MHD {Magneto-Hydro-Dynamique} and research by Jean-Pierre Petit

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View Christophe » 11/01/06, 10:00

bob_isat wrote:But It is currently said, in the French space engineering community, that Russian teams have developed an efficient superconductor at 0 ° C, putting propulsion by MHD on the doorstep

Uh ... the magnetic component is a problem ... which in this case could be solved but the power supply is another .... Unless such field values ​​make the MHD effective with very little power electric? (I never saw any equation on the mhd)

In any case, I think Padawan is right when he talks about MHD complementary to conventional reaction propulsion ... except for submarines.

Here is a final video:
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View bob_isat » 11/01/06, 11:53

with a superconductive winding (R very weak), one can generate a magnetic field B with a relatively weak intensity I.

Which requires a lower power.

Finally I tell you what I was told ... not in the saucer ... er the plane sorry
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The Passing
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View The Passing » 11/01/06, 12:11

econology wrote:[...]
I have no more space on the server after! So ... Padawan, it's no longer worth sending me before migrating to the new server ...

You can create an account with free of 1Go that could help in the meantime;)
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View Christophe » 11/01/06, 12:47

-> bob yes but, from what I understood, the MHD includes 2 independent components: a magnetic field (permanent magnet or coil system) + a fluid ionization system (it is the one that eats the power even with superconductor) ... on the other hand I have no idea of ​​the necessary ionization power. I am discussing this in private with Padawan now.

-> Benoit: not for free, I have the dedicated one awaiting migration (with 80 GB there will be plenty to do :D ) and no I have nothing to do with this site, it simply took advantage of the concept of econology by depositing .... too bad for me I should have taken the .net also ...
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The Passing
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View The Passing » 11/01/06, 13:48

econology wrote:-> bob yes but, from what I understood, the MHD includes 2 independent components: a magnetic field (permanent magnet or coil system) + a fluid ionization system (it is the one that eats the power even with superconductor) ... on the other hand I have no idea of ​​the necessary ionization power. I am discussing this in private with Padawan now.

It must be possible to obtain strong electric currents by passing a conducting fluid in a magnetic field too, right? (for example with a gas explosion?)

Or by using an explosion to propel a magnet very quickly in a coil :)

It is the reversibility of the process where movement of matter, electric field and magnetic field are linked.
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View bob_isat » 11/01/06, 15:28

ionizing the air means concretely passing an electric arc through it.
that is to say on the outer hull of the aircraft small 'pawns' + and - between which have created electric arcs.

In Science and Life, the main obstacle raised was:
how to operate the computer equipment necessary for the regulation of the bouzin with such a huge magnetic field around.
With a quantum computer of course! good answer from Mr. ROSWELL.

If we start on the science deganté, there is a subject on the site of jean pierre petit with a video of a B2 presented as 'modified'
we clearly see light streaks on the lower surface (or the upper surface I know more, finally the top of the wings!) that JPP interprets as 'activating the MHD mode' ...

I'm looking for the page but it's a bit dangerous when you come back to JPP, all the known bases of reality seem to be spinning ...
Last edited by bob_isat the 11 / 01 / 06, 19: 17, 1 edited once.
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View Padawan » 11/01/06, 18:04

May the force be with you,
what do you want to do as an experience in MHD maybe I can
help you ?
See you
I will try to send you other films and photos ...

Good night
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View aladin » 11/01/06, 23:07

A very strong magnetic field can disturb the navigation instruments especially now with the electric flight controls, it is a problem on certain planes
We can get a THT with a tesla coil, 250 kv and + but it is an AC voltage
it should be straightened! or use a pulsed voltage
in the environment of this coil the air is ionized.
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View Rabbit » 11/01/06, 23:42

To crate videos there are:

There are others, but it's already a good start while waiting for them
put on the new server.

: Wink:
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View Bibiphoque » 12/01/06, 07:34

Bibiphoque wrote:Hello,
Padawan, here are some lines of information: ... tnG=Search

Another question has been calling me for quite some time but I had not yet found whom to ask it to, so I am going :P

Are there materials that are both piezoelectric and magnetic?

As a reminder to Padawan.
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This is not because we always said that it is impossible that we should not try :)

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