sen-no-sen wrote:The counterpoints site is full of crisp articles, in particular the first, extracted from the book by Pascal bruckner The fanaticism of the Apocalypse, I quote (...)"Ecology has nowhere taken political power. Yet it dictates its laws to us like totalitarianism (...) Sorting is indeed a form of dictatorship !!!
And even funnier:
(...)Ecology is a total ideology. It brings together theses drawn from Marxism, Trotskyism or Maoism. Like other ideologies, it acts in the name of good and promises a better world. Its enemy is the individual and capitalism. It is also interesting to note that in wishing to protect the Planet he is aiming for the disappearance of Man. (...). Of course, all vilified scientific research, all technological progress is concealed. There is no salvation on the side of science.(...)
However, it seemed to me that ecology was precisely a field of science, and was therefore devoid of political character?
For the rest of the articles we would need a point by point analysis, but overall, the general idea that emerges from this site is that of someone who has no desire to change his lifestyle ... and who finds justifications are point of view in such or such publication at its convenience.
Houlà! They are heavy carpet smokers Unless they prefer the havannes ...