It's about Surunitaire!

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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 11/10/17, 14:09

It seems important to me, at first, to re-situate this highly speculative subject.

Physical systems fall into three categories:

- isolated systems which do not exchange energy or matter with the outside
- closed systems that exchange energy with the outside
- open systems that exchange energy and matter with the outside

A system consisting of an open system + "the rest of the universe" is an isolated system.
So, according to the saying, nothing is lost or created, everything is transformed.

Any isolated physical system must obey the laws of conservation:

- Energy
- linear moment (momentum)
- angular momentum

Any real physical system is dissipative (loses energy over time, through friction, radiation ...).

An over-unitary system would produce more energy than it consumes.
The existence of super-unitary systems would allow the existence of perpetual motion: if we return to the entry of a super-unitary system a part of the energy produced at output corresponding to the energy which it has lost by dissipation, we obtain a dynamically stable system.

Now let's take a quick tour between the different types of energy we currently have:

- energy resulting from a material flow exerting pressure: wind / tidal energy, hydroelectricity, but also the radiation pressure (very low) (solar veil)
- thermal energy: fossil energy (coal, gas, oil), biomass (wood), bioenergy (biofuel, biogas, algae), solar thermal, nuclear energy (fusion / fission), geothermal energy
- electrical energy: batteries (chemical reaction of electrolysis), photovoltaic (transfer of light energy to matter accompanied by the generation of an electric current)

All these forms of energy already exist in Nature.
Fission manifests itself in the form of natural radioactivity (spontaneous disintegration).
Thermonuclear fusion is present in stars (nucleosynthesis which makes it possible to build heavy elements from hydrogen).
Living organisms produce electricity or bioluminescence (torpedo ray, organisms living in the deep sea)
Photosynthesis by combining water, CO2 and mineral and organic matter, under the action of light, produces organic matter.

Now, let us ask the question, are there any super-unitary or natural unitary systems?

You would think that geomagnetism is a good candidate. But if we look at the origin of terrestrial magnetism that can be explained by the dynamo effect created by the convective movements, due to the terrestrial rotation, of a plasma of rocks kept in fusion by the energy of the terrestrial nucleus supposed to be radioactive. So, if the thermonunlight boiler in the center of the Earth stops, the Earth loses its magnetic field (which would make all life on Earth disappear since then a certain number of highly energetic charged particles would no longer be deflected away from the Planet).
It is the disappearance of its magnetic field which probably made Mars a dead planet (if indeed life had time to get there

One could also look for perpetual movement in the secular movement of the stars. But here too, even if the celestial orbits seem immutable on a human scale, they are no less variable. Thus the Moon departs (very weakly) from the Earth.

Let us now turn to the physical processes present on the atomic scale.
There, things are different because quantum mechanics comes into play.

Electrons that are in accelerated motion around a nucleus should lose energy by radiation and crash into the nucleus.
But Heisenberg's uncertainty principle saves the day indirectly by preventing an electron in its ground state (of lower energy) from radiating.
Furthermore, this same principle allows the existence of quantum energy fluctuation which can generate virtual electron-positron pairs (e + - e-) having an extremely short lifetime from the energy of a photon before s 'annihilate.

In addition, the theory of electromagnetism teaches us that an electron has a defined mass, a negative electric charge and a moment of spin 1/2 but tells us nothing about the origin of these properties.
It also tells us that an isolated electron at rest creates a static electric field and that a permanent magnet creates a static magnetic field but nothing about the energy sources that create and maintain these fields. I think there is food for thought there.
Similarly, for the gravitational field: Newton says that everything happens as if the Earth exerts an attraction on any mass of matter, Einstein says that gravitation causes a deformation of space-time but none provides an interpretation on the origin of the gravitational field on the atomic scale.

Now let’s look at energy fluctuations.

There are two types:
- thermal fluctuations
- the residual quantum fluctuations of the vacuum which remain at the temperature of absolute zero (0 Kelvin = -273 ° C) after the disappearance of the thermal fluctuations

Since these are fluctuations, their energy is zero mean. In the case of quantum fluctuations, this results in the fact that we have the same probability of having a production or a destruction of pairs e + - e-. So no hope of extracting energy by this means ...

The energy necessary to produce a pair is very high and, once created, it is still necessary to apply an electric or magnetic field of very great intensity to overcome the attraction between the electron and the positron and to maintain the separation of the charges.
We can create such pairs from:
- the energy of a high energy photon passing at a very short distance from an atomic nucleus in order to carry out the energy to matter conversion according to the famous Einstein formula.
- of charged particles in particle accelerators (we can forget this means ...)

