car performance against bike and recumbent

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car performance against bike and recumbent

View Christophe » 11/08/06, 12:57

Comparative performance of a car, a bike and a recumbent bike. Received by mail

Knowing that
1TEP = 11620kWh
petrol, diesel: 0.8TEP / 1000L
either 9.3kWh / L
We find
For 100km to 100km / h, with a consumption of 4L / 100km (Average speed rarely reached for current journeys, car not greedy)
37kWh for a one-hour trip

power supplied by the cyclist: 200W (Richard Virenque: 436W at power test)
For 100km at an average speed of 20km / h
1kWh for a trip during 5h
5 times less fast but 37 times less energy consuming

power supplied by the cyclist: 200W
For 100km at an average speed of 50km / h (Below reality: 76.5km / h is announced at 250W. For the record, the current record is 84km traveled in one hour)
0.4kWh for a trip during 2h
2 times less fast but 92 times less energy consuming

I remember that I was very kind to the car and very contignant with the bike and the recumbent bike.
Plus, with my baron I usually also see faster than a car that makes the same trip from 30km but that takes 20km from the highway. In the worst case, I am at most 3 4 times longer.
Finally, the energy I consume is renewable, and I emit no gas that is harmful to health, while being much less dangerous than a car for other users.
Last edited by Christophe the 11 / 10 / 10, 09: 48, 2 edited once.
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View SixK » 11/08/06, 14:24

Well, there's something that annoys me on this bike, it's the chain length used!
It's huge, in terms of performance it must not be terrible.

It should almost be possible to drive the front wheel directly.

Well, otherwise it looks effective from what you say.

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View Christophe » 11/08/06, 14:36

Uh it's not me and I'll have some comments to make:

1) Few people are able to provide 200W on average ... it's huge.

An average at 80-100W is already a lot.

2) 20 and especially 50km / h average is also very high since the average speed of a car throughout his life is of this order ...

3) Apart from that the reasoning seems good to me and gives correct order of magnitude. It lacks more than the calculation of the energy needed to feed the cyclist :D.... do you care about the performance of a man? (what can he supply as energy / what he ate)? I asked myself the question ...
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View AVEVA » 19/08/06, 22:50

on his site ... JM. Jancovici makes such an approach, not scientist! to see all the same.
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View pollux » 20/08/06, 13:46


this post may be off topic, but I do not see where to put it otherwise. to move if it's really too close to the plate ...

I have one or two questions about the recumbent bike. Always looking for a means of locomotion little tiring and econological, I think seriously about a recumbent bike, electrified afterwards of course ...

is this type of vehicle homologated road like any bike?

What about safety on this type of bike?

does not the supine position make the cyclist less visible?

in the event of a crash, with the feet in front, will the rider not break his two legs?

in case of shock, what is the use of the helmet given that, given the position, the cyclist is likely to eat a handlebars?

this bike seems to me not conducive to the ejection of the cyliste in the event of a collision, which is more likely to pass under the 4x4 and not over the hood, the ejection always seems preferable when wearing a helmet of course.

I have already noticed that a mountain bike is much safer than a race bike, because of its grip, but also because we can skid with it and avoid frontal impact. I guess it's impossible to do this with a recumbent bike?

would someone have information, accident statistics, links to sites "cyclo-coated" or the subject is addressed?


PS: another question is not too much "tape-back" this thing? without shock absorbers, one must take super expensive each hen's nest no?

PS²: given the performance of a recumbent bike, it could be a good eco-product to offer in the shop ... if security issues are not too compelling course ...
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View lau » 20/08/06, 17:38

Hi pollux!

your questions are very relevant, being a runner and practicing since 20 years I will try to give my opinion.
First, who does he think he is?
he is studying his recumbent bike that has never been able to develop since all these years and the normal bike that he could not help but name, I quote: "shitty bike".
first point safety: In the winding roads of mountains like towards me for example, the stone parapet hides the recumbent cyclist who comes in front while the motorist cuts the bend seeing nobody in front .. I let you imagine the after; that is why they are now putting up an erected flag so that we can see them.
The mounted output is not mentioned? I would like to see that??!! I think these machines come from the Nordic countries where it's all flat : Lol:
I still believe that it must be approved because we see sometimes walk with, between us be told, I find the unattractive cyclist on this type of machine.
for the other problems of collision, I think that pollux did well synthesis.
And comfort level, do not believe that being on the back is the armchair insured! you can not change your position as a dancer, for example to relax the muscles.
This type of machine, I do not even want to hear about it!
FYI: An elite 3 amateur rider must be able to develop 340Watt without any problem. The famous Indurain miguel runner at 5 TDF had a remarkable weight / power ratio. He was great for a pro runner and almost 80kg but was developing 550 W.
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View pollux » 20/08/06, 19:22

thank you for your answer Lau

the stroke of the flag is not bad, if there are flashing diodes at the top, it can be worth it.

for the rest, sniff, me who already saw me going to class on a recumbent bike ... : Cry:

I had not thought of the performance uphill ... it's true that with the head down, it's going to be hard ...
Another disadvantage, in the rain, a normal cyclist can almost withstand the k-way and the cold, but lying down, it will not be the same, especially for the legs that will take all the rain. in addition, instead of having a fleet drag on the back, it will have in the back of the neck (and in other respects seen the shape of the seat, but let us not be vulgar).

it is a shame, it seemed however very attractive as a mode of locomotion.

and I withdraw my PS², it would not be a good econological product. I had not seen the price.
I prefer my old bike mid-race from emmaus to 30 € ... even if it cost me the triple in repair after a cuddle raproché with an enc : Evil: 4x4 ...

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View elephant » 20/08/06, 19:25

good, and the scale? where do you put it?

well, jokes aside (I do at least 30.000 km / year of then 1 / 4 of century), do not dream too much: as long as "one" will require the productivity of convenience stores, deliverymen, representatives, etc, these poor cyclist and motorcyclists will simply be in danger of death

and then, I see myself badly on your machine by -5 ° C, on a mountain road.

on the other hand, for certain trades, in the city center, factor, for example, we would reintroduce well the scooter, but it would be necessary first of all that "some" go to see on the forum "another look at the economy ..."
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View delnoram » 20/08/06, 19:57

There are bicycles lying "high" I met a decade ago, the lumbar support is an undeniable advantage, but in side, I always had a doubt ....

This year I also met Germans, I think, the man on a bike lying "down" with the little orange drapery at 1.5meter above and the woman behind on a bicycle micourse, she too had a flag it seems to me.
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View Targol » 21/08/06, 10:06

Pollux wrote:Always looking for a means of locomotion little tiring and econological, I think seriously about a recumbent bike, electrified afterwards of course ...

I am exactly in the same dynamic. I work at 35Km from the house and my trip is made up of big moor roads (straight ahead) and some villages. Currently, I use my Picasso diesel to make the trip and I depress my energy footprint every morning. Can not carpool on this trip "atypical".

Even though my bike experiences were super nice, it scares me a bit (I have a great friend who was killed last year on the same type of roads).

So, what, an ulm?
A catapult with a big cushion to receive me? : Mrgreen:

P ... well, there's a less polluting way to 35Km in less than 3heures! I must find!
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