videos of pseudo lawyers blurred in the image, have never stolen much upper…
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Janic » 25/06/24, 14:05

https://www.lejdd.fr/Societe/L-avocat-M ... 45-3162977
in short, a blind person who criticizes a supposedly “visually impaired” person! It's pure biased face and its usual slanderers
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View Robob » 03/07/24, 12:00

RaoultX.jpg (100.02 KiB) Viewed 707 times
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Re: Bullshit and idiocy around the Coronavirus (actions, words, decisions ...)

View izentrop » 03/07/24, 14:43

He stayed in his little cloud, but at least where he is, he won't do any more harm : Wink:
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