So, is there still hope?
Perhaps ... by relying on an opposite approach to that implemented for superconductivity which involved the attraction of electrons with the positive charge of the ions of the crystal lattice to counterbalance the electronic repulsion.
It would then be necessary to create a process in the material medium to overcome the attraction of electrons with positrons which leads to their annihilation by creating, for example, a double oscillation of positive and negative charge at high frequency in the crystal lattice to separate the charges. of the pair. The charges thus separated would then form an electronic current and a positronic current which would move in opposite directions one from the other then would annihilate.
How an electronic circuit would behave in the face of a positronic current. Here we are in the complete unknown ...
Another solution would be to stabilize these virtual pairs.
In optics and at the nanoscopic scale, we know, by non-linear parametric amplification, to convert virtual photons (coming from the vacuum) into real photons. It's a first step ...
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 11/10/17, 16:22

The possibility of creating machines with over-unit output has been a subject of controversy since the beginning of the 20th century, due to the very significant economic and strategic impacts at stake.
Most of the inventors (often electrical engineers) who explored this sector empirically were not from the scientific community and often used unconventional approaches and put forward arguments qualified as unscientific, without following an experimental protocol rigorous.
In addition, the (supposed) positive results obtained are generally not reproducible because the inventors do not have the knowledge
specifies which would allow them to reliably reproduce their prototypes and therefore be able to move from the experimental stage to the state of industrial development.

In my previous contribution, I tried to clear up this very controversial subject of power generation devices with superunit output, by proposing lines of investigation that would allow energy extraction from fluctuations in quantum vacuum .
As we have seen, this path proves to be very complex (not to say impossible) to implement.

Let us now explore a path, a priori, more promising which is based on the analogy that exists between electromagnetic theory and fluid mechanics.
This approach is all the more relevant since Maxwell originally relied on hydrodynamics to build his theory of electromagnetism.
The different magnitudes and fields appearing in electromagnetism can be associated with dynamic structures (vortex ...) which can propagate in a medium - the vacuum - modeled by a fluid.
This fluid should be compressible so as to allow the propagation of waves with a finite speed (as for acoustic waves) and without viscosity so that its deformations of the fluid take place in an adiabatic way (without heat dissipation).
Here, we hypothesize that electromagnetism is capable of affecting the very structure of the quantum vacuum, beyond its simple fluctuations.

By relying on the notion of wave-particle duality, which makes it possible to associate a wave with any particle and vice versa, we could then associate with a stable particle, like an electron, a wave of soliton type (capable of propagating on long distances, retaining its original shape and being insensitive to external disturbances).
If we are able to reproduce such a stable wave by developing a dynamic structure from the interactions of the vacuum with a properly configured material medium, which emulates the properties of an electron (mass, charge, spin) [which implies understanding the origin of these properties at the base], the initial problem is solved.

After its use by the electronic circuit, the wave will have to be destroyed in order to restore to vacuum the energy which was borrowed to him to create it.
This restitution always exists for all energy conversion processes.
For example, in the case of hydroelectric power, water is returned to the river, as are the electrons that were used to produce a
electric current find their place in the atomic network of the conductive metal after the disconnection of the power source creating the potential difference or that the ions created in an ionic engine are neutralized electrically after having produced its push.
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 12/10/17, 13:43

Quantum fluctuations are associated with a form a form of interaction between matter and radiation, via the creation of virtual pairs
particle-anti-particle (electron-positron) from the energy of virtual photons.
Their existence is allowed by the Heisenberg uncertainty principle but their lifespan is extremely short, which makes their observation
direct impossible, and their ability to interact with each other and with very low matter, and therefore the possibility of separating their charges to create extremely complex charge currents.

According to the interpretation of the Copenhagen school (which prevails in physicists) of quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle can be translated as the impossibility of simultaneously measuring the position and the speed of a quantum system due to the interaction of this system with the physical device that performs the measurements.

But this interpretation is disputed by the partisans of the stochastic (probabilistic) interpretation of quantum mechanics who attribute this phenomenon to an intrinsic reality (independent of measurement) of matter, linked to the continual interactions of atoms with the fluctuations of the voids inducing natural fluctuations in the position and speed of atoms.
On this subject, it is interesting to note that there is a formal mathematical link between the fluctuations produced by a random Brownian motion with the potentials of the Coulomb type (which one finds in electromagnetism and in the theory of gravitation).

The reinterpretation of electromagnetism from fluid mechanics allowed us to provide a hypothesis on the structure of the vacuum by modeling it as a compressible, non-viscous fluid.

If we merge these two elements, we get something even more interesting.

