To 100% hydrogen in Iceland

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To 100% hydrogen in Iceland

View SixK » 28/09/05, 22:06

Super report at the moment even on Arte, they talk about the Island which aims for 100% hydrogen for 2030 in order to completely replace hydrocarbons.
Currently they equip the buses, soon they will equip private vehicles and ultimately trawlers.
Hydrogen is produced by geothermal energy, so no production pollution :)

France is developing a program with Iceland, their goal is to make hydrogen with water which would be used to cool nuclear power plants.

Shell is a partner with Iceland for the development of the program.

Well it looks pretty good island, here is where I could go when France will implode in a few years ...
Too bad they have a horrible accent;)

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View noelkiller » 28/09/05, 22:27

He looked very interesting about this
Too bad I missed the start: angry:

excerpt from the arte website

Wednesday, September 28, 2005 at 21:35 p.m.
Replay: Thursday September 29 at 16:50 p.m.

The hydrogen revolution
From black gold to white gold. Iceland is the first country in the world to convert its entire economy to hydrogen. His goal: to put an end to his dependence on petroleum, an expensive and polluting resource, soon to be exhausted.

This is the 2nd report of this program

All have your VCR to not miss the redif!
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View DMA » 29/09/05, 08:36

Very interesting report (as well as the previous one on drilling) as usual on Arte.
And as usual too, not everything is to be taken at face value. It's a bit idealistic for my taste (it almost becomes a religion: no more war for oil, peace, independence of the country etc ...)
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View The Passing » 29/09/05, 12:19

A very close friend has scheduled the recording on Arte this evening from 16:50 to 17:50 pm, I will make a divx.
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View grouchy » 29/09/05, 13:50

I have rarely seen such a poor report.
No critical spirit of the journalist who is content to drink the words of the howlers they resent.

a nice prototype that turns a propeller and we're happy.
No data on the problem of storage or production of H2 in areas much less advantageous than Iceland. Hop Hop it works in Iceland, so it works for the planet. this is reasoning. Ah if math could be that simple!

We recall that in Iceland we have:
lots of pure water to electrolyze,
gigantic thermal springs, wind waves and the sun (yes).
a small population, not a lot of vehicles and short transport distances (it's a small island).
(by the way we see that for long distances = boats, the problem is more acute)
it will therefore require few materials to equip the region with fuel cells. Phew, they won't bite all the platinum!

the oil companies are behind because they are the main producers of H2 by gas reforming and that it is a good way to hold the reins of a market which will always be profitable economically even on a "small scale".
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View Christophe » 29/09/05, 14:08

Completely agree with Grouchy ... no hope of transferring the Icelandic model to the whole world ... also agree for the control of oil tankers ... It's a beautiful hypocrisy!
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View Derje Boven » 29/09/05, 14:27

grouchy wrote:Hop Hop it works in Iceland, so it works for the planet.

I do not agree.

It works in Iceland: so much the better!

At least one country where it works. I have not seen the report, but if the journalists (or others) do not suggest exporting these solutions across the Atlantic ( :D ), no problem for me.
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View DMA » 29/09/05, 14:47

Derje Boven wrote:
grouchy wrote:Hop Hop it works in Iceland, so it works for the planet.

I do not agree.

It works in Iceland: so much the better!

At least one country where it works. I have not seen the report, but if the journalists (or others) do not suggest exporting these solutions across the Atlantic ( :D ), no problem for me.

Especially since they provide hydrogen production solutions for other countries: fusion (we are talking about the future, optimistic here) for countries like France, heat and sun in Africa (I have a doubt my memory n is not faithful).

That it works it is not a secret, in the USA there are already several models of cars and Buses (one sees many buses in Iceland with hydrogen). It is clear that the trawler is a big piece (they speak of the equivalent of 2000 cars over 1 year to fill up with a diesel trawler).

I do not reject the entire report, it has the merit of showing that it works and of suggesting some solutions, they have the merit of doing the research, it is much better than crossing our arms to wait for the last drop of oil.
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View Zeland333 » 29/09/05, 16:11


It seems to me that the main subject that is currently on the air is: "there is something other than oil".

The important thing in this report is that a small country like Iceland (which has no pollution problem ... the wind is sweeping the island ...) is getting ahead of the rest of the world.

Economically, for them it's paradise, they have free energy (hydrotermy) and the material (water) to produce hydrogen ... like Saudi Arabia has oil ...

In France, we have water, but energy ... we only have nuclear power and little renewable energy ...

When I hear that the report is not complete, it makes me smile. Was that the goal? We are talking about 2030. So there are 25 years left to solve the problem.
FYI, the storage is being resolved, just read the scientific news:
France leads ...

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View grouchy » 29/09/05, 18:54

The problem is precisely that the report presents the Icelandic solution as easily extensible to the rest of the planet, which I strongly dispute. The report does not share things. This does not prevent me from congratulating the work of Icelandic researchers and I am delighted that they can find a local response to their energy supply ... since the time I say that the solutions must be local.
I only disparage the overly optimistic way of presenting the problem.

For example we present a French engineer who specifies that thanks to the hydrogen which is inexhaustible we have an inexhaustible energy in Iceland thanks to the thermal sources and in France thanks to the nuclear power. Ah! first discovery, uranium exists in infinite quantities ??? : Rolleyes:
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