Gillier-Pantone diesel hybrid car

Transport and new transport: energy, pollution, engine innovations, concept car, hybrid vehicles, prototypes, pollution control, emission standards, tax. not individual transport modes: transport, organization, carsharing or carpooling. Transport without or with less oil.
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Grand Econologue
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Gillier-Pantone diesel hybrid car

View gildas » 07/06/10, 17:07


Taking into account the arguments developed on water doping,
I would say that this kind of car could work properly with a small diesel engine so that it uses its fuel within its thermochemical limits. Of course, in town the car would be in electric mode, where water doping is ineffective.

With the simplicity of a diesel engine doped with water, it would surely be interesting.
Last edited by gildas the 04 / 01 / 11, 16: 48, 2 edited once.
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Grand Econologue
Grand Econologue
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View gildas » 12/06/10, 01:48


I read on Quanthomme that the moderator evokes the hybrid car
diesel Gillier-Pantonne but with a small generator, (subject: 11projects for tomorrow's vehicles).

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