To finish with Stanley Meyer ...

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View dedeleco » 06/11/11, 13:28

Finally !!!
hard hard to change habits !!
But with patience and mutual goodwill, we manage to agree !!!

The thing is that deleleco you have a way of explaining and planting yourself on the use of certain basic terms that make you feel like you are talking about complex things that you don't know either !!

The terms that I used are exact but very general, instead of seeing that the terms of specialists, while they are ultra fundamental principles, valid in nuclear physics or in climbing mountains too, but with a vocabulary very different !!!

I explained in a simple way, but those stubborn, full of certainties with reflexes based on very old errors, have a lot of trouble changing their deceptive reflexes!

In addition, education in France often very formal, with formulas and mathematics, more nitpicking in the vocabulary of detail than on reality, often described with varied vocabularies, gives students, who often have not assimilated the basics actually and crash as soon as the question takes a form that has not been taught to them, just by changing the words or the configuration !!
I was amazed to see BTS teachers miserably dry up to very simple questions, but never taught on their subject of teaching !!
Your question is a striking example that certainly sticks to pros not trained in cyclic voltammetry and electro-chemical analysis.

For example the vocabulary of thermal regulation is very different from that of electronic regulation, while it is identical !!!

When you have assimilated the basic principles, you can understand other areas where you are not specialists and detect basic serious errors !!

The pros running in circles unnecessarily complicate their vocabulary, sometimes without having assimilated well and if we explain to them exactly the same thing used in another field, they no longer understand anything !!!

A thermician does not understand anything about electronics for regulation !!!
Nuclear or opticians do not understand electrochemistry,
Etc. ..
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View dedeleco » 06/11/11, 14:03

On this site :
first reaction:
resonance has only one n, not 2 annoying !!!

Secondly it does not specify a serious error that the resonance 42KHerz have nothing to do with the resonances of the water molecule varied in the microwave and the infrared at very high frequency and much higher quantum energy (1/100 at 1/1000 eV and very studied by scientists), which is the real error for established science, of absurd salad between mechanical resonance of the electrodes and resonance of the water molecule !!!
See this spectrum of water on: ... n_by_water
to detect ions: ... ooklet.pdf

The 1,23eV of water dissociation energy corresponds to 13700 ° K in the ultraviolet in fact and therefore life with photosynthesis has found a complex and clever way to do it with 4 solar photons of the visible spectrum (well more than teraHerz but not at 42KHerz at all !!! See Z scheme of:
In very incomplete French, I can't help it, even if French people have contributed !!

All that he says, comes down to the conservation of energy whatever the details, like when you go down a mountain, you have to provide the same energy as that lost to go back up, whatever the means of transport! !!

The established science notes that S Meyer derails completely with each sentence practically !!!

So is cold fusion, but the established science is not definitive and if the heating or release of energy is real proven experimentally, then it will have to be revised !!!
So any theoretical claim of established science is not proof !!

So she has to avoid being sectarian and refusing everything, instead of ask for evidence reproducible by all, verifiable and consistent excess energy !!!

Rossi for example seems to succeed in the face of certain outside scientists, but it is impossible to verify reproducibility by everyone freely !!

Meyer never seems to have been reproduced !!

Cold fusion in certain forms seems to have reproductions, but experimental errors are not often eliminated, and that is why I insisted with nlc, to convince it from the established scientific point of view !!
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View nlc » 06/11/11, 14:53

dedeleco wrote:
Meyer never seems to have been reproduced !!

It's not "seems", that's for sure !! All the replications generate only a few bubbles (by standard electrolysis), and there is never the slightest measure of flow rate versus power consumption to have an idea of ​​the performance achieved.

Even the famous video of meyer with the alternator is pathetic when you see the flow of gas generated.

I still learned something by reading your elephant site, it is that there was a lawsuit between meyer and its investors and that meyer lost. Meyer has never had anything functional all of this is really a big scam !!
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View bpval » 06/11/11, 18:49


Thank you to all the participants ... for their passion, aggressiveness, questioning, pedagogy ...
It is a work
An almost anthology
To conserve
Failing to understand and understand everything, read and reread.
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View dedeleco » 06/11/11, 19:32

Thank you bpval, I did not get tired for nothing, nor nlc who was open to contradiction to converge and progress !!
Thank you also wikipedia and google !!!

bpval can ask questions again to clarify what is not said with the right vocabulary, variable according to our knowledge, as remarked nlc !!

