MHD {Magneto-Hydro-Dynamique} and research by Jean-Pierre Petit

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MHD {Magneto-Hydro-Dynamique} and research by Jean-Pierre Petit

by aladin » 23/12/05, 11:47

Someone has already worked on basic editing
indicated by JP Petit on MHD (magnetohydrodinamic)?
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by Christophe » 23/12/05, 12:20

Not yet to my knowledge ...

But did JPP even work on it? I mean practically, what are the current results and performances?
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by The Passing » 23/12/05, 15:58

I have just a little experience under my belt. I played with a speaker magnet, a battery of 12v and water solution with caustic soda. Funny effect :)
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by Misterloxo » 23/12/05, 22:13

Hi Benoit!

Can we have details of this experience?

I had already seen this video without knowing that it was yours : Oops:
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by The Passing » 23/12/05, 22:21

Bahh, that's all stupid, here's a little diagram:

Image down :(

- In Black it is the magnet in the shape of a crown.
- In Blue it is an iron core.
- In Red it's an iron hull. also

The two iron parts are solid, but not in contact electrically.

So I immersed all in water solution with caustic soda, and plugged the 12V battery on the iron parts.

By swapping the poles of the battery, we change the direction of rotation of the water (and H2 / O2 bubbles).

Same show guaranteed :)

I remember I asked JP. Small what he thought of this experience, but no answer :(
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by lau » 23/12/05, 23:39

What are the limiting factors for doping on a car?
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by The Passing » 24/12/05, 09:23

lau wrote:What are the limiting factors for doping on a car?

Hhhmm ... what is the relationship with the subject? :)
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by PITMIX » 24/12/05, 10:05

:D : Shock: Very well that I love the people who share their experiences in videos it's much more fun than writing a block of 200 lines. : Wink:
For the report to the doping it will not be on the formation of O2 and H2?
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by lau » 24/12/05, 10:47

yes, that's it! Do not tell me no one has tried :?:
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The number of molecules in a drop of water is equal to the number of drop that contains the Black Sea!
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by Misterloxo » 24/12/05, 11:36

Me too I would like to know what it produces like gas, because it seems to bubble well :P
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Learning disobedience is a long process. It takes a lifetime to reach perfection. "Maurice Rajsfus
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