The astronomical cost of air pollution revealed by the WHO
The WHO (World Health Organization) published Tuesday, 28 April a report on the human and financial costs of air pollution. This estimate, which concerns 53 countries in Europe and Asia, reports 600 000 induced diseases and premature deaths, and evaluates the cost to more than 1 000 billion.
Globally, the numbers are turning heads. Outdoor air pollution (which differs from domestic pollution), according to WHO, caused seven million premature deaths and cost the 34 OECD countries (plus China and India) the sum of 3 140 billion euros for the 2010 year.
For example, in Ukraine or Romania, the health cost is one quarter of the country's GDP. The record goes to Serbia, where this figure exceeds one third of its annual national wealth. ... 43261.html
But no, it's still not expensive enough to really awaken consciences ... too bad for those who die prematurely (can we say: murdered by the system? Add the dead of hunger and junk food ... We live in the best of the world, really ...)