The subject is huge over 180 years old and still in development !!
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View jcf » 29/03/12, 11:57

nlc wrote:
dedeleco wrote:
Meyer never seems to have been reproduced !!

It's not "seems", that's for sure !! All the replications generate only a few bubbles (by standard electrolysis), and there is never the slightest measure of flow rate versus power consumption to have an idea of ​​the performance achieved.

Even the famous video of meyer with the alternator is pathetic when you see the flow of gas generated.

I still learned something by reading your elephant site, it is that there was a lawsuit between meyer and its investors and that meyer lost. Meyer has never had anything functional all of this is really a big scam !!

Hello everyone,
I am sorry to intervene only very occasionally in our joint reflection, but I have very very little time.
The blow of the lawsuit does not mean much, it is enough to have money to attack someone on anything and to have good lawyers. The very profile of the inventor is incapable of defending itself in the face of this (far too busy dreaming in his world). It is the direct application of the adage "when you no longer want your dog, you accuse him of rabies".

What about the replication of Meyer's electrolyser by Ravi? :

In his experiments, Ravi says that the volume of gas he obtains corresponds to 5 times (from memory), the energy expended in electrolysis.
On the other hand, an electronics friend tells me that you have to be very wary of this kind of measurement, because if the assembly cosfi is not good, the measurement of the number of amps consumed may not be good at all, and therefore make believe in a surune system which is not one (I do not know if I am clear ...).

Another thing that intrigues me a lot about the Meyer system, is this video of a US truck with a good big V8 that runs for 15 minutes in the water (and not stopped ...):

There, the advantage is that the system runs in closed (no energy brought by the network, no risk of false measurement because of the cosfi), and I do not think that the only battery of the car allows it to roll for 15 min with conventional electrolysis (especially a similar calf).
Or have they had fun stashing batteries everywhere or running it on petrol despite what they say? But for what purpose?
What bothers me is that I couldn't find more info on them, or on their editing (but I didn't have time to search for hours either). => afraid of being sniped? On the other hand we see their heads, so ...

Last question, do you have any news from Guidi (the one who had mounted a pantonized injection corsa, a real rolling lab, and who after hitting a tree with it, had preferred rather than going up to work on the Meyer)? He worked perfectly scientifically, and I would like to know his conclusions.
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View elephant » 08/06/12, 09:41

I bring back a notice from deledeco coming from another subject:

memory I remember that I had set it on econology references on very pure water properties in very short pulses of high tension, for powerful systems such as lasers, to enjoy the dielectric constant of water 80, 30 with voltages to 100KV (memory) to nanosecond, before the water slap as an insulator between the avalanche nano and microsecond.

Pure water can be insulating over very short time, so if the pulses are very short, it is not necessary to isolate the anode.

Electrostatic forces are weak, and therefore with 2000V, the tubes are only barely move anything, for their resonance, very damped with water.
This calculates the electrostatic forces, but low, because the capacitors are in pF.
For large electrostatic forces, it takes one million volts. !!

If you could pipe us down the length of pulses.
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View dedeleco » 08/06/12, 14:19

Closer to nanoseconds and picoseconds, than microseconds, on very powerful systems with very short pulses, such as fusion lasers or other military uses, where capacitive banks with very concentrated energy are required (80 times with water) with minimum L / C, to have very short discharge times.
This compact water capacity is loaded on the nanosecond approximately to be discharged after on the picosecond after (memory values ​​in order of magnitude).
The value of L / C fixes the duration of the pulses; even for lightning that follows paths at minimum L / C (large wide and short bars that can form capacitors)

I had put links of articles and scientific theses, on econology, and it is enough to search on the hundred pages on cold fusion and Meyer.

As I have the impression that this type of link is hardly read or understood, and that I must finish picking up my cherries before they are rotten by the rain, I invite you to research, on what I have written in the past for me.
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View nlc » 08/06/12, 14:46

Even if what you say is true of Deleco, Meyer therefore remains a trickery because with the principle of its assembly to "charge pump" to increase the voltage on the cell, it is de facto impossible to achieve pulses of duration if short.

Meyer is rubbish
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View dedeleco » 08/06/12, 15:16

nlc wrote:Even if what you say is true of Deleco, Meyer therefore remains a trickery because with the principle of its assembly to "charge pump" to increase the voltage on the cell, it is de facto impossible to achieve pulses of duration if short.

Meyer is rubbish

It all depends on the actual production geometry (L / C very small) because functional lasers on picoseconds have been using this kind of charge pump for a long time.
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