mounting pantone system on truck mercedes 407D

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mounting pantone system on truck mercedes 407D

View skycowboy » 08/07/08, 17:54

Hello everyone
I am Alex from Toulouse, I have a old model Mercedes 407D truck that I am almost ashamed to use today because it pollutes a lot, I would like to know if there would be someone to help me mount the pantone system on this truck and see what it gives, maybe it could be an example for other ...
if someone feels like trying the experience, i'm operational, i'm a bit of a handyman, but i would need a mentor in the field, i know a lot of people with the same model of truck, if that works properly, it would give ideas, I'm sure ...
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Re: assembly of pantone system on Mercedes 407D truck

View Flytox » 08/07/08, 19:58

Hello skycowboy
skycowboy wrote:I would like to know if there would be someone to help me mount the pantone system on this truck and see what it gives, maybe it could be an example for others

If you have read a minimum on the subject Gillier Pantome on this forum , you must have some ideas, on how to go about it and on some technical choices (reactor, bubbler, steam generator, etc.). It depends a lot on you, your knowledge, your vehicle, budget, time to spend etc ... There will be then, a lot of people on the forum ready to advise you.

skycowboy wrote:if someone feels like trying the experience, i'm operational, i'm a bit of a handyman, but i would need a mentor in the field, i know a lot of people with the same model of truck, if that works properly, it would give ideas, I'm sure ...

It is actually easier for many. So that we can help you we would need a technical description of the engine, even photos, a diagram of what you project so that we can make a constructive reading. etc ...
A + and welcome to the club. :P
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