Proceedings Symposium: Energy optimization of ships

Transport and new transport: energy, pollution, engine innovations, concept car, hybrid vehicles, prototypes, pollution control, emission standards, tax. not individual transport modes: transport, organization, carsharing or carpooling. Transport without or with less oil.
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View elephant » 15/02/12, 23:14

Nice to see that the navy is asking questions. For the rest it still passes us well above the head, right? It's a whole world ....
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elephant Supreme Honorary éconologue PCQ ..... I'm too cautious, not rich enough and too lazy to really save the CO2!
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View dedeleco » 16/02/12, 13:28

elephant wrote:Nice to see that the navy is asking questions. For the rest it still passes us well above the head, right? It's a whole world ....

yes, but the general principles remain valid, like going slower, 10% slower equals 20% less consumed !!!

Also have help by sail or sky surf, which does not seem to be envisaged ??

etc ...

The price of energy nevertheless remains very low compared to that of energy 200 years ago with the sailing only and draft animals, a whole different world !!
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View Gaston » 16/02/12, 14:12

dedeleco wrote:Also have help by sail or sky surf, which does not seem to be envisaged ??

Report page 18 wrote:The sixth group on renewable energies.
It is made up of Yves Parlier (director of Océa), a famous sailor
which has always stood out for its taste for technical innovation and which since 2007,
works on pulling kites.
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View Christophe » 16/02/12, 14:13

We talked about the skysails project almost 6 years ago here there: ... t2175.html
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View Verna » 08/12/15, 13:13


In 2007, I made an improvement to the Skysails consisting in providing them with a lift system.

This arrangement allows the sails not to fall into the water in the event of a sudden drop or change of wind direction:

To complement this source of natural force dedicated to the sea, I also offer the rudder turbine:

I am looking for investors wishing to put my invention on the market.

For any clarification, do not hesitate to contact me.

Have a good day,


C. Verna
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