Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 11/06/24, 13:11

Obamot wrote:But wow, wow... Do you want us to talk about what the ball says about Daszak today VS what he said 3 years ago? natural-human-disasters/coronavirus-whose-fault-or-what-and-why-t16346-1270.html?hilit=Daszak#p450028


Except that:
1: Nothing in my answer concerns what VetusLignum posted. (No quote, not once do I mention the bullshit of the childrenshealthdefense site that I have always disqualified, nor Daszak).
2: VetusLignum then clarifies: "What also seems to stand out is that neither Fauci nor Daszak were aware that the virus came from the laboratory in January 2020." natural-human-disasters / coronavirus-fault-for-who-or-what-and-why-and-why-t16346-1270.html # p450058
3: The virus does not come out of the Wuhan lab, which is what the article I posted says and which I did not write.
4: It is a zoonosis, which the article confirms.
In short, you would have done better to "have a pool" instead of making a fool of yourself once too often.
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View Robob » 11/06/24, 16:23

GuyGadeboisLeRetour wrote:4: It is a zoonosis, which the article confirms.

Here is another opinion article published less than a week ago in the NY Time: ... x_tr_pto=s

This is a point-by-point explanation of why the probability that it is a zoonosis is almost zero.

Thank you for taking the time to read this article. fully sourced, including the latest events such as Fauci's interrogation and these email exchanges.

I understand that it pisses you off that the low-brow conspirators are always right and that by association, you are at best lobotomized sheep, at worst useful idiots, but we have to stop making it to us like Julien Pain now. Image

"The pandemic could have been caused by any of hundreds of species of viruses, in any of tens of thousands of wildlife markets, in any of thousands of cities and over the course of n any year But it was a SARS-like coronavirus with a unique furin cleavage site that emerged in Wuhan, less than two years after scientists, sometimes working under inadequate biosafety conditions. , proposed to collect and create viruses of the same design."
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 11/06/24, 16:32

Another “dubious” article (USA vs China, accused of all evils). Propaganda possible. I have posted scientific articles which confirm what Raoult has always said. In any case, the more time passes, the less there will be a 100% sure answer. What must be remembered is that IF there was a leak from a lab, it was accidental and the virus was NEVER tampered with (with the famous HIV sequence far from being rare in viral RNAs ) with the aim of causing harm. Until proven otherwise.

Ps: Labs like the one in Wuhan exist in practically all major Chinese cities, which is what Raoult (again) recommended to combat epidemics. Therefore, whether a virus appeared here or there, it makes no difference, we could have expressed the same suspicions.
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 11/06/24, 17:39

As for furin (translated):
Although the above analyzes suggest that SARS-CoV-2 might bind to human ACE2 with high affinity, computational analyzes predict that the interaction is not ideal and that the RBD sequence is different from those presented in SARS-CoV as being optimal for receptor binding. Thus, high affinity binding of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein to human ACE2 is most likely the result of natural selection on human or human-like ACE2 that allows for another optimal binding solution to arise. This is strong evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is not the product of deliberate manipulation.

In 2021:
A four amino acid insertion in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein occurred during its emergence from an animal reservoir and created a suboptimal furin CS. Here we propose a mechanism by which this confers an advantage to the virus in the human respiratory tract, enabling efficient human-to-human transmission....

..... The presence of a CS furin at the S1/S2 junction is not uncommon in human coronaviruses; while half of human seasonal coronaviruses as well as MERS-CoV contain furin CSs, the remaining strains and SARS-CoV do not. 6, 16. Thus, furin-induced tip cleavage is not an absolute requirement for efficient human respiratory transmission. Surveillance of animal coronaviruses will likely be important for predicting and preventing future pandemics. We suggest that the gain of furin CS in broader SARS-related coronaviruses is a cause for concern. ... 08-w#Sec10

The furin cleavage site of SARS-CoV-2 was not changed
Harrison and Sachs' claim that the Sarbecovirus Spike amino acid sequence alignment illustrates "the unusual nature of the [SARS-CoV-2] FCS" is misleading. FCS are common in coronaviruses and present in representatives of four out of five betacoronavirus subgenera. The highly variable nature of the S1/S2 junction is easily seen by inspecting a precise alignment of Sarbecovirus Spikes.

SARS-CoV-2 has continued to evolve as it spreads through the population, and we have learned more about its pathogenicity and transmission determinants. As previously reported in The Lancet Microbe, one of these determinants is the unusual furin cleavage site (FCS) on its spike protein. 1
Although it has been proposed that the FCS may have been engineered, it is becoming increasingly clear that natural selection is in fact the driving factor in its acquisition and functionality, through recombination and epistasis.

Madame Chan wants to sell her book (which was published in 2021), and we can understand her.
Alina Chan, biologist at the Broad Institute and Matt Ridley, science journalist (also ex-banker), have just published “Viral”, an investigation into the origins of Sars-CoV-2. They point out the weaknesses of the animal origin thesis, without however dismissing it. Above all, they reconstruct the web of elements which make the hypothesis of an accidental leak from a laboratory plausible. Plausible, but not necessarily true. The story reinforces doubts without providing definitive proof. Ultimately, there remains a much more convincing call for a moratorium on the genetic manipulation of pathogens., which Alina Chan explained to ... aboratoire
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View Obamot » 11/06/24, 19:51

What an apple.

People have everything in front of them, they just have to read.
Wow, it's getting worse and worse... Pathetic.
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View izentrop » 09/07/24, 16:18

“The scholar from Marseille is having a blast at the moment.
In the meantime, he caused damage and contributed to the growth of the conspiracy sphere. We don’t even need the Russians!”

Didier Raoult loses his legal battle against the director of the AP-HM François Crémieux ... s-cremieux
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View Obamot » 09/07/24, 17:34

izentrop wrote:“The scholar from Marseille is having a blast at the moment.
In the meantime, he caused damage and contributed to the growth of the conspiracy sphere. We don’t even need the Russians!”

Didier Raoult loses his legal battle against the director of the AP-HM François Crémieux ... s-cremieux
you announce it like “a kind of victory”... but I would point out to you in passing that it was Professor Raoult who attacked François Crémieux - and not the other way around - this individual is accused of defamation so had justice in full force throughout the procedure, you know what that does to you to have justice on the go for months? And it seems, Raoult as plaintiff, risked nothing. In law, we must distinguish defamation from slander, in short, Raoult:

has 10 days to appeal.
it can still last...

So your bluff is bogus, peanut, nothing, nada, zero… : Mrgreen:
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Re: Covid and Didier Raoult (supporter of Hydroxychloroquine): analyzes on the pandemic

View gegyx » 09/07/24, 19:38

It's crazy, I'm tired of it...
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