Car: interests of electronics in vehicles

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Car: interests of electronics in vehicles

View Christophe » 31/05/10, 14:41

A PSA document from (already) 2003 but still relevant on the costs and interests of on-board electronics.

Some figures (cost in particular) are interesting, for example:

(uh, what is GMP?)


Page 7 clearly states that cars are currently made to last 5 years ... : Cry:

It is interesting to read the conclusion with hindsight of the current 7 years:

In the next 10 years we will attend:
    - An increase in electronic functions and a
    better energy management.
    - The continued reduction in the number of wires by extension
    multiplexing (smart connector, etc.).
    - Miniaturization and hybridization of components
    (computers, sensors, actuators).
    - Development of standard software reception structures.
    - The standardization of networks.
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View Macro » 31/05/10, 15:29

Frankly ... Apart from the fact that on-board electronics multiplies the number of locks preventing mechanical self, on-board electronics is in my humble opinion a great asset for the automobile ... Especially in terms of engine management. ..When in addition this one allows standardization by management adapted to the request, it is a great plus in terms of econology (standard engine block = less CO² for manufacturing) ...

What is inadmissible is the non-availability to the buyer of what is due to him by right: the software managing the computer of his car.

On the other hand ... if there were no leaded screws on the mechanical injections ... We would have seen a lot of old bulls smoking very black, doubling you like V2
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View dedeleco » 31/05/10, 15:37

Very informative, but startling, the price per transistor decreases and the power of the microprocessors increases but the price of the car will end up being only computer development !!
It becomes impossible to repair his car, secret computer systems !!!
For me it is anti progress because instead of open system, it becomes closed !!
During failures we are trapped like rats, especially during computer bugs, so, if the battery has weaknesses, all doors will lock on C3 (case of my recent son, given the original discount battery mounted and anti-theft logic!)

I hate being trapped by this kind of system, with bugs, inevitable, given the principle, why make it simple when it can be complicated, with programs of an absurd volume for what they do !!!.

Result keep your old mechanical car !!
I keep my old household appliances and do not change my simple boiler, without breakdown, given the breakdowns of recent computerized boilers, with outdated plumbers !!

In addition we can not choose the operation and ergonomics of his car when it is possible!

One should impose to supply freely with each device, the complete clear computer program of management, in addition to the narrow notice because in 10 years, this lost program will make repair impossible !!!
In addition to making the absurdities of these obese programs visible would be beneficial.
Ideal for manufacturers, to impose the change of car often, with the failures preprogrammed in the programs!
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View Christophe » 31/05/10, 15:46

I expected such reactions (which I share). I did not want to give a personal opinion in the intro message and the title but personally I find the electronization ... a bit abusive all the same!

Remember that the lifespan of a component is roughly 20 years. So what will be the classic cars of the 2050s?

To sum up very broadly about electronics, my opinion is simple:

- better control and management of the engine (and breakdowns) and energy
- better user comfort
- better security (active + passive)

- shorter vehicle life
- "computerized" maintenance requiring "proprietary" devices (to speak software language) which has (and will still) lead to the bankruptcy of a good number of small "multi-brand" garages. Expensive vehicle training.
- overweight, overweight, overconsumption (offset by better control)

This document must also be put into context: early 2000s, almost 10 years.
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View dedeleco » 31/05/10, 15:49

Something that annoys me the most:no mechanical brake on recent cars, only automatic electric and therefore if the battery is dead you can no longer move the car by hand or block the brake, depending on the chance !!
If while driving, the battery or the alternator or false contact, the voltage fair or fluctuates, what happens?
The brake locks at 130 ??
I would like to know !!!
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View Christophe » 31/05/10, 15:52

Ben tests see ... It's for Science! 8) : Mrgreen:

All the brakes are not electronic anyway ...
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View Macro » 31/05/10, 15:54

I currently operate on an alfa JTD with a fiat engine ... By subjecting it to the worst turpitude ... It corrects all my excess without flinching.
The goodness of an Italian mamma, with the docility of a beep... : Cheesy:
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View Macro » 31/05/10, 15:58

dedeleco wrote:Something that annoys me the most:no mechanical brake on recent cars, only automatic electric and therefore if the battery is dead you can no longer move the car by hand or block the brake, depending on the chance !!
If while driving, the battery or the alternator or false contact, the voltage fair or fluctuates, what happens?
The brake locks at 130 ??
I would like to know !!!

It is still managed by the foot which pushes a piston which pushes oil ... The parking brake OK but it is not in positive security (well on the one I saw: VW passat) it is true to loosen it you have to be smart : Cheesy:
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View Avibel » 31/05/10, 17:22

Christophe wrote:Ben tests see ... It's for Science! 8) : Mrgreen:

It’s humor, maybe, but it’s a bit out of place.
Do not get the wrong target: Death to head reducers (Delco)! Stop the rapists of serial (special) motorists!
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View Flytox » 31/05/10, 19:59

It is nonsense this race forward always + complicated + obsolete but always + expensive and always + irreparable without any real benefit for the customer, except to have to throw his car every 5 years (become unsaleable) . : Evil:

The only real added value of electronics is for the optimization of engine parameters in relation to fuel consumption and pollution. The rest is rubbish and misuse of function (except GPS).

And then wanting to play in the backyard of others, that of software, they take a serious risk that Bill and or Gogol will take care of it and take control of world car traffic before they understand what is happening to them. Soon it will be necessary to pay for its update so that the car wants to start well (if it is not planted Crosoft obliges) : Mrgreen:
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