United States: tax credits for green energy

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United States: tax credits for green energy

View recyclinage » 10/01/10, 11:13

Barack Obama on Friday unveiled a $ 2,3 billion tax credit plan to promote green technology and boost job creation.

Barack Obama on Friday unveiled a $ 2,3 billion (1,6 billion euros) tax credit plan to promote green technology and boost job creation in the industrial sector.

The presidency said in a statement that these tax credits should allow the creation of 17.000 new jobs and trigger more than five billion dollars of additional investment in the private sector.

The plan "will help bridge the clean energy divide that has grown between America and other nations while creating good jobs, reducing carbon emissions and improving energy security". United States, says the White House.

A third of the projects benefiting from these tax credits will be completed in 2010, adds the presidency.

latribune.fr with Reuters

http://www.latribune.fr/green-business/ ... erte-.html
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