hard hard to change habits !!
But with patience and mutual goodwill, we manage to agree !!!
The thing is that deleleco you have a way of explaining and planting yourself on the use of certain basic terms that make you feel like you are talking about complex things that you don't know either !!
The terms that I used are exact but very general, instead of seeing that the terms of specialists, while they are ultra fundamental principles, valid in nuclear physics or in climbing mountains too, but with a vocabulary very different !!!
I explained in a simple way, but those stubborn, full of certainties with reflexes based on very old errors, have a lot of trouble changing their deceptive reflexes!
In addition, education in France often very formal, with formulas and mathematics, more nitpicking in the vocabulary of detail than on reality, often described with varied vocabularies, gives students, who often have not assimilated the basics actually and crash as soon as the question takes a form that has not been taught to them, just by changing the words or the configuration !!
I was amazed to see BTS teachers miserably dry up to very simple questions, but never taught on their subject of teaching !!
Your question is a striking example that certainly sticks to pros not trained in cyclic voltammetry and electro-chemical analysis.
For example the vocabulary of thermal regulation is very different from that of electronic regulation, while it is identical !!!
When you have assimilated the basic principles, you can understand other areas where you are not specialists and detect basic serious errors !!
The pros running in circles unnecessarily complicate their vocabulary, sometimes without having assimilated well and if we explain to them exactly the same thing used in another field, they no longer understand anything !!!
A thermician does not understand anything about electronics for regulation !!!
Nuclear or opticians do not understand electrochemistry,
Etc. ..