Manufacturing a car and environment numbers!

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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Janic » 12/09/23, 10:12

90 is already (well) too much, do you know how many km/h the crash tests are done at?
of course I mentioned it previously

During the crash tests for the PARTIAL frontal impact, the vehicle is launched at a speed of 64 km/h against a DEFORMABLE barrier, which represents another vehicle. As the objective is to simulate a PARTIAL impact at the front of the vehicle, the width of the obstacle hit is 40%.

So bogus crash test in a real situation, and even then it is only a partial shock. In a frontal impact against a wall or a tree, these do not deform, and in a frontal impact with another vehicle, you must actually combine the two speeds and there NO safety system is effective.
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Remundo » 12/09/23, 18:37

In crash tests, to summarize, you need a deformable structure and a rigid passenger compartment.

That said, above a certain speed, even a rigid passenger compartment does not protect passengers because they suffer a kinetic shock. In short, their organs are accelerated and damaged. Racing cars have encountered this problem, particularly in F1.

The problem with heavy cars is an infernal spiral, in fact to resist a heavy car, the small car will tend to want to get heavier and so on.

There should even be weight standards that should not be exceeded. 2 ton sedans seem far too excessive to me. It would also be good ecologically. Less raw material, less consumption. For example 5-seater vehicle: no more than 1500 kg. So certainly that won't make some manufacturers and drivers horny...
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Macro » 12/09/23, 21:18

In terms of passive safety... A body with programmed deformation is much safer than a blockhouse which does not cushion anything... And current cars are well beyond the cattle shed
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by gegyx » 12/09/23, 21:52

For the technology of the future... : Cheesy:
In the cabin of UFOs, passengers are bathed in a sort of “hydraulic liquid”
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Forhorse » 12/09/23, 22:35

Watch the excellent series “The Expanse” season 3 episode 7 or 8
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Janic » 13/09/23, 07:15

what an imagination! Inapplicable on a daily basis, already wearing a seat belt pisses people off!
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Macro » 13/09/23, 08:58

Because you only put people of your generation in your car.... Even our autistic people buckle up... I have never had to ask my passengers to buckle up, except of course for distracted tourists. ...
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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by phil59 » 13/09/23, 12:31

As has been said, the equation is E=1/2xmxV2.

What hurts more is the speed squared, and not the mass, even if it doesn't help anything.

Afterwards, it all depends on whether it's an "elastic shock" or not, but often it's the heavier one that has less damage.

If we come back to speed, on a busy highway, it's not worth having 18 lanes...

Practically a single lane, with all vehicles constantly traveling at 100 km/h, and as soon as the first car brakes, everyone behind them brakes.
So the cars could follow each other at a distance of 10m.

10m distance also allows for a significant reduction in consumption.

But of course, we need vehicles linked together, with technology. Rather recent vehicles therefore.
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hmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmm, huh, hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Macro » 13/09/23, 14:18

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Re: Manufacturing a car and the environment, figures!

by Remundo » 13/09/23, 16:54

We hear a lot about this EMILI project in Allier, with as usual the pros and the anti.

What catches my attention is that it is expected to produce 34000 tonnes/year of Lithium hydroxide, which corrected by a factor of 7/24, gives approximately 10 tonnes of Lithium per year, which would represent of the order of 10% of global production in 2021 or 2022.

We are also talking about 700 EVs/year, which amounts to using 000 kg of lithium per car. it doesn't seem like much. We read for example in this article
As Reporterre explained in its investigation into the false promises of electric cars, while an electric bike only contains 300 grams of lithium, an electric car requires at least 10 kilograms (kg). A Tesla contains 80 kg. A bus, up to 200 kg...

Personally I am more in favor of small batteries giving no more than 200 km of autonomy to the vehicle. Lithium elephants are hogging way too much raw materials.

If the figures for this project are confirmed, it is a major industrial asset for Europe. Imerys is in talks with the SNCF to renovate the railway tracks between Gannat and Montluçon...

Imerys is a large French mining group which makes, among other things, tiles, and moreover, my first photovoltaic project in 2009

includes Imérys tiles and “fag 10” PV tiles which were produced in partnership with Photowatt.
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