natural Caz / CNG, good energy transition?

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natural Caz / CNG, good energy transition?

View takata » 07/02/16, 21:31

Hello everybody

It seems not to see find any recent topic about CNG (compressed natural gas).

If we can once rejoice in note down world is the rise of awareness in the public of the harmful impact of diesel vehicles on the air quality and public health.

Of course it is still a fossil fuel, but whose use as alternative automotive fuel has the advantage, however, not to issue any fine particle and significantly less NOx.

I am in Belgium where some 300 CNG stations are planned for the coming years 5.

I note that many manufacturers (little French unfortunately) have CNG vehicles to catalog: almost all passenger cars / vans with fiat, new CNG chassis supports VW / Audi / Skoda, Opel etc ...

Natural gas could thus have a transitional alternative to gasoline and particularly diesel, the latter being over-represented in Belgium and in most cases not justified (majority of vehicles traveling less than 20.000km / year).

I would be against a lessee of technical information such as

- Compatibility of the new generation of petrol engines with multipoint injection with the CNG. This type of motor does not pose he no problem?

- What about the possible performance gain when switching to the rich gas as is expected from us in the short term?

- Are you aware of other manufacturers ambitions in this area?

1000 thank you in advance for your thoughts and clarification! : roll:
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