Doping an internal combustion engine with water vapor

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View Flytox » 28/06/10, 23:16

Andre wrote:Hello
simply retract the tube behind the venturia neck, even in the middle of the neck it works, not necessary that it penetrates into it.
Certain venturie for aircraft giroscopes, it is a simple narrow slit at the neck of the venturie that syphone in the slit.

Finally I shortened the 12 mm diameter tube (put flush). I haven't tried it yet, when opening the trunk a hinge of the rear hatch broke, preventing it from opening or closing..... To repair this bag of rust it's going to be another hassle.. ....No, my cattle truck is not rotten : Mrgreen:
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View Flytox » 01/07/10, 19:15

Last edited by Flytox the 01 / 07 / 10, 22: 56, 1 edited once.
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View Flytox » 01/07/10, 22:56

Result a little "better", say - 20 millibars at 100 km/h. Well, we will have to increase the air speed to increase the depression by reducing the diameter of the passage at the neck of the venturi.... :frown: : Mrgreen: ... que_2.html
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View Other » 02/07/10, 04:20


You are quickly limited if you make a too small venturi you penalize yourself on the high speed maximum power, the engine misses a little air.
in my case I agree to penalize myself a 10kmh on the maximum speed (in any case the speed limit is 100kmh tolerance at 110mh) so the loss and I only notice it on a brutal acceleration, which interests us, c is to make the water doping work better at 110kmh, not a big deal if the tank only goes up to 170kmh instead of 180kmh..
If you have a turbo, don't throttle the intake too much, because it spins fast and it whistles like a big truck.

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View Flytox » 02/07/10, 12:57

You are quickly limited if you make a too small venturi you penalize yourself on the high speed maximum power, the engine misses a little air.
in my case I agree to penalize myself a 10kmh on the maximum speed (in any case the speed limit is 100kmh tolerance at 110mh) so the loss and I only notice it on a brutal acceleration, which interests us, c is to make the water doping work better at 110kmh, not a big deal if the tank only goes up to 170kmh instead of 180kmh..

The reduction in diameter envisaged is to go to about 24 mm. It is about half the section of the previous venturi. This is a little closer to the passage section that there was with the choke flap system installed previously to create depression. The pressure drop should still be lower and the motor should breathe with more air pressure.

For the loss of top speed, it is of no importance, I very rarely go up to 130 Km/h and never at full speed! : Mrgreen: In any case, if we reduce the air flow, trying to go all the way is to have the assurance of producing mega releases of soot, unburnt, CO and other things with or without water..... : Shock: : Mrgreen:
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View coucou789456 » 02/07/10, 13:13


you would have to put a by-pass, if only for the technical control otherwise it will be refused for the opacity of the fumes.

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View Flytox » 02/07/10, 13:53

Hello coucou789456

Not even ! At the technical inspection last March the car was equipped with the flap which limits the air flow (for high speeds) and the opacity values ​​are compliant (and without tampering / buying the technical inspection type : Mrgreen:).


They do not measure at high rpm in conditions where it could smoke (they cannot simulate full engine load).

Anyway if the car polluted more than before with the Gillier Pantonesque modifications I would not have kept them. Previously, any "serious" acceleration resulted in a plume of smoke visible in the rear view mirror when going into third gear, now this is becoming rare and difficult to produce and very inconspicuous under the same acceleration conditions. :P
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[Eugène Ionesco] ... te&no=4132
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View Other » 02/07/10, 16:21


In any case, if we reduce the air flow, trying to go all the way is to have the assurance of producing mega releases of soot, unburned matter, CO and other things with or without water.

On the 300-cylinder 5D if there is a restriction in the intake it does not smoke, even if you put the pedal to the bottom the revs rise according to the air swallowed from the engine.

the ultimate test you completely block the intake and you only fire in the reactor, pedal at the bottom, the engine barely goes up to 1200rpm without making a smoke.

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View Flytox » 02/07/10, 20:47

Your machine is more sophisticated and monitors the intake pressure to avoid high altitude problems and or problems with a slightly clogged air filter, but not mine .... it's rustic at Lucas in 1992! : Mrgreen:
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View gildas » 03/07/10, 00:42

Flytox wrote:Hello coucou789456

Not even ! At the technical inspection last March the car was equipped with the flap which limits the air flow (for high speeds) and the opacity values ​​are compliant (and without tampering / buying the technical inspection type : Mrgreen:).


They do not measure at high rpm in conditions where it could smoke (they cannot simulate full engine load).

Anyway if the car polluted more than before with the Gillier Pantonesque modifications I would not have kept them. Previously, any "serious" acceleration resulted in a plume of smoke visible in the rear view mirror when going into third gear, now this is becoming rare and difficult to produce and very inconspicuous under the same acceleration conditions. :P

Good evening everyone,

Flytox, I find your results of high opacity since my car is almost as old as yours (clio 1995,205 km during the ct)
1,9 atmo diesel engine) without water doping. I did what I could for the image!(':cheesy:') ... 1XhMur.jpg
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