Real efficiency (or specific consumption) of a 2 engine time?

Transport and new transport: energy, pollution, engine innovations, concept car, hybrid vehicles, prototypes, pollution control, emission standards, tax. not individual transport modes: transport, organization, carsharing or carpooling. Transport without or with less oil.
The shadow
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Re: Real efficiency (or specific consumption) of a 2 engine time?

View The shadow » 26/10/16, 22:18

To go further my preference has always been the two stages for that many reasons (it exists in diesel) the first and not least the number of moving parts its simplicity for good numbers of people, it has a huge advantage at the level weight and performance and much better than
4 stroke (weight / power ratio) and the list of these many advantages is known by certain boxes> Japanese, Indian, Chinese, but we are in a world which is controlled by international boxes which do not see the two strokes of a good eye> You will certainly understand why .......
I roll with 2 Stroke and it's GIANT in many ways (saab)
De La Ball
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