Barely fewer covid deaths in 2021 but an excess mortality as high as in 2020

How to stay healthy and prevent risks and consequences on your health and public health. occupational disease, industrial risks (asbestos, air pollution, electromagnetic waves ...), company risk (workplace stress, overuse of drugs ...) and individual (tobacco, alcohol ...).
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Re: Barely fewer deaths from covid in 2021 but an excess mortality as high as in 2020

View Obamot » 09/02/22, 09:32

Precisely, what is needed is to stop sterile quarrels and “objectify”. Would there have been negligent homicides because the government, or rather some of its members, would have been under the influence of pharma, which would have conditioned its decisions and led to the imposition of bad decisions. Some of these things are hard to understand.

In this pseudo-crisis, would “worse than bad” health decisions have been taken? That is the question.

The answer, we already know it partially, must stop coiling the face. This is an excellent motive for skewing the numbers.
I don't understand why some still doubt it, they are the "funny ones", or rather "the obedient ones"...

And by what right do some who have not ceased to be wrong in 2 years, allow themselves to prevent us from seeing clearly on the pretext that the data of a corrupt government, would be worth words of gospel? It's still strong these prostrations...!
There will be criminal penalties if offenses have been committed, rest assured!
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Re: Barely fewer deaths from covid in 2021 but an excess mortality as high as in 2020

View Rajqawee » 09/02/22, 10:14

Obamot wrote:Precisely, what is needed is to stop sterile quarrels and “objectify”. Would there have been negligent homicides because the government, or rather some of its members, would have been under the influence of pharma, which would have conditioned its decisions and led to the imposition of bad decisions. Some of these things are hard to understand.

We can explain it quite a bit, you verbalized it like I did too: if it doesn't fall into the initial narrative, it's set aside, criticized, forgotten. On the other hand, if it falls into the initial narrative, it is put forward, generalized, hammered.

Of course there are influences, from everywhere. It's normal somewhere, the actors (pharma, politicians, scientists, hospitals...) have different goals. I don't think it played that much (the proof, we still don't have a real rescue plan for the public hospital), it was the choice of the initial narrative that played a role.
Once you said that covid was a weapon of mass destruction, that you were at war, that resuscitation would have to sort out the sick, and that's what allows you to justify drastic measures, either:
-you're right
- you were wrong, but you quickly realized it, you apologize for it in one way or another
- you were wrong, but you didn't quickly realize it, nor did you want to admit it, and you're sinking little by little...
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Re: Barely fewer deaths from covid in 2021 but an excess mortality as high as in 2020

View Obamot » 09/02/22, 11:34

Either certain "agents" in links of interest would have tried (and then partially succeeded) to orient the psychosis in the "direction of an agenda", and it was eventually easy to do in view of what you have just said. explain, the conditioning of the mainstream, and some guests who came to bring “the good word” on these channels ad nauseam....

It's more than just a guess.

To lean in one direction rather than another, credibly, would remain to certify the exact origin of the virus (but that is hardly in doubt with the confessions of the NIH... remains reserved for the outcome of the procedures to be coming or going to criminal)

For Maître Di Vizio, for example, certain recitals leave little doubt.

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Re: Barely fewer deaths from covid in 2021 but an excess mortality as high as in 2020

View GuyGadeboisTheBack » 09/02/22, 13:58

And those who were murdered in EHPAD, either by the magic injection of "end of life with dignity", or by "non-assistance to anyone in danger", where are they counted?
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