Indeed, the compressibility of the vacuum implies that one can increase the volume density of quantum fluctuations by confining them in a smaller volume, therefore increasing their probability of mutual interaction and their probability of interacting with electrons.
Their mutual interaction could increase their stability and allow them to organize themselves in dynamic structures, by orienting themselves like electric dipoles to create a local polarization of the vacuum and or merging between them (vortexes turning in the same direction then attract vortices rotating in opposite directions repel each other), to minimize their interaction energy by releasing energy.
Quantum fluctuations could also, by collision with electrons, transfer part of their kinetic energy to them to allow them to become conduction electrons.
These possibilities open the way to a whole wealth of new interactions between matter and radiation.

Now let's take a look at the concepts of organization and binding energy.

Atoms can join together to form a molecule, the mass of the molecule being less than the sum of the masses of the atoms
constituting it. This missing mass results from the conversion of part of the mass of atoms into energy according to the famous Einstein formula to form the chemical bonding energy.

Likewise, nucleons (protons and neutrons) combine to form atomic nuclei via nuclear bonds.

We can release this nuclear energy either:

- by breaking nuclear bonds (by bombarding atoms with neutrons): this is nuclear fission
- by merging atomic nuclei

Nuclear fusion is more interesting than nuclear fission because it allows to obtain higher amounts of energy but more
difficult to implement technically because to create a nuclear bond, you must first overcome the repulsion between the protons to be able to
bring the nuclei close enough and allow the attractive nuclear force to manifest.

For this, it is necessary to create a plasma at very high temperature and to confine this plasma to obtain the pressure and temperature conditions necessary to allow the fusion to take place.
This involves spending considerable amounts of energy which currently have to be supplied by conventional mini-nuclear power plants.

Cold fusion would offer another, much less energy-consuming route.
I remember attending a conference by Julian Schwinger on the cold fusion in the 80s where he insisted that
what was important was not the quantity of energy in itself but the density (volumic) of energy which should reach a certain threshold.
The new forms of matter-radiation interaction allowed by the compressibility of the quantum vacuum could provide the keys to achieve this objective.

Thanks to particle accelerators, physicists have drawn up an inventory of elementary particles by classifying them by family, according to their properties (mass, electric charge, spin ...) but we know nothing about the physical mechanisms that explain the values what these properties can. It is the same for the values ​​of the fundamental constants (?) Of physics.
This knowledge could ultimately allow us to build a unified model of fundamental interactions and realize the wildest dreams of science fiction (control of gravity, teleportation, instant travel, creation of artificial force fields, artificial black holes s , disintegrators ...) but also allow us to access unprecedented weapons of mass destruction.

is Humanity ready enough to experience such a revolution without taking the risk of its destruction?
I doubt...

In conclusion, I will say that what seems to me the most important to understand questions relating to "free energy" is to have imagination and to always keep an open mind (but lucid), which the Anglo-Saxons translate by the expression "think out of the Box".
I hope that the presentation of these few lines of reflection will have opened the debate.
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 12/10/17, 17:14

In most areas of physics, the concept of vacuum plays a marginal role when I think it should be central.
The vacuum could even be essential for the existence of any stable matter.
Thus, the matter would be in dynamic equilibrium with the vacuum to maintain its stability.
This leads us to a unified wave description of matter and radiation where matter appears as localized energy (soliton) and radiation as delocalized energy (or dispersed matter).

Astrophysicists tell us that the universe was born from an initial singularity of energy - the Big Bang - from which matter emerged and then condensed and organized into structures of different sizes (nebulae, stars, planetary systems , galaxies, cluster of galaxies ...) under the effect of the force of gravity.
This description poses a fundamental problem which gives rise to a great debate among astrophysicists: if matter is born from energy starting from particle-anti-particle pairs, matter and antimatter should be present in equal quantities (and we should so don't even exist).
So what has become of anti-matter? How is matter separated from anti-matter?
If this vision is correct, it tells us that there is a mechanism to extract matter from vacuum by neutralizing the anti-matter.
In addition, certain calculations attribute a gigantic energy density to vacuum. Some even go so far as to say that his energy is inexhaustible.
I think we have to be careful because nothing is infinite, eternal or inexhaustible in Nature.
We say the Universe infinite but conceptually, isn't it more comfortable? for if it were not infinite, it would be necessary to define what its limit is and to say what lies beyond this limit. The discrepancies between theory and observation of the universe have led cosmologists to postulate the existence of dark matter and dark energy composed of exotic particles. Doesn't the problem come rather from our understanding of gravitation? Are the laws of physics universal?
Likewise, particle physics treats elementary particles as material points (therefore of zero volume).
Thus an electron is considered to be punctual. If it was not, we would have to define what its internal structure is.
Calculations in quantum chromodynamics (the discipline that deals with interactions between quarks in nucleons) have shown that the eigenmass
of quarks was extremely small and that most of the mass of protons and neutrons resulted from the kinetic energy of quarks (which is very large although they are confined in very small volumes) and the energy of interaction of quarks with each other.

As we can see, the question of the interactions between matter and radiation, which is at the center of the question on "free energy," can take us very far by leading us to reflect on the origin of the properties of elementary particles (mass , electric charge, spin ...) and the links between matter and energy.
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 13/10/17, 13:46

Let us now consider the question of electrical machines with unitary efficiency on a more practical level.

Many inventors qualify their machines as receivers and amplifiers of space energy.
Nikola Tesla (the brilliant inventor of alternating current) thought that you could extract electrical energy from the Earth's magnetic field and transmit it through the air over long distances, wirelessly. Today, this type of transfer of electrical energy is developed under the name of witricity.

Many of these machines consist of antennas associated with coupled resonant electrical circuits made up of magnets, capacitors and field coils. Some inventors highlight the role played by "electrical interruptions" to explain their operation: an antenna (or a network of micro antennas) captures a very small quantity of electromagnetic energy (of geomagnetic or radio origin), accumulates it in capacitors by judiciously synchronizing the charge and discharge cycles of the capacitors and the relaxation times of the magnetic material and the phase shifts, before releasing it into the circuit, part of the energy produced being returned to its input. These machines are often started by sending an electrical pulse through the circuit or maintained by circulating a pulsating direct current. Some inventors even claim that their machine is capable of starting spontaneously (“self-starting”). How could this be possible? If the magnetic medium is initially in a metastable state, a very small external disturbance (associated with the external energy captured) could be sufficient to remove it from its equilibrium state. Moreover, we often notice the presence of coupled coils wound in the opposite direction which could serve to eliminate the magnetic component of the electromagnetic field picked up in order to reinforce its electrical component.

One might think that these machines are over-unitary, or even that they have an infinite efficiency in the case of "self-starting" machines (measured efficiency of the circuit = Electric power output / Electric power input with Electric power measured in entry into the circuit = 0).

This reasoning is incorrect because the efficiency must be calculated as the ratio between the electromagnetic energy produced and the electromagnetic energy absorbed by the circuit (difficult to measure) during the same time interval.
However, this efficiency will always be less than 1 because of the resistive losses in the circuit.
On this subject, it is interesting to note that certain inventors affirm that the temperature of the electric circuit did not increase, even drop, during the passage of the current, which suggests that, in certain cases, there would not be 'energy dissipation effects by the Joule effect, which implies that the current would not be a conventional electric current but could be associated with a form of superconduction.
In this case, we could reach yields close to 1.
A lowering of the temperature of the circuit would mean that the electrical resistance of the circuit has become negative and that the system has evolved by decreasing its entropy, towards a state of lower energy absorbing thermal energy, which cooperates with the passage of current in favoring it.

In conclusion, there are NO machines with over-unit output.
This does not mean, however, that it is impossible to convert energy from the external environment (terrestrial magnetic field, radio waves, quantum vacuum fluctuations, gravitational field, etc.) into usable electromagnetic energy.
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by Opale2sang » 13/10/17, 14:52


Of course we can harness environmental energy, it's very simple, it's the only solution if we think about it.
Tesla was a brilliant researcher, I grant you, but today we know that even if the coils do not seem to heat up, the joule and resistivity losses are there.
Cooling the coils will increase the cop of the device at the expense of the energy required for the cooling circuit I used above.
As for wireless energy, the distance decreases the power, so good ...
Besides, the real problem is that modern homes consume so much electricity that finally even with the best will you need at least a cap and solar panels to hope to see a significant saving, subject to good insulation .
We can say I think that the energy taken from the environment has reached its limits, and for the moment not really revolution to be listed there.
Or rather we are promised revolutions, and they never happen, which in itself is much worse!
Otherwise over-unity, I would rather see a remainder of chimeras to place in the mythology section ...
But it's that my opinion : roll: .
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 13/10/17, 16:31

I think that the low development of these technologies, at the level of the General Public, is explained by the importance of the economic and strategic interests at stake.

Economically, it would be bankruptcy for all national and multi-national companies that currently control the production and distribution of energy (oil, gas, nuclear ...), because with the possibility of having, for a low cost, generators enabling electricity to be supplied on demand to meet all of their domestic needs (heating, lighting, etc.), citizens would acquire their energy independence.

Strategically, mastering these advanced technologies could provide the military with new modes of electromagnetic propulsion with unlimited autonomy to equip its drones and stealth bombers as well as new weapons of mass destruction, like what happened with nuclear energy. , but with much greater destructive power.
Perhaps even prototypes implementing these technologies already exist ...
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by sen-no-sen » 13/10/17, 17:34

actinium89 wrote:I think that the low development of these technologies, at the level of the General Public, is explained by the importance of the economic and strategic interests at stake.

Economically, it would be bankruptcy for all national and multi-national companies that currently control the production and distribution of energy (oil, gas, nuclear ...), because with the possibility of having, for a low cost, generators enabling electricity to be supplied on demand to meet all of their domestic needs (heating, lighting, etc.), citizens would acquire their energy independence.

This is the classic conspiracy theory, in short, we would be hiding the truth from us to allow multinationals to continue to sell us oil.
Let's be clear, this is a bad z-series scenario ... it is impossible to hide technology for very long.

The "system" is based on the principle of exponential economic growth, the objective (if we can consider it that way, since it is a determinism) is to maximize the dissipation of energy.
If an unlimited source were discovered this one would immediately destroy the old modes of production, and the power of lobbies would not do much ... all the history of technology demonstrates it, because you have to adapt or die .

The oil companies have also understood it well by investing in "greentech", these being more flexible over time and therefore more profitable in a context of global oil depletion.

So if sururinary devices existed, its latest would have been quickly marketed and would allow us to extract more, further, longer to always make more growth. Fortunately for us its technologies are only fantasies of adolescents.

However and more seriously, many laboratories in the world are currently engaged in a fierce competition on thermonuclear fusion, and this could lead quickly (within 20/40 years) to the control of a low-polluting source and virtually unlimited ... the later the better.
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 14/10/17, 14:34

sen-no-sen wrote:
[...] thermonuclear fusion, and this one could quickly lead (within 20/40 years) to the control of a low-polluting source and virtually unlimited ... the later the better.

Why is the later the better?
Is there anything to fear from nuclear fusion?
On the contrary, would it not be urgent to control this source of energy as soon as possible, to deal with the urgency of global warming and the pollution problems (nuclear and atmospheric) which threaten human health as quickly as possible? short term ?
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Re: It's about Surunitaire!

by actinium89 » 14/10/17, 15:40

sen-no-sen wrote:
This is the classic conspiracy theory, in short, we would be hiding the truth from us to allow multinationals to continue to sell us oil.
Let's be clear, this is a bad z-series scenario ... it is impossible to hide technology for very long.

So if sururinary devices existed, its latest would have been quickly marketed and would allow us to extract more, further, longer to always make more growth. Fortunately for us its technologies are only fantasies of adolescents.

I am not an advocate of theories of conspiracy and just wanted to emphasize the economic and strategic impacts that would represent the emergence of these new technologies.

It should not be forgotten that for many years, the petroleum industry funded most of the research in the field of what was then called new energies (solar photo-voltaic ...) to ensure control of their development.
It appeared very quickly that these complementary energies, because of their dependence on climatic hazards, did not constitute a direct threat in the short term for the nuclear and oil industry. On the contrary, "free" energies, which would supply energy available on demand that do not require storage or a distribution network, would constitute a very significant threat, because they could replace all current sectors in the short term. of energy production.

When we look in perspective at the history of free energies, we see that a large number of inventions were proven frauds or turned out to be non-reproducible.
One of the only interesting cases, in my opinion, is that of the devices of Willi von Unruh (died 1937) and Hans Coler, developed in Germany between 1920 and 1942, which have been the subject of a more serious study, described in a 1946 report from the British secret services (declassified only in 1979), interested in the reproduction of a device developed in 1937 in collaboration with the military-industrial consortium of the 3rd Reich which could provide up to 6 kW of power and to be presented at the Fuhrer in 1942. Following the death in 1947 of Hans Coler, the construction of this device could not be completed. However, positive results could be obtained on a smaller device, whose structure and elements, combining magnets, induction coils and capacitors, recall those used for radio antennas.
Imagine, that we can with this type of device, capture the energy lost in the atmosphere from the electromagnetic waves produced by radio transmitters, TV, mobile telephony (which according to some would constitute electromagnetic pollution responsible for problems of health), to provide free and accessible electricity to all.

Moreover, it should be noted that currently the study of magnetic materials and the interactions of electronic spins with magnetic structures constitutes a very active field of research, boosted by the need to find new solutions for the magnetic storage of information within the framework of the development of quantum computers which gave rise to the emergence of new disciplines (spintronics, skyrmionics ...). This research could shed new light on how to understand the interactions between an electric current and a magnetic medium that could appear in "free energy" devices